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Repository files navigation

Powershell Scripts

ExportGithub - Export github repo and execute repo script

Allow to download git repo from github unpack it and start config script in one click:

Script arguments: Repo - Github repository url(browser url pointed on repo) Destanation - Destanation folder where will be unpacked github repo InstallScript (optional) - script file to be invoked after repo unpacking


echo "" | ExportGithub (will download to current directory)

./ExportGithub "" "C:\Sources\Linux"

./ExportGithub "" "C:\CmdScripts\Cmd" "InstallBin.cmd" (Export to specific directory and start script)

./ExportGithub -User electron -Repo electron -Branch chromium-upgrade/73 -Destanation "C:\Sources\Electron" InstallScript="npm install"

./ExportGithub -User Microsoft -Repo vscode (Export the main repo to current directory)

./ExportGithub "" "C:\CmdScripts\Cmd" "InstallBin.cmd"


Install-Script -Name ExportGithub

Uninstall - Uninstall installed Application from system

Allows to uninstall Application from system via commandline


./Uninstall-Application "Microsoft4.5"


Install-Script -Name Uninstall

FolderEncode - Encode files from folder for(for example) uploading to cloud

Used as backups encoding solution. Encoding performed with 7z password protection


Invoke-FolderEncode - Add folder to bookmarks list
  [-DestFolder] <string>
  [-SrcFolder] <string> (Optional)


/>Invoke-FolderEncode -DestFolder "d:\System\" -SrcFolder "c:\windows\System42"
/> cd c:\Windows; Invoke-FolderEncode "d:\bkacup\" #use current folder as src

Detailed info : FolderEncoder

Bookmarsk - Directory bookmarks


Add-PSBookmark  - Add folder to bookmarks list
  [-Name] <string>
  [-Path] <string> (Optional)

Remove-PSBookmark - Remove bookmark from list
  [-Bookmark] <string>

Open-PSBookmark - Navigate to bookmark
  [-Bookmark] <string>

Get-PSBookmarks - List bookmarks

Save-PSBookmarkk - Save bookmarks to file


Add bookmark:

/>Add-PSBookmark -Bookmark BookmarkName
/> $pwd |  Add-PSBookmark -Name "ThisDirectory"

Open bookmsrks:

/>Open-PSBookmark -Bookmark "Project"
/>"SourcesDir" |  Open-PSBookmark

List bookmsrks:

/>Get-PSBookmarks [ bv ]
.>Get-PSBookmarks [ bl ]

Detailed info : Bookmarsk

CurrencyConv - Currency converter.

Exchange value from one currency to another. Support currency name autocomplete.

Get-ExchangeRate - Convert selected amount from one currency to another

Script arguments: From[Base] - base currency to convert To[Result] {Default - USD} - the result value currency Amount[Value][Count] - amount to be converted $to,

Get-Countries - Get supported currency list by country Get-Currencies - Get supported currency list

Aliases created by script:

Set-Alias gxc Get-Currencies Set-Alias xe Get-ExchangeRate

Usage: List supported countries:


List supported currencies:


Convert amount:

./Get-ExchangeRate USD BYN 5 ./Get-ExchangeRate -From USD -To BYN 5 ./Get-ExchangeRate -Base USD -Result BYN -Amount 5

([PSCustomObject]@{From="BYN"; To="USD";Value=4})| Get-ExchangeRate

([PSCustomObject]@{Base="PHP"; Amount=400})| Get-ExchangeRate

Shell-Functions -some function wrappers to make a bridge with bash and powershell functions

Functions and filters which emulate cmd/bash functions absent(or have different logic) in powershell

Commands: Get-SearchAndPrint - Text serach wrapper with more grep behaviour. Split-String - Split string and return only the selected part. Initialize-VisualStudioEnvieronment - Set Visual studio specific env variables. Get-CmdletAlias - Search for alias by name. New-FileSystemLink - Create file system link or junction.

Aliases created by script:

Set-Alias grep Get-SearchAndPrint Set-Alias cut Split-String Set-Alias VsVars32 Initialize-VisualStudioEnvieronment Set-Alias ga Get-CmdletAlias Set-Alias fl New-FileSystemLink


Text search:

./ ls | Get-SearchAndPrint "file" ./ ls | grep "file"

Split string:

./ "aaa bbb" | Split-String " " ./ "aaa bbb" | cut " "

Set Visual studio Envieronment:

./Initialize-VisualStudioEnvieronment ./Initialize-VisualStudioEnvieronment "12.0" ./vsVars32 "12.0"

Search powershell alias:

./Get-CmdletAlias "di" ./ga "di"

Create symbolic/hard link or directory junction point:

./New-FileSystemLink -Source "C:\windows" -Destanation "D:\Linux" Junction ./New-FileSystemLink "C:\data.dat" "${env:appData}/file.dat" ./New-FileSystemLink -s "C:\data.dat" -dest "${env:appData}/file.dat" Symbolic ./New-FileSystemLink "C:\sources.dat" "d:/replicate" Hard