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code generator for creating DTOs and mapping to domain objects


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dtonator is a code generator that generates DTOs and mapping code for sending your domain objects over the wire.

It's differentiating feature (from alternatives like dozer) is that it doesn't use any runtime reflection, and instead generates code at build-time to do all of the mappings. This is actually less for performance (which is usually the goal for avoiding reflection, at least historically) and primarily for simplicity. You can look/debug through the generated code to see exactly what's happening in the mapping logic. It's all very straightforward.

It was built for using with GWT-RPC, but it's not coupled to GWT itself.


dtonator artifacts are available at the Maven repository, with org com.bizo and module dtonator.


dtonator uses a dtonator.yaml file to configure what it generates.

A sample configuration file looks like:

  dtoPackage: com.bizo.dtonator.dtos
  domainPackage: com.bizo.dtonator.domain
  mapperPackage: com.bizo.dtonator.mapper

  domain: Employee

Given this dtonator will generate an EmployeeDto with all of the primitive properties of Employee (discovered via reflection) and a Mapper class that gets/sets the properties. You would use the result like:

// Mapper is generated
Mapper mapper = new Mapper(...);

// dto -> domain
// EmployeeDto is generated
EmployeeDto dto = new EmployeeDto(1,  "ee1");
// sets the DTO values back into Employee
Employee ee = mapper.fromDto(dto);

// domain -> dto
EmployeeDto dto = mapper.toDto(ee);

Besides simple mappings where the names and types match, dtonator supports a number of cases that come up when mapping DTOs.

  • Mapping all basic (non-entity/non-list) properties is the default behavior:

      domain: Foo
  • Map all properties except one (skip a, include the rest *):

      domain: Foo
      properties: -a, *
  • Map only certain properties (a and b):

      domain: Foo
      properties: a, b
  • Map extra properties that aren't on the domain object

      domain: Foo
      properties: a, newProperty String

    For dtonator to get/set the value of this unknown newProperty, it generates an interface, FooDtoMapper, which you must implement to provide the newProperty semantics:

    public interface FooDtoMapper {
      String getNewProperty(Foo foo);
      void setNewProperty(Foo foo, String newProperty);
  • Include a list of child objects:

      domain: Employer
      properties: employees
      domain: Employee

    The usage would look like:

    EmployerDto erDto = new EmployerDto(
      newArrayList(new EmployeeDto(1l))

    By default dtonator will use the DomainObjectLookup to look up each Employee object and call employer.setEmployees(theEmployees).

  • Aliases properties to different names

      domain: Employee
      properties: shortName(longNameOnDomainObject)
  • Generate getters/setters methods:

      properties: id Long, name String
      beanMethods: true

    The generated EmployeeDto will have getName and setName methods.

    Bean methods can also be configured globally for all DTOs.

  • With getters/setters, DTOs can also implement interfaces, e.g.:

    interface HasName {
      String getName();
      properties: id Long, name String
      beanMethods: true

    The generated EmployeeDto will implement HasName.

Other Configuration Options

  • Output directory (defaults to target/gen-java-src)

      outputDirectory: target/java
  • Indentation of the generated code (defaults to four space)

      indent: two-space | tab | four-space
  • Interfaces to be added to all DTOs/enums:


Integrating with your Build Environment

dtonator is a pre-compilation code generation, e.g. you should invoke it in your build process before calling javac.

It can also be setup in IDEs to run "on save".

  • In ant, use an "exec" task with com.bizo.dtonator.Dtonator as the main class, and the dtonator jar on the classpath
  • In Eclipse, you can setup an External Tool Builder to invoke the java system command with com.bizo.dtonator.Dtonator as the main class, and a -cp argument of the dtonator jar + your config file. You can set it up to run automatically with the "Build Options" tab when configuring the builder. For example, something like:
    • Location: ${system_path:java}
    • Working Directory: ${workspace_loc:/fooproject-web}
    • Arguments: -cp "../fooproject-domain/target/classes:src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/classes:lib/eclipse/*" com.bizo.dtonator.Dtonator
  • In IntelliJ, you can probably use something like the File Watchers plugin to watch for changes to the input .class files or the dtonator.yaml config file, similar to the Eclipse External Tool Builder setup.
  • In gradle or Maven, you should be able to translate the ant "exec" task into a respective pre-compilation task/goal/etc.

Here is a gradle snippet that should work:

task dtonator(type: JavaExec) {
  classpath sourceSets.main.compileClasspath
  main = 'com.bizo.dtonator.Dtonator'

Assumptions about Build Order

Because dtonator is a pre-compilation code generator, any information it gains via reflection (e.g. automatically inferring the types of properties on mapped objects) must already be available/compiled in .class files. This means if you want to generate DTOs for your domain objects, you would need a build flow like:

  1. Compile your domain objects into .class files
  2. Run dtonator with dtonator.yaml + domain object .class files on the classpath
  • This creates various output files
  1. Compile your webapp/API code + generated together

Depending on your project setup, this might best be achieved by having your domain objects be a separate project (so a separate Maven/gradle/etc.) build than your webapp/API layer.

Building dtonator itself

For Eclipse:

  • Install IvyDE
  • Ensure Preferences / Ivy / Classpath Container / Resolve dependencies in workspace is checked
  • Import the dtonator/.project and features/.project
  • Run dtonator-features.launch to update the output for the dtonator-features project for testing

For command line:

  • Install buildr
  • Install ivy4r
  • To package:
    • cd dtonator
    • version=x.y buildr package


  • A list of objects, but as the id/name
    • children: for an ArrayList<String>
  • Better syntax for read-only properties (~id is kind of dumb)
  • datamapper-style chaining
    • properties: parentId ->, read/write for id, otherwise read, e.g. parentName
    • properties: parentIds, use lookup to manage
  • Move DomainObjectLookup to a separate dtonator-runtime jar


code generator for creating DTOs and mapping to domain objects







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