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Stacklet CLI


$ pip install stacklet.client.platform


To get started, use the auto-configure command to initialize the CLI configuration by supplying the prefix or URL associated with an instance of the Stacklet platform:

# Using a complete console URL
stacklet-admin auto-configure --url

# Using a base domain
stacklet-admin auto-configure --url

# Using just a deployment prefix (assumes a suffix)
stacklet-admin auto-configure --prefix myorg

This will create a configuration file in ~/.stacklet/config.json.

Logging In

With Single Sign-On

Use the login command with no arguments to start an SSO login:

stacklet-admin login

This will open a browser window and log in via SSO. Once the login is successful in the browser, the window may automatically close.

Without Single Sign-On

Provide a username to the login command to bypass SSO:

stacklet-admin login --username test-user

This will prompt for a password. It is also possible to use the --password argument to avoid the prompt, though that is a less secure option as it can expose the password through command history and process listings.

Running Commands

Commands are grouped into command groups, for example, all the commands relating to accounts can be found by running the following command:

stacklet-admin account --help
Usage: stacklet-admin account [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Query against and Run mutations against Account objects in Stacklet.

  Define a custom config file with the --config option

  Specify a different output format with the --output option


      $ stacklet account --output json list

  -v                           Verbosity level, increase verbosity by
                               appending v, e.g. -vvv

  --api TEXT                   If set, --cognito-user-pool-id, --cognito-
                               client-id, --cognito-region, and --api must
                               also be set.

  --cognito-region TEXT        If set, --cognito-user-pool-id, --cognito-
                               client-id, --cognito-region, and --api must
                               also be set.

  --cognito-client-id TEXT     If set, --cognito-user-pool-id, --cognito-
                               client-id, --cognito-region, and --api must
                               also be set.

  --cognito-user-pool-id TEXT  If set, --cognito-user-pool-id, --cognito-
                               client-id, --cognito-region, and --api must
                               also be set.

  --output [|plain|json|yaml]  Ouput type
  --config TEXT
  --help                       Show this message and exit.

  add     Add an account to Stacklet
  list    List cloud accounts in Stacklet
  remove  Remove an account from Stacklet
  show    Show an account in Stacklet

Then run the command:

stacklet-admin account list
    - node:
        description: null
        id: account:aws:123456789012
        key: '123456789012'
        name: Sandbox Sonny
        path: null
        provider: AWS
        securityContext: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/dev-stacklet-execution
        shortName: null
        tags: null
        variables: null
      endCursor: eJxTMlQCAADtAHY=
      hasNextPage: false
      hasPreviousPage: false
      startCursor: eJxTMlQCAADtAHY=


For commands that utilize pagination, select the next page by running the following command:

stacklet-admin account list --after "eJxTMlQCAADtAHY="
    edges: []
      endCursor: ''
      hasNextPage: false
      hasPreviousPage: true
      startCursor: ''

The value of --after should be the value of the endCursor key under the pageInfo section in the response. For results with multiple pages, continue to use the endCursor value to progress through the pages. Additionally, use the --before option to move back one page.

--first and --last are numerical options used to select the first n or last n results of a response. For example, to return the first account:

stacklet-admin account list --first 1

To return the last account:

stacklet-admin account list --last 1



$ just install