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Build Status Coverage Status DataStructures

This package implements a variety of data structures, including

  • Deque (based on block-list)
  • Stack
  • Queue
  • Accumulators and Counters
  • Disjoint Sets
  • Binary Heap
  • Mutable Binary Heap
  • Ordered Dicts and Sets
  • Dictionaries with Defaults
  • Trie
  • Linked List


The Deque type implements a double-ended queue using a list of blocks. This data structure supports constant-time insertion/removal of elements at both ends of a sequence.


a = Deque{Int}()
isempty(a)          # test whether the dequeue is empty
length(a)           # get the number of elements
push!(a, 10)        # add an element to the back
pop!(a)             # remove an element from the back
unshift!(a, 20)     # add an element to the front
shift!(a)           # remove an element from the front
front(a)            # get the element at the front
back(a)             # get the element at the back

Note: Julia's Vector type also provides this interface, and thus can be used as a deque. However, the Deque type in this package is implemented as a list of contiguous blocks (default size = 2K). As a deque grows, new blocks may be created and linked to existing blocks. This way avoids the copying when growing a vector.

Benchmark shows that the performance of Deque is comparable to Vector on push!, and is noticeably faster on unshift! (by about 30% to 40%).

Stack and Queue

The Stack and Queue types are a light-weight wrapper of a deque type, which respectively provide interfaces for FILO and FIFO access.

Usage of Stack:

s = Stack(Int)
push!(s, x)
x = top(s)
x = pop!(s)

Usage of Queue:

q = Queue(Int)
enqueue!(q, x)
x = front(q)
x = back(q)
x = dequeue!(q)

Accumulators and Counters

A accumulator, as defined below, is a data structure that maintains an accumulated number for each key. This is a counter when the accumulated values reflect the counts.

type Accumulator{K, V<:Number}
    map::Dict{K, V}

There are different ways to construct an accumulator/counter:

a = accumulator(K, V)    # construct an accumulator with key-type K and
                         # accumulated value type V

a = accumulator(dict)    # construct an accumulator from a dictionary

a = counter(K)           # construct a counter, i.e. an accumulator with
                         # key type K and value type Int

a = counter(dict)        # construct a counter from a dictionary

a = counter(seq)         # construct a counter by counting keys in a sequence

Usage of an accumulator/counter:

# let a and a2 be accumulators/counters

a[x]             # get the current value/count for x.
                 # if x was not added to a, it returns zero(V)

push!(a, x)       # add the value/count for x by 1
push!(a, x, v)    # add the value/count for x by v
push!(a, a2)      # add all counts from a2 to a1

pop!(a, x)       # remove a key x from a, and returns its current value

merge(a, a2)     # return a new accumulator/counter that combines the
                 # values/counts in both a and a2

Disjoint Sets

Some algorithms, such as finding connected components in undirected graph and Kruskal's method of finding minimum spanning tree, require a data structure that can efficiently represent a collection of disjoint subsets. A widely used data structure for this purpose is the Disjoint set forest.


a = IntDisjointSets(10)      # creates a forest comprised of 10 singletons
union!(a, 3, 5)             # merges the sets that contain 3 and 5 into one
in_same_set(a, x, y)        # determines whether x and y are in the same set
elem = push!(a)             # adds a single element in a new set; returns the new element
                            # (this operation is often called MakeSet)

One may also use other element types

a = DisjointSets{String}(["a", "b", "c", "d"])
union!(a, "a", "b")
in_same_set(a, "c", "d")
push!(a, "f")

Note that the internal implementation of IntDisjointSets is based on vectors, and is very efficient. DisjointSets{T} is a wrapper of IntDisjointSets, which uses a dictionary to map input elements to an internal index.


Heaps are data structures that efficiently maintain the minimum (or maximum) for a set of data that may dynamically change.

All heaps in this package are derived from AbstractHeap, and provides the following interface:

# Let h be a heap, i be a handle, and v be a value.

length(h)         # returns the number of elements

isempty(h)        # returns whether the heap is empty

push!(h, v)       # add a value to the heap

top(h)            # return the top value of a heap

pop!(h)           # removes the top value, and returns it

Mutable heaps (values can be changed after being pushed to a heap) are derived from AbstractMutableHeap <: AbstractHeap, and additionally provides the following interface:

i = push!(h, v)       # adds a value to the heap and and returns a handle to v

update!(h, i, v)      # updates the value of an element (referred to by the handle i)

Currently, both min/max versions of binary heap (type BinaryHeap) and mutable binary heap (type MutableBinaryHeap) have been implemented.

Examples of constructing a heap:

h = binary_minheap(Int)
h = binary_maxheap(Int)            # create an empty min/max binary heap of integers

h = binary_minheap([1,4,3,2])
h = binary_maxheap([1,4,3,2])      # create a min/max heap from a vector

h = mutable_binary_minheap(Int)
h = mutable_binary_maxheap(Int)    # create an empty mutable min/max heap

h = mutable_binary_minheap([1,4,3,2])
h = mutable_binary_maxheap([1,4,3,2])    # create a mutable min/max heap from a vector

OrderedDicts and OrderedSets

OrderedDicts are simply dictionaries whose entries have a particular order. For OrderedDicts (and OrderedSets), order refers to insertion order, which allows deterministic iteration over the dictionary or set.

d = OrderedDict(Char,Int)
for c in 'a':'e'
    d[c] = c-'a'+1
collect(d) # => [('a',1),('b',2),('c',3),('d',4),('e',5)]

s = OrderedSet(π,e,γ,catalan,φ)
collect(s) # => [π = 3.1415926535897...,
           #     e = 2.7182818284590...,
           #     γ = 0.5772156649015...,
		   #     catalan = 0.9159655941772...,
		   #	 φ = 1.6180339887498...]

All standard Associative and Dict functions are available for OrderedDicts, and all Set operations are available for OrderedSets.

Note that to create an OrderedSet of a particular type, you must specify the type in curly-braces:

# create an OrderedSet of Strings
strs = OrderedSet{String}()

DefaultDict and DefaultOrderedDict

A DefaultDict allows specification of a default value to return when a requested key is not in a dictionary.

While the implementation is slightly different, a DefaultDict can be thought to provide a normal Dict with a default value. A DefaultOrderedDict does the same for an OrderedDict.


DefaultDict(default, kv)                        # create a DefaultDict with a default value or function,
                                                # optionally wrapping an existing dictionary
										        # or array of key-value pairs

DefaultDict(KeyType, ValueType, default)        # create a DefaultDict with Dict type (KeyType,ValueType)

DefaultOrderedDict(default, kv)                 # create a DefaultOrderedDict with a default value or function,
                                                # optionally wrapping an existing dictionary
							  	                # or array of key-value pairs

DefaultOrderedDict(KeyType, ValueType, default) # create a DefaultOrderedDict with Dict type (KeyType,ValueType)

Examples using DefaultDict:

dd = DefaultDict(1)               # create an (Any=>Any) DefaultDict with a default value of 1
dd = DefaultDict(String, Int, 0)  # create a (String=>Int) DefaultDict with a default value of 0

d = ['a'=>1, 'b'=>2]
dd = DefaultDict(0, d)            # provide a default value to an existing dictionary
dd['c'] == 0                      # true
#d['c'] == 0                      # false

dd = DefaultOrderedDict(time)     # call time() to provide the default value for an OrderedDict
dd = DefaultDict(Dict)            # Create a dictionary of dictionaries
                                  # Dict() is called to provide the default value
dd = DefaultDict(()->myfunc())    # call function myfunc to provide the default value

# create a Dictionary of type String=>DefaultDict{String, Int}, where the default of the
# inner set of DefaultDicts is zero
dd = DefaultDict(String, DefaultDict, ()->DefaultDict(String,Int,0))

Note that in the last example, we need to use a function to create each new DefaultDict. If we forget, we will end up using the same DefaultDict for all default values:

julia> dd = DefaultDict(String, DefaultDict, DefaultDict(String,Int,0));

julia> dd["a"]

julia> dd["b"]["a"] = 1

julia> dd["a"]


An implementation of the Trie data structure. This is an associative structure, with String keys.

haskey(t,"Rob") #true
get(t,"Rob",nothing) #42
keys(t) # "Rob", "Roger"


Trie(keys, values)                  # construct a Trie with the given keys and values
Trie(keys)                          # construct a Trie{Nothing} with the given keys and with values = nothing
Trie(kvs::AbstractVector{(K, V)})   # construct a Trie from the given vector of (key, value) pairs
Trie(kvs::Associative{K, V})        # construct a Trie from the given associative structure

This package also provides an iterator path(t::Trie, str) for looping over all the nodes encountered in searching for the given string str. This obviates much of the boilerplate code needed in writing many trie algorithms. For example, to test whether a trie contains any prefix of a given string, use

seen_prefix(t::Trie, str) = any(v -> v.is_key, path(t, str))

##Linked List

A list of sequentially linked nodes. This allows efficient insertion of nodes to the front of the list.

julia> l1 = nil()

julia> l2 = cons(1, l1)

julia> l3 = list(2, 3)
list(2, 3)

julia> l4 = cat(l1, l2, l3)
list(1, 2, 3)

julia> l5 = map((x) -> x*2, l4)
list(2, 4, 6)

julia> for i in l5; print(i); end


Julia implementation of Data structures







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