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Custom configuration for NgxUiLoaderModule

T edited this page Mar 18, 2020 · 7 revisions

7. Custom configuration for NgxUiLoaderModule

7.1 Usage

You can override the default configuration via forRoot() method.

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

import { NgxUiLoaderModule, NgxUiLoaderConfig, SPINNER, POSITION, PB_DIRECTION } from 'ngx-ui-loader';

const ngxUiLoaderConfig: NgxUiLoaderConfig = {
  bgsColor: 'red',
  bgsPosition: POSITION.bottomCenter,
  bgsSize: 40,
  bgsType: SPINNER.rectangleBounce, // background spinner type
  fgsType: SPINNER.chasingDots, // foreground spinner type
  pbDirection: PB_DIRECTION.leftToRight, // progress bar direction
  pbThickness: 5, // progress bar thickness

  declarations: [
  imports: [
    // Import NgxUiLoaderModule with custom configuration globally
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

7.2 Parameters of forRoot() method

Parameter Type Required Default Description
bgsColor string optional #00ACC1 Background spinner color
bgsOpacity number optional 0.5 Background spinner opacity
bgsPosition string optional bottom-right Background spinner postion. All available positions can be accessed via POSITION
bgsSize number optional 60 Background spinner size.
bgsType string optional ball-spin-clockwise Background spinner type. All available types can be accessed via SPINNER
fgsColor string optional #00ACC1 Foreground spinner color
fgsPosition string optional center-center Foreground spinner position. All available positions can be accessed via POSITION
fgsSize number optional 60 Foreground spinner size.
fgsType string optional ball-spin-clockwise Foreground spinner type. All available types can be accessed via SPINNER
logoPosition string optional center-center Logo position. All available positions can be accessed via POSITION
logoSize number optional 120 Logo size (px)
logoUrl string optional (empty string) Logo url
pbColor string optional #00ACC1 Progress bar color
pbDirection string optional ltr Progress bar direction. All direction types can be accessed via PB_DIRECTION
pbThickness number optional 3 Progress bar thickness
hasProgressBar boolean optional true Show the progress bar while loading foreground
text string optional (empty string) Loading text
textColor string optional #FFFFFF Loading text color
textPosition string optional center-center Loading text position. All available positions can be accessed via POSITION
blur number optional 5 Blur the page content while showing foreground loader. Only applied when using ngxUiLoaderBlurred directive.
fastFadeOut boolean optional false Faster fade out
delay number optional 0 Set delay for a loader. E.g. If delay = 100, it will not show the loader in the first 100 miliseconds
gap number optional 24 The gap between logo, foreground spinner and text when their positions are center-center
masterLoaderId string optional master The default value for master's loaderId
maxTime number optional -1 The maximum time a loader can be showed. It will be ignored if it <= minTime
minTime number optional 300 The time a loader must be showed at least before it can be stopped. It must be >= 0 millisecond.
overlayBorderRadius string optional 0 Overlay border radius
overlayColor string optional rgba(40,40,40,.8) Overlay background color