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To avoid port conflict between my tests and my running demon, the main app runs under 🚀 Server ready at http://localhost:5000/graphql (notice port 5000).

You can run this project with yarn install to install the dependencies and then yarn run start or yarn run demon

Note on authentification

Authentification was supposed to be already effective. Thus, I added in apollo Server configuration a context callback that will automatically log you as "user2". In a real production context, a complete authentification system, using jwt, etc, should be used instead.

Assumptions and choices:

  • The term "forums" will be used instead of "fora" because it better matches the list naming convention (adding an "s" at the end)
  • Two forums cannot have the same name. This allows forum creation to use names to verify if the forum already exists.
  • Since a database wasn't required, I directly load a .json file in the server memory. Data is modified directly by a mutation resolver. The code is thus longer than it would have been with database queries. For example, I have to generate a new ID by hand when a forum is added to the "database".
  • SendingTime is computed server-side. This way, we simplify client mutation queries, we simplify time zone handling, we prevent users from sending a message to prior times (thus modifying chat history), and messages are already stored in order.
  • I decided to implement a pagination system for messages. I could have gone for an offset system, but cursor-based pagination is now a "best practice" and allows more flexibility. Even though cursors usually are strings, an Int is enough because of the messages data structure.

Extra Packages

Except for linters and prettier, and ts-dev (faster than nodemon), I did not use any extra package


I added several tests in the tests folder. They ensure that every requirement of the specs is fulfilled. I'm using jest so you can run yarn run test or npm run test to check that everything is working well.

Github Actions

A .github folder can be found at the root of the project. A yml configuration file inside runs whenever this branch is pushed. Jest action launches the test files. Thus, we can quickly verify that integration is not broken. (CI)


The following schema is taken from the inspector page available thanks to the apollo server. I provide below the full retrieved schema, but

  • directive @cacheControl
  • CacheControlScope
  • Upload

are not shown here because they were automatically created by apollo. (The SDL file can be found under src/schema/type-defs.ts)

  DateTime custom scalar type compliant with iso 8601
  scalar DateTime

  The schema's root query type
  type Query {
    Retrieve all existing forums
    forums: [Forum]!

    Retrieve forum having a specific ID
    forum(id: ID!): Forum

    Retrieve the current logged User
    me: User

  The schema's root mutation type
  type Mutation {
    Create a new Forum if it doesn't already exist
    createForum(input: createForumInput!): Forum

    Join an existing forum having the given ID
    joinForumByID(input: joinForumByIDInput!): Forum

    Join an existing forum having the given Name
    joinForumByName(input: joinForumByNameInput!): Forum

    create a new message
    createMessage(input: createMessageInput!): Message

  ## Pagination -----------------------

  Page Information to perform cursor-based pagination
  type PageInfo {
    True if a previous page exits
    hasPreviousPage: Boolean!

    True if a next page exists
    hasNextPage: Boolean!

    Cursor of the first node returned
    startCursor: Int!

    Cursor of the last node returned
    endCursor: Int!

  ## FORUM ----------------------------

  A Forum
  type Forum {
    id: ID!
    name: String!
    Members of this Forum
    members: [User]!
    A cursor-based navigation object to paginate over forum messages
    messages(first: Int!, after: Int): MessageConnection

  Required fields to createForum
  input createForumInput {
    forumName: String!

  Required fields to joinForumByID
  input joinForumByIDInput {
    forumID: ID!

  Required fields to joinForumByName
  input joinForumByNameInput {
    forumName: String!

  ## MESSAGE --------------------------

  A message
  type Message {
    text: String!
    sender: User!
    The sending time of this message, computed when the message reaches the server
    sendingTime: String!

  Required fields to createMessage
  input createMessageInput {
    The text content of the message
    text: String!
    The forumId of the forum targeted by this message
    forumID: String!

  A connection object for a cursor-based pagniation over Messages
  type MessageConnection {
    Total number of messages
    totalCount: Int

    Edge for a cursor-based pagination over messages
    edges: [MessageEdge]!

    Info to paginate over received mesages
    pageInfo: PageInfo!

  Edge for a cursor-based pagination over messages
  type MessageEdge {
    The cursor identifying a single message
    cursor: Int!

    Node containing a single Message
    node: Message!

  ## USER -----------------------------
  A user
  type User {
    name: String!
    image: String!
    The list of forums where this user is a member
    forums: [Forum]


No description, website, or topics provided.






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