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chrisd1100 edited this page Aug 25, 2022 · 1 revision

Poll the global HTTP thread pool for a response.

MTY_Async MTY_HttpAsyncPoll(
    uint32_t   index,
    void **    response,
    size_t *   size,
    uint16_t * status


index (uint32_t)

The thread index acquired in MTY_HttpAsyncRequest.

response (void **)

Set to the response body, or NULL if there is no response body.

size (size_t *)

Set to the response body size, or 0 if there is no response body.

status (uint16_t *)

Set to the HTTP response status code.

Return value


MTY_ASYNC_OK means the request has finished and response, size, and status are valid. These values will remain valid until MTY_HttpAsyncClear is called on the thread index.

MTY_ASYNC_DONE means there is no request currently pending.

MTY_ASYNC_CONTINUE means the request is still in progress.

MTY_ASYNC_ERROR means an error has occurred. Call MTY_GetLog for details.

Platform support

Windows   macOS   Android   Linux   Web  

See also

Module: Net

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