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Selected Topics in Audio Signal Processing - Exercises

  • static web pages (using nbviewer)

  • interactive web based (using mybinder)

  • for local usage create a conda environment (mystiasp), clone the git repository and start jupyter notebook or jupyter lab

    • created with conda 4.9.2
    • currently we rely on some older matplotlib version
    • conda create -n mystiasp python=3.7.8 pip=20.2.4 numpy=1.19.4 scipy=1.5.3 matplotlib=3.1.3 jupyter=1.0.0 notebook=6.1.5 jupyterlab=2.2.9 pydocstyle=5.1.1 pycodestyle=2.6.0 autopep8=1.5.4 flake8=3.8.4 ipykernel=5.3.4 nb_conda=2.2.1 jupyter_nbextensions_configurator=0.4.1 jupyter_contrib_nbextensions=0.5.1
    • conda activate mystiasp
    • we need to install pip packages since conda does not have them:
    • pip install soundfile==0.10.3.post1
    • pip install sounddevice==0.4.1
    • python3 -m pip install sfs==0.5.0 --user
    • make sure that the kernel is accesible for the notebooks:
    • python -m ipykernel install --user --name mystiasp --display-name "mystiasp"
    • now clone the repo:
    • cd git or whatever is a good root folder
    • git clone
    • cd selected-topics-in-audio-signal-processing-exercises/
    • jupyter notebook index.ipynb or jupyter lab index.ipynb
    • make sure that mystiasp kernel is used for the notebooks
    • have fun with the playgrounds


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This is supposed to be an Open Educational Resource (OER).