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Collecting the list of songs,album and artists list details from the Spotify Music Application in specific intervals using spotipy API and performing ETL Operations using Amazon Cloud Services

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Spotify - Trending Telugu Songs List

Story Line:

Client: I need a list of trending Telugu songs and to collect the album, artists and song details in the database for future analytics purposes.
Developer: Is there any particular platform you regularly use to listen to the songs?
Client: Yeah I do use a lot of platforms like Wynk Music, JioSaavn, YouTube Music and presently Spotify.
Developer: We shall take Spotify for the project and collect the trending song details along with albums and artists.



Technology Used

  • Programming Language - Python
  • Amazon Web Services Cloud Platform
    • AWS CloudWatch: Monitor AWS resources and applications in real-time to gain insights into system performance.
    • AWS Lambda: Run code without provisioning or managing servers, responding to events across AWS services.
    • AWS S3: Store and retrieve data securely at any scale, with high availability and durability.
    • AWS Triggers: Automate actions in response to events across various AWS services for streamlined workflows.
    • AWS Glue (Crawler): Automatically discover, catalogue, and transform your data to make it readily available for analysis.
    • AWS Athena: Query data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL without the need for managing infrastructure, enabling quick and cost-effective analysis.

Data Base Used

Spotify - Trending Telugu Songs

  • Here we can build the database by utilising spotipy API the gateway to seamless integration with Spotify's vast music catalogue and powerful features.
#For Jupyter Notebook Code Implementation
pip install spotipy

Budget Allocation

  • With the service of AWS Cloud Watch we have allocated budget limits so resources will be under watch

Data Extraction

  • Amazon Lambda services do not have a pip function so we can add layers by manually uploading spotipy layer and extracting the data from the API to the Amazon S3 (to_processed) bucket in raw folder.

Important Note: Never Disclose your cliend_id and cliend_secret ( In the configurations we can add environmental variables for secured usage)

import json
import os
import spotipy
from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyClientCredentials
import boto3
from datetime import datetime

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    client_id = os.environ.get('client_id')
    client_secret = os.environ.get('client_secret')
    client_credentials_manager = SpotifyClientCredentials(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret)
    sp = spotipy.Spotify(client_credentials_manager= client_credentials_manager)
    playlists = sp.user_playlists('spotipy')
    playlist_link = ""
    playlist_URI = playlist_link.split('/')[-1]
    spotify_data = sp.playlist_tracks(playlist_URI)
    client = boto3.client('s3')
    filename = "spotify_raw_" + str( + ".json"
        Bucket = "spotify-telugu-etl-project",
        Key = "raw_data/to_processed/" + filename,
        Body = json.dumps(spotify_data)

Data Transformation

#For Jupyter Notebook - code transformations
pip install pandas
import pandas as pd
  • In the Amazon Lambda pip install does not work so we can add the layer of pandas library in their create layers section.
import json
import boto3
from datetime import datetime
from io import StringIO
import pandas as pd

def album(data):
    album_list = []
    for row in data['items']:
        album_id = row['track']['album']['id']
        album_name = row['track']['album']['name']
        album_release_date = row['track']['album']['release_date']
        album_total_tracks = row['track']['album']['total_tracks']
        album_url = row['track']['album']['external_urls']['spotify']
        album_element = {'album_id' : album_id,'album_name':album_name,'release_date':album_release_date,
    return album_list

def artist(data):
    artist_list = []
    for row in data['items']:
        for key, value in row.items():
            if key == 'track':
                for artist in value['artists']:
                    artist_dict = {'artist_id' : artist['id'],'artist_name' : artist['name'], 
                                       'external_url' : artist['external_urls']['spotify']}
    return artist_list
def song(data):
    song_list = []
    for row in data['items']:
        song_id = row['track']['id']
        song_name = row['track']['name']
        song_duration = row['track']['duration_ms']
        song_url = row['track']['external_urls']['spotify']
        song_popularity = row['track']['popularity']
        song_added = row['added_at']
        #album code importing
        album_id = row['track']['album']['id']
        artist_id = row['track']['album']['artists'][0]['id']
        song_element = {'song_id':song_id,'song_name':song_name,'duration_ms':song_duration,'url':song_url,
    return song_list

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    s3 = boto3.client('s3')
    Bucket = "spotify-telugu-etl-project"
    Key = "raw_data/to_processed/"
    spotify_data = []
    spotify_keys = []
    for file in s3.list_objects(Bucket = Bucket, Prefix = Key)['Contents']:
        file_key = file['Key']
        if file_key.split('.')[-1] == 'json':
            response = s3.get_object(Bucket = Bucket, Key = file_key)
            content = response['Body']
            jsonObject = json.loads(
    for data in spotify_data:
        album_list = album(data)
        artist_list = artist(data)
        song_list = song(data)
        album_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(album_list)
        album_df = album_df.drop_duplicates(subset=['album_id'])
        artist_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(artist_list)
        artist_df = artist_df.drop_duplicates(subset=['artist_id'])
        song_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(song_list)

        # Transform 'release_date' column in album_df to datetime
        album_df['release_date'] = pd.to_datetime(album_df['release_date'],format='mixed')
        # Transform 'song_added' column in song_df to datetime
        song_df['song_added'] = pd.to_datetime(song_df['song_added'],format='mixed')
  • After the Data Frames are correctly cleansed we need to import them into the Amazon S3 transformed folder with subfolders of songs, albums and artists folders.
        #putting the songs data into s3 bucket
        songs_key = "transformed_data/songs_data/songs_transformed_" + str( + ".csv"
        song_df.to_csv(song_buffer, index=False)
        song_content = song_buffer.getvalue()
        s3.put_object(Bucket=Bucket, Key=songs_key, Body=song_content)
        album_key = "transformed_data/album_data/album_transformed_" + str( + ".csv"
        album_df.to_csv(album_buffer, index=False)
        album_content = album_buffer.getvalue()
        s3.put_object(Bucket=Bucket, Key=album_key, Body=album_content)
        artist_key = "transformed_data/artist_data/artist_transformed_" + str( + ".csv"
        artist_df.to_csv(artist_buffer, index=False)
        artist_content = artist_buffer.getvalue()
        s3.put_object(Bucket=Bucket, Key=artist_key, Body=artist_content)
  • We also need to remove the file from the to_processed folder to the processed folder in raw and delete the older files
 s3_resource = boto3.resource('s3')
    for key in spotify_keys:
        copy_source = {
            'Bucket': Bucket,
            'Key': key
        s3_resource.meta.client.copy(copy_source, Bucket, 'raw_data/processed/' + key.split("/")[-1])    
        s3_resource.Object(Bucket, key).delete()

Data Load

  • After the successful creation of subfolders we are now loading data into Amazon Athena by Amazon Glue-Crawler by naming the new database spotify_db and tabling songs, albums and artists.
SELECT * FROM "spoitfy_db"."songs" LIMIT 10; #Execute Each Line

Songs Data

SELECT * FROM "spoitfy_db"."albums" LIMIT 10; #Execute Each Line

Album Data

SELECT * FROM "spoitfy_db"."artists" LIMIT 10; #Execute Each Line

Artist Data

Here, the Successful retrieval of Data from the tables closes the Data Engineering Part of analytics.


Collecting the list of songs,album and artists list details from the Spotify Music Application in specific intervals using spotipy API and performing ETL Operations using Amazon Cloud Services







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