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sonic version

lguohan edited this page Apr 27, 2017 · 1 revision

SONiC Versioning

Daily build

Daily builds are available for a user based on a latest version of sonic-buildimage.

Version format for development build

                  |                |  
             Branch Name       Build number  
  • Branch Name - branch name in buildimage
  • Build number - up to 4 characters indicating official build number, e.g. 135. Incremented on every official build by Jenkins.
  • Hash - commit ID in buildimage. If there are uncommitted local changes, this field will be "dirty" string.

Official release

SONiC follows quarterly release strategy.

Version format for official release

                     Minor version  
              Major version
  • Major version - 4 characters indicating release year and 2 characters indicating release month.
  • Minor version - up to 2 characters indicating patch number.
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