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ExportGithub - Export github repo and execute repo script

Allow to download git repo from github unpack it and start config script in one click:


Script arguments

Export-Github  - Add folder to bookmarks list
  [-Repo] (Optional) <string> Github repository url(browser url pointed on repo)
  [-Destanation]  <string> Destanation folder where will be unpacked github repo
  [-InstallScript]  (Optional)  <string> Script file to be invoked after repo unpacking


/>echo "" | ExportGithub  (will download to current directory)
/>ExportGithub "" "C:\Sources\Linux"

Export to specific directory and start script

/>ExportGithub "" "C:\CmdScripts\Cmd" "InstallBin.cmd"

Export the specific branch and start script

/>ExportGithub -User electron -Repo electron -Branch chromium-upgrade/73 -Destanation "C:\Sources\Electron"  InstallScript="npm install"

Export the main repo to current directory

/>ExportGithub -User Microsoft -Repo vscode


  • Add versioning to Markdown page.
  • Move Assets to individual folder.
  • Fix psget package - remove extra files.
  • Separate functions and aliases.
  • Move module to individual foler.
  • Add module methods description.
  • Added parameters pipeline for Add-PSBookmark and Open-PSBookmark

$pwd | Add-PSBookmark -Name "ThisDirectory" "SourcesDir" | Open-PSBookmark [ bo ]

  • Added command aliases.
  • Added CRUD Bookmark commands:
Add-PSBookmark  - Add folder to bookmarks list
  [-Name] <string>
  [-Path] <string> (Optional)

Remove-PSBookmark - Remove bookmark from list
  [-Bookmark] <string>

Open-PSBookmark - Navigate to bookmark
  [-Bookmark] <string>

Get-PSBookmarks - List bookmarks

Save-PSBookmarkk - Save bookmarks to file


Hi, I written this module(and ther from repo) for my own usage. But if you found it usefull you can Buy me a beer/cup of tee😊

Yandex Money

If you have any idea or suggestion - please add a github issue and I'll try to implement it😉