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JavaScript app for displaying annotated network graphs from the LittleSis API and other data sources


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Oligrapher 2

Oligrapher is a JavaScript app for visualizing network graphs. It allows a user to design a nice-looking network graph using a combination of imported or manually entered data, and to create a collection of annotations for a graph.

Oligrapher was originally developed by LittleSis before it was separated into a standalone library. LittleSis has a large collection of maps created with Oligrapher.

Oligrapher 2 is built with React and Redux and is bundled into a single JavaScript file that is easy to run on any web page.

Oligrapher Demo Screenshot


  • easily create and display network graphs
  • tell a story about networks with click-through series of annotations
  • add images, labels, links, and captions
  • customize graph layout by dragging nodes and edges
  • import data from LittleSis and other APIs
  • undo and redo edits to a graph
  • runs on all modern web browsers


To run Oligrapher app in a web page, include oligrapher.min.js in your page and mount the app in an HTML element:

<script src="oligrapher.min.js"></script>
var elem = document.getElementById('oligrapher');
var oli = new Oligrapher({ 
  root: elem,
  isEditor: true

Examine build/index.html in the repository for a complete example.


To run this app in development mode:

cd /var/www/
npm install
npm run dev-build

Then point your browser to the repository's build/dev.html to view a demo graph with annotations in edit mode. In development mode the React application is served by webpack with hot loading.

To include Oligrapher in a Node.js application, include the oligrapher2 node module in the app's package.json and then require it in the application code.

Data Schema

Initial data can be provided to the app with the data configuration option. If no data is provided at initialization the app will begin empty. Data consists of a graph and, optionally, an array of annotations as well as title, user, and date.

graph data should conform to the following general schema:

  id: 'NkpdQPQfx',
  nodes: {
    1: { id: 1, display: { name: "Node 1" } },
    2: { id: 2, display: { name: "Node 2" } },
    3: { id: 3, display: { name: "Node 3" } }
  edges: {
    1: { id: 1, node1_id: 1, node2_id: 2, display: { label: "Edge 1" } },
    2: { id: 2, node1_id: 2, node2_id: 3, display: { label: "Edge 2" } }
  captions: {
    1: { id: 1, display: { text: "Caption 1" } }

The id of the graph itself is optional, Oligrapher will generate it if not provided. Nodes only require an id and a name; edges also require node1_id and node2_id, which refer to the ids of the two nodes they connect. A number of optional attributes control the layout and appearance of nodes and edges. All position coordinates are relative to the center of the display area, with the x-axis increasing righward and the y-axis increasing downward.

Node Attributes

  • id: (required) an integer or string uniquely identifying the node
  • display: (required) an object with attributes related to the node's appearance
    • name: (required) a string, which will be displayed underneath the node (on multiple lines if necessary)
    • scale: relative size of node (1 is default, 1.5 is 50% wider, etc)
    • status: default is normal, can also be highlighted or faded
    • image: optional image URL
    • url: optional source URL
    • x: x-coordinate of the node's position
    • y: y-coordinate of the node's position

Edge Attributes

  • id: (required) an integer or string uniquely identifying the edge
  • node1_id: (required) equal to the first node's id
  • node2_id: (required) equal to the second node's id
  • display: (required) an object with attributes related to the edge's appearance
    • label: (required) label appearing above the edge
    • url: optional source URL
    • scale: relative thickness of edge (1 is default, 2 is twice as thick, etc)
    • status: default is normal, can also be highlighted or faded
    • arrow: Direction of the arrow: 'left', 'right', 'both' or false (default is false)
    • dash: the kind of dash displayed in edge's line (default is null, a solid line)
    • cx: x-coordinate of the control point for the edge's quadratic Bezier curve, relative to the midpoint of the straight line between the two nodes (if not specified, this is computed to display a slight curve)
    • cy: y-coordinate of the control point for the edge's quadratic Bezier curve, relative to the midpoint of the straight line between the two nodes (if not specified, this is computed to display a slight curve)fa

Caption Attributes

  • id: (required) an integer or string uniquely identifying the caption
  • display: (required) an object with attributes related to the captions's appearance
    • text: (required) the caption's text content
    • x: x-coordinate of the caption's position
    • y: y-coordinate of the caption's position

Annotation Attributes

The annotations array should conforms to the following schema:

    header: "The Revolving Door", 
    text: "Goldman Sachs has many former executives with top positions in the federal government.", 
    nodeIds: [...], 
    edgeIds: [...], 
    captionIds: [...] 
    header: "Treasury Department", 
    text: "Former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin was co-chair of Goldman before joining the Clinton Administration in 1993." , 
    nodeIds: [...], 
    edgeIds: [...], 
    captionIds: [] 
  • header: (required) a header to be displayed above the annotation
  • text: (required) the text body of the annotation, with optional HTML markup
  • nodeIds: (required) an array of ids of nodes to highlight from the underlying graph (can be empty)
  • edgeIds: (required) an array of ids of edges to highlight from the underlying graph (can be empty)
  • captionIds: (required) an array of ids of captions to highlight from the underlying graph (can be empty)

If no node, edge, or captions are highlighted, the graph will have its normal appearance when viewing the annotation. If there are highlights, non-highlighted content will appear faded.



Returns an Oligrapher instance within a specified root DOM element and accepts other configuration options.

var elem = document.getElementById('#oligrapher');
var data = getDataFromSomeWhere();
var config = { 
  root: elem,   // DOM element to mount Oligrapher within
  data: data,   // initial graph data to load and display (null by default)
  isEditor: true,   // if true, clicking nodes or edges selects them; if false, clicking highlights (false by defaut)
  isLocked: false,   // if true, nodes and edges cannot be dragged by the user
  isEmbedded: false // if true, the oligrapher is set to be in 'embedded' mode
  viewOnlyHighlighted: false,   // center viewbox around highlighted content
  dataSource: LsDataSource,   // API wrapper for importing nodes and edges from a data source, see build/LsDataSource.js for an example
  user: { name: "Kevin", url: "" },   // optional author data to display
  date: "August 30, 2015",   // optional date data to display
  url: "", // optional url for the graph title to link to
  startAnnotation: 0,   // index of annotation to load initially
  showSaveButton: true,   // show a save button
  onSave: function(data) { console.log(data); },   // callback triggered by save button
  onNav: function(index) { console.log("navigating to annotation " + String(index)); },   // callback triggered by annotation navigation buttons
  links: [
    { text: "some", url: "" },
    { id: "exampleLink", text: "example", url: "" },
    { method: "POST", text: "clone", url: "http://lilsis.local/maps/118-satoshi/clone" }
  ],   // links to display beside the title, author, and date; text attributes are required, url, id, method, and target attributes are optional
  settings: {
    is_private: false,
    is_featured: false
  },   // checkboxes with initial values to appear on the settings screen; settings are included in data setn to onSave callback
  logActions: false   // for development purposes, logs all Redux actions to the browser console

var oli = new Oligrapher(config);


Imports data into Oligrapher and displays it. Existing Oligrapher data will be overwritten.


Returns a snapshot of the current data, including graph, annotations, title, and settings. This data can be imported later to display the identical graph.


Returns a snapshot of the graph data with highlights applied.


Returns the currently displayed annotation.


Displays the annotation with the given index in the annotations array.


Zooms in by 20%. This can be triggered with the keyboard shortcut ctrl+equals.


Zooms out by 20%. This can be triggered with the keyboard shortcut ctrl+minus.


Resets the zoom to the default level (1.00).


Adds given node to graph. Node must conform to data schema described above. Returns id of new node.


Adds given edge to graph. Edge must conform to data schema described above. Returns id of new edge.


Adds given caption to graph. Caption must conform to data schema described above. Returns id of new caption.


Deletes the node with the given id and any edges connected to it from the current graph.


Deletes the edge with the given id from the current graph.


Deletes the caption with the given id from the current graph.


Deletes all nodes, edges, and captions from the graph, as well as all annotations.


Returns the displayed graph filtered to only highlighted nodes, edges, and captions.


Returns an object with the ids of the currently selected nodes, edges, and captions. NOTE: selection is only enabled when isEditor: true is present in the config object at initialization. Unlight highlighting, selection does not alter a graph's data; it is used only for editing purposes.


Clears selection.


Deletes the currently selected nodes, edges, and captions, as well as any other edges connected to the deleted nodes. This can be triggered with the keyboard shortcut ctrl+d.

updateNode(nodeId, data)

Merges the provided data into the node specified by nodeId. Null data fields will erase those fields in the node.

updateEdge(edgeId, data)

Merges the provided data into the edge specified by edgeId. Null data fields will erase those fields in the edge.

updateCaption(captionId, data)

Merges the provided data into the caption specified by captionId. Null data fields will erase those fields in the caption.


Removes all nodes that aren't connected by edges to other nodes.


Arranges all nodes in a circle.

Data Sources

In order to add nodes from an external data source from within the Oligrapher editor UI, you must pass a valid data source object to the dataSource configuration option. See build/LsDataSource.js for an example data source that fetches nodes and edges from the LittleSis API.

If you want to create your own data source object, it must implement the following API:

findNodes(text, callback)

This function accepts a search string and passes a resulting array of nodes (conforming to the Data Schema above) to the given callback function. Each node in the array must have an id that can be provided to getNodeWithEdges() below.

getNodeWithEdges(nodeId, nodeIds, callback)

This function accepts the id of a new node to be added to the graph, an array of node ids already in the graph, and a callback. It should return an object with a node and an array of edges conforming to the Data Schema above. The id of the resulting node should be equal to the provided nodeId and the resulting edges should each connect the node to one of the existing nodes in the graph (i.e., for each edge, either node1_id or node2_id is equal to nodeId, and the other one belongs to nodeIds).

getConnectedNodes(nodeId, nodeIds, options, callback)

This function returns an array of new nodes connected to an existing node in the graph, as well as an array of edges that connect the new nodes to the existing node. It accepts the id of the existing node, an array of node ids already in the graph (so that duplicate nodes are not returned), an optional options hash, and a callback.


This attribute of the data source object should provide a hash of keys and possible values to be passed as the options object to getConnectedNodes. The Oligrapher editor UI will display a drop-down menu for each key.

Editing Guide

Use the editor to create a network graph along with an optional series of annotations overlaying the graph. Annotations consists of a title, a text body, and a highlighted section of the graph.

The pencil button swaps between graph editing mode and annotation editing mode. It will appear green when editing the graph and yellow when editing annotations.

Graph Editing Mode

Type a name in the "add node" box and press enter to add the node to the graph. If Oligrapher is connected to an external data source, nodes from the data source matching the name you type will appear below; click on them to add them to the graph.

ALT+C opens a form for adding a new caption in the top right of the graph.
CLICK a node, edge, or caption to select or deselect it.
SHIFT+CLICK to select mutiple nodes, edges, or captions.

Select a single node, edge, or caption to view an editing form in the top-right corner of the map. Changes you make in the form will upate the item immediately.

The CIRCLE button arranges nodes in a circle.
The PRUNE button removes unconnected nodes.
The CLEAR button deletes all content from the graph.
The HELP button displays this user guide.

Annotation Editing Mode

Annotations are edited using the sidebar on the right. Click the big "A" button to hide or show the sidebar.

Click the NEW ANNOTATION button create a new annotation and display a form for editing it. Select text in the annotation body input to display a formatting toolbar. Click on any annotation title in the list to edit it. A REMOVE button at the bottom of the edit form will delete the annotation. When editing an annotation, click on nodes, edges, or captions from the graph to highlight them in that annotation. Drag annotaions up and down the list to reorder them.

Shortcut Keys

LEFT & RIGHT ARROWS navigate to the previous and next annotations.
ALT+H toggles this user guide.
ALT+H swaps the editing mode between graph editing and annotations.
ALT+D deletes selected nodes and edges.
ALT+E adds an edge. Selected nodes will be auto-populated in the form.
ALT+C adds a caption.

If ALT keys interfere with your browser or operating system shortcuts, all of the above shortcuts will work with CTRL instead of ALT.

CTRL+"=" zooms in. CTRL+"-" zooms out. CTRL+0 resets zoom.

ESC closes all forms and deselects graph content.


This is a display-only mode intended to be used inside an iFrame. You can use some of the same options as the normal oligrapher mode. To enable embedded mode, you include the option:isEmbbedded = true .

There are additional embedded-specific configurations that can be included in an options objects. If not included, defaults will be used. See example configuration:


Returns an Oligrapher instance within a specified root DOM element and accepts other configuration options.

var config = { 
  root: document.getElementById('#oligrapher'),   // DOM element to mount Oligrapher within
  data: getDataFromSomeWhere(),   // graph data to load and display
  isEditor: false 
  isLocked: true,
  showSaveButton: false,
  isEmbedded: true // set this to true to enable embedded mode
  user: { name: "Kevin", url: "" },   // optional author data to display
  date: "August 30, 2015",
  startAnnotation: 0,
  embedded: {
	  headerPct: 10, // percentage of height taken up by the header
	  annotationPct: 25, // percentage of width taken up by the annoations
	  logoUrl: 'https://link_to_logo' // optional logo to display in right hand corner
	  linkUrl: 'https://link_to_view_on_littlesis' // optional link & text to display at bottom

var oli = new Oligrapher(config);


JavaScript app for displaying annotated network graphs from the LittleSis API and other data sources







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  • JavaScript 94.1%
  • CSS 5.4%
  • HTML 0.5%