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Reinforcement Learning based Alzheimer's Disease Progression Model

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Reinforcement learning-based disease progression model for Alzheimer's disease

Tensorflow implementation for the Alzheimer's disease progression model combining differential equations and reinforcement learning [published at NeurIPS 2021] (link)


We model Alzheimer’s disease (AD) progression by combining differential equations (DEs) and reinforcement learning (RL) with domain knowledge. DEs provide relationships between some, but not all, factors relevant to AD. We assume that the missing relationships must satisfy general criteria about the working of the brain, for e.g., maximizing cognition while minimizing the cost of supporting cognition. This allows us to extract the missing relationships by using RL to optimize an objective (reward) function that captures the above criteria. We use our model consisting of DEs (as a simulator) and the trained RL agent to predict individualized 10-year AD progression using baseline (year 0) features on synthetic and real data. The model was comparable or better at predicting 10-year cognition trajectories than state-of-the-art learning-based models. Our interpretable model demonstrated, and provided insights into, "recovery/compensatory" processes that mitigate the effect of AD, even though those processes were not explicitly encoded in the model. Our framework combines DEs with RL for modelling AD progression and has broad applicability for understanding other neurological disorders.

Framework for modeling AD progression. (A) Relationship between brain size, brain activity, information processing, and cognition (B) Framework for AD progression that combines differential equations with reinforcement learning


Required packages

  1. OpenAI Gym (0.17.2)
  2. Garage Framework (2020.06.3)
  3. Tensorflow (2.2.0)
  4. Numpy
  5. Pandas

Create a new python environment using anaconda/miniconda and use the following command to install required packages in that environment

pip install -r requirements.txt

Repository structure

  • dataset: sample input data files along with associated parameter files (e.g.: synthetic data (synthetic_split0.xls) and real-world ADNI data (adni_split0.xls))
  • models: stores the trained models under subfolders created based on input parameter combination
  • notebooks: notebooks used for parameter estimation of differential equations and simulating synthetic data
  • output: stores the cognition trajectories generated after evaluation (cognition plots and related values in excel file)
  • src: code for RL model and gym environment

How to use this repo

Parameter estimation

  1. Use the file notebooks/ParameterEstimation.ipynb
  2. Specify the input and output file names appropriately. Input file should contain longitudinal multimodal data of individuals with columns subject ID, visit number, features, cognition. Check out sample file for an example.
  3. Follow the steps in the notebook. It will generate the parameters for the data and store it in an excel/csv file in dataset/processed folder. (e.g. adni_split0_parameters.xls)

Running the model

Here we desribe the steps to run train the model once the parameters have been estimated. Example is shown using the sample ADNI data adni_split0.xls provided in dataset/processed/ folder. To train the RL agent with various parameter configurations described in the paper, use the following command. The base configuration of parameters is stored in src/brain.json file.

cd src
python configs/

Edit the NUM_THREADS variable in according to your local machine. Train the agents by executing the following command in src folder

python configs/train_configs

A subfolder is created under models and output folders corresponding to each hyperparameter combination. The subfolder name is defined as follows:

{data_type}_{data split}_{RL algorithm}_{max time horizon in years}_{baseline cognition frontal}_{RL action type}_{gamma type(variable/fixed)}_{gamma}_{epochs}_{batch size}_{action bound}_{cognition initialization}_{RL discount factor}_{lambda}_{training iterations}_{energy model (inverse or inverse-squared)}_{cognition score to use(ADAS, MMSE)}_{RL network hidden layer size}

Example: adni_split0_TRPO_11_7.0_delta_fixed_1.0_1000_1000_2.0_fixed_full_1.0_1.0_11_inverse_MMSE_32

Energy model corresponds to how Yv is modeled as a function of Xv and Iv. We experimented with two models:

  • Inverse model:
  • Inverse-squared model:

The models folder stores training progress using tensorboard events and the trained RL model as params.pkl. Browse the output folder to view the results of the experiment. Also, the MAE and MSE values across all subjects in a train/val/test fold are saved in output/results_adni.csv and output/results_synthetic.csv files.

Evaluating a trained model

cd src
python configs/

Edit the NUM_THREADS variable in the according to your local machine. Evaluate the trained RL model by executing the following command in src folder

python configs/eval_configs

Browse the output folder to view the results of the experiment. An example excel file named adni_split0_TRPO_11_7.0_delta_fixed_1.0_1000_1000_2.0_fixed_full_1.0_1.0_11_inverse_MMSE_32.xlsx has been included for patient cohort in adni_split0.xls. The output excel file has following columns:

Input Variables (Ground-truth)

Column Name Description
RID Patient ID
VISCODE Baseline (bl) or month of measurement (mXX)
Years Year of clinical measurement
DX_bl/ DX_bl_num Type of cognitive impairment (EMCI, CN, LMCI, SMC)
CurAGE Patient's age
PTGENDER/ PTGENDER_num Gender (Male/Female)
PTEDUCAT Years of education
APOEPOS Presence of APOE ε4 gene
MMSE_norm, ADAS11_norm, ADAS13_norm Normalized MMSE, ADAS11, ADAS13 scores
mri_FRONTAL_norm, mri_HIPPO_norm Normalized Frontal/Hippocampal region size - X(t)
FRONTAL_SURV, HIPPOCAMPAL_SUVR Instantaneous amyloid accumulation in Frontal/Hippocampal regions - D(t)
cogsc Cognition score (MMSE in our case)

Estimated parameters for differential equations

Column Name Description
beta_estm parameter for amyloid propagation
tpo_estm Actual pathology time-period at baseline (CurAGE - 50)
alpha1_estm for brain degeneration
alpha2_gamma_estm for computing activity Y(t)

Variables computed using estimated DE parameters and information allocation by RL model

Column Name Description
reg1_info_rl Information processed by frontal region
reg2_info_rl Information processed by hippocampal region
reg1_fdg_rl Frontal energy consumption
reg2_fdg_rl Hippocampal energy consumption
reg1_mri_rl Frontal region size
reg2_mri_rl Hippocampal region size
reg1_D_rl Frontal instantaneous amyloid accumulation
reg2_D_rl Hippocampal instantaneous amyloid accumulation using estimated DE parameters and information allocation by RL model
beta_rl, alpha1_rl, alpha2_rl, gamma_rl Parameters used by RL model for the DE-based simulator
cogsc_rl Cognition score computed by RL (reg1_info_rl + reg2_info_rl)

Evaluating the effect of missing values on parameter estimation

  1. Use the file notebooks/MissingData_ParameterEstimation.ipynb and follow steps therein.

Evaluating benchmark model: Proposed model without RL

  1. Use the file notebooks/SimulateModelwoRL.ipynb and follow the steps therein.
  2. Make sure to specify the appropriate file name for data along with parameter estimates.

Evaluating statistical relationship between individualized parameter estimates and demographic variables

  1. Use the file src/models/
  2. Modify the input and output file names and paths appropriately.
  3. Run the file from the command line with no arguments.


If you use the provided code or results in your research, please use the following BibTeX entry to cite our work.

  title={Reinforcement Learning based Disease Progression Model for Alzheimer’s Disease},
  author={Saboo, Krishnakant and Choudhary, Anirudh and Cao, Yurui and Worrell, Gregory and Jones, David and Iyer, Ravishankar},
  journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},


Reinforcement Learning based Alzheimer's Disease Progression Model






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  • Python 67.2%
  • Jupyter Notebook 32.8%