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UT React component library ut-prime

This module implements React components, for use in building web applications with the UT framework. The library exports wrapped PrimeReact components and also locally developed components, which are called UT components.

The idea of wrapped components is to have a central place to handle tasks like:

  • Controlling used versions of external components
  • Fixing bugs
  • Extending external components with additional functionality

The idea of UT components is to create components for functionality not available in PrimeReact or higher order components based on existing ones.

All the UT components must follow these rules:

  • Implemented as function components
  • Written in TypeScript, to enable parameter checking during usage.
  • Have a file, with basic usage instructions.
  • Have a .stories.tsx file, with example usage.
  • Have a .test.tsx file, with unit test.
  • Have a .types.tsx file, with a type definition of component's parameters
  • Use Material-UI's styling solution, based on JSS, where applicable.


The library is published in a transpiled form, in commonJS format, so that it can be used with Webpack, but without the need to use Babel.

Import individual components using this pattern:

import SomeComponent from 'ut-prime/core/SomeComponent';

Check files of the components for further info. A link to the storybook of all components is available in the project links below.

Project links

Library development tasks

  1. Test components in storybook, with React fast refresh:

    npm run storybook
  2. Run automated unit tests locally before pushing to git:

    npm run jest


    node runjest
  3. Expose a wrapped PrimeReact component:

    Add it to ./src/components/prime/index.ts

  4. Create a new UT component:

    npm run generate:component ComponentName
    • Implement the component's logic in the files in the folder src/components/ComponentName
    • Export the new component in src/components/index.ts
    export { default as ComponentName } from './ComponentName';

Advanced dev patterns

  • When cloned in the dev folder within an implementation:

    • remove the react and react-dom dependencies from package.json
    • run npm install within ut-prime
    • run npm start within ut-prime to rebuild on each change
    • run webpack in the implementation
  • When cloned in ut/ut/node_modules, only install these dependencies:
