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Passbolt is an open source password manager for teams.

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The open-source password management solution for teams
(c) 2016 Bolt Softwares Pvt Ltd

About Passbolt

Passbolt is an open source password manager for teams. It allows to securely share and store credentials. For instance, the wifi password of your office, or the administrator password of a router, or your organisation social media account password, all of them can be secured using Passbolt.

Passbolt is different from the other password managers because:

  • It is free & open source;
  • It is respectful of privacy;
  • It is primarily designed for teams and not individuals;
  • It is based on OpenGPG, a proven cryptographic standard;
  • It is easy to use for both novice and IT professionals alike.
  • It is extensible thanks to its restful API

Find out more more :

In a glimpse

![Passwords list]( ![Passwords list]( ![Passwords list](

Getting started


You will need firefox browser with the passbolt plugin. Passbolt is compatible with firefox only at the moment. The plugin repository is here :

You will need a webserver with SSL and url rewriting enabled :

You will need to install php5 and the following modules directly or using pear/pecl:

The following modules are greatly recommended :

For testing, code styling and coverage :

Getting the code

Clone the repository and associated submodules

	git clone
	cd passbolt


Copy the core configuration file, change the cypher seed and salt

	cp app/Config/core.php.default app/Config/core.php

Copy the database configuration file and edit the database name and credentials

	cp app/Config/database.php.default app/Config/database.php
	nano app/Config/database.php

Copy the app configuration file and check the settings

	cp app/Config/app.php.default app/Config/app.php

Set the email settings to be able to send emails

	nano app/Config/email.php


By default passbolt is configured to force an SSL connection. We recommend that you install https on your server. By default if you don't have https configured on your host, passbolt will not be able to work. To change this setting, edit /app/Config/app.php and set the parameter App.force_ssl to false. Keep in mind that this setting will render your installation unsecure and should be used for development or testing only.

Installation script

Run the install script from the cakephp root with the data flag set if you want to install the test data add the relevant parameter.

  cd ..
	./app/Console/cake install [--data=[default|unittests|seleniumtests]]

Check if it works!

Emails settings

Emails are placed in a queue that needs to be processed by a CakePhp Shell. To do so, execute the following command from your app folder :

	Console/cake EmailQueue.sender

You can also see the corresponding documentation here:

Or launch it at regular intervals through cron. For example in :

	crontab -e

You can add a call to the script to run every minutes:

	* * * * * /var/www/passbolt/app/Console/cake EmailQueue.sender > /var/log/passbolt.log

See more:

Frequently Asked Questions

Why am I getting a segmentation fault at install?

It is possible that your $GNUPGHOME is not set or not available to either the php CLI or Apache users thus causing a segmentation fault.

  • Check app.php if you don't have ssh access, it can be set at run time with GPG.env.home variable.
  • Make sure the directory is accessible and writable for these users or run the php cli with www-data rights:
	su -s /bin/bash -c "/var/www/passbolt/app/Console/cake install" www-data

Why are images not displayed in the emails?

For images that are send in emails, we need to tell cakephp what is the base url. To fix this, add/uncomment this line in Config/core.php

	Configure::write('App.fullBaseUrl', 'http://{your domain without slash}');

How to edit the LESS/CSS files?

All the less and css files of passbolt are managed through a styleguide.

Any modification in the style has to be first implemented in the styleguide.

To deploy the styleguide :

Install grunt and grunt

	npm install -g grunt-cli

Install the needed modules defined in the grunt config

	npm install

Install the styleguide

	grunt styleguide-deploy

Make sure Grunt watch for less changes and compile them into CSS

	grunt watch

Edit one LESS file to see if it works! Make sure that if you need to make change to the styleguide to fork or request changes to be included upstream.

How do I run the unit tests?

To execute the test suite, you will need to install phpunit. The simplest way is to do it through composer.

composer install

Make sure Debug is set to at least 1 in Config/app.php You can then go to test.php and run the tests from there. For example: http://localhost/passbolt/test.php

How do I run the selenium tests?

Passbolt is provided with a suite of selenium tests.

The selenium test suite is available in a separate project :

How to regenerate the fixtures?

The fixtures are generated from the Data shell and plugins tasks. It is better you change the unit tests data tasks, install the data set and rexport the content as fixtures.

./app/Console/cake install --data=unittests
./app/Console/cake data export

Note that the tests are tightly coupled with the data. If you change it you may need to change the tests. You can add more record safely of course.

How to update the PHP libraries

To update the PHP libraries, go to /app, and

	composer install --no-dev

Then execute all the unit tests and selenium tests, and if everything passes it can be commited and pushed on the git repo.

How to update the Javascript libraries

	npm install && npm update
	grunt lib-deploy

Then execute all the selenium tests, and if everything passes it can be commited and pushed on the git repo.

How do I recompile the Javascript build?

Install grunt if it hasn't yet been installed

	npm install -g grunt-cli

Install the needed modules defined in the grunt config

	npm install

Prepare the production release

	grunt production

CSS minified files should have been generated as the Javascript minified file.

How do I check the code standards?

To run the sniffs for CakePHP coding standards, first you need to install the dev-dependencies with composer. Make sure you use the 1.* branch of the cakephp sniffs otherwise the new Cakephp3/PSR2 standards will apply. It depends on phpcs version 1.* as well and not the latest releases.

    composer require --dev "cakephp/cakephp-codesniffer=1.*"

Then let phpcs where to find the cakephp sniffs

    Vendor/bin/phpcs --config-set installed_paths Vendor/cakephp/cakephp-codesniffer

The you can run it like follow:

     Vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=CakePHP app/path/to/something


Passbolt Team Rocket

Design and programming :

Special thanks: Ismail, Myriam, Aurelie, Anhad, Shruti, Arthur, Janosh, Diego!


Terms of service

Privacy Policy


Passbolt is an open source password manager for teams.






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  • JavaScript 51.7%
  • PHP 44.5%
  • HTML 3.5%
  • CSS 0.3%
  • Shell 0.0%
  • Batchfile 0.0%