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Javascript implementation of LIME - A lightweight messaging library

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LIME allows you to build scalable, real-time messaging applications using a JSON-based open protocol. It's fully asynchronous and supports any persistent transport like TCP or Websockets.

You can send and receive any type of object into the wire as long it can be represented as JSON or text (plain or encoded with base64) and it has a MIME type to allow the other party handle it in the right way.

The connected nodes can send receipts to the other parties to notify events about messages (for instance, a message was received or the content invalid or not supported).

Besides that, there's a REST capable command interface with verbs (get, set and delete) and resource identifiers (URIs) to allow rich messaging scenarios. You can use that to provide services like on-band account registration or instance-messaging resources, like presence or roster management.

Finally it has built-in support for authentication, transport encryption and compression.

Protocol overview


The basic protocol data package is called envelope. As mentioned before, there are four types:

  • Message - Transports content between nodes
  • Notification - Notify about message events
  • Command - Provides an interface for resource management
  • Session - Establishes the communication channel

All envelope types share some properties (like the id - the envelope unique identifier - and the from and to routing information) but there are some unique properties of each one that allows the proper deserialization when a JSON object is received by the transport.


The Transport interface represents a persistent transport connection that allows the management of the connection state, besides sending and receiving envelopes. Currently, the javascript implementation provides a few official packages for Lime transport classes. These are publicly available on NPM and on our Github, but we plan on building more transport classes for node.js and the browser:


When two nodes are connected to each other a session can be established between them. To help the management of the session state, the library defines the Channel abstract class, an abstraction of the session over the Transport instance. The node that received the connection is the server and the one who is connecting is the client. There is currently only one specific implementation of this class for the client (ClientChannel), providing specific functionality for the client role in the connection. The only difference between the client and the server is related to the session state management, where the server has full control of it. Besides that, they share the same set of funcionalities.

How to use

If you are using node.js (or webpack), simply install the lime-js package from the npm registry.

npm install --save lime-js

However, if you're using vanilla JavaScript, you can install the package via npm and then include the distribution script in your file like this:

<script src="./node_modules/lime-js/dist/lime.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Or you can also use the script served by npmcdn:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

You can also use LIME types, from DefinitelyTyped. To use it, install types by running npm install @types/lime-js -D. After install, you can import types separately or all types using Lime namespace


import { Message } from 'lime-js'


import * as Lime from 'lime-js'

class MyClass {
  messages: Lime.Message[]

Starting a connection

To start a connection with a server in a specific domain, the client can use DNS queries to check for a lime SRV entry and get the server address. This is not mandatory and the client can use static connection information, but its a good idea to rely on DNS since the protocol is domain based. In the code, the method open of the Transport interface should be called passing the remote URI (in the server, the URI parameter can be null).

After connecting the transport, the client should send a new session envelope to start the session negotiation. The ClientChannel class provides the method startNewSession for that.


// Creates a new transport and connect to the server
let serverUri = new Uri('net.tcp://localhost:55321');
let transport = new WebSocketTransport();

  .then(() => {
    let clientChannel = new ClientChannel(transport);

Session establishment

The server is the responsible for the establishment of the session and its parameters, like the id and node information (both local and remote). It can optionally negotiate transport options and authenticate the client using a supported authentication scheme. Note that the protocol did not dictate that the session negotiation and authentication are mandatory. In fact, after receiving a new session envelope, the server can just send an established session envelope to the client to start the envelope exchanging.


During the negotiation of transport options, the server sends to the client the available compression and encryption options and allows it to choose which one it wants to use in the session. The client select its options using the negotiateSession method from ClientChannel. After receiving and validating the client choices the server echoes them back to the client, allowing it to apply the transport options, and the server does itself the same. The Transport interface has the methods setCompression and setEncryption for this reason, but the Channel implementation already handles that automatically.


After the negotiation of transport options negotiation, the server presents to the client the available authentication schemes and the client shall provide the scheme-specific data and identify itself with an identity, which is presented as name@domain (like an e-mail). Usually the domain of the client identity is the same of the server if the client is using a local authentication scheme (username/password) but can be a stranger domain if the client is using a transport authentication (TLS certificate).


When the server establishes the session, it assigns to the client a unique node identifier, in the format name@domain/instance similar to the Jabber ID in the XMPP protocol. This identifier is important for envelope routing in multi-party server connection scenarios.


// Method 1: Establish the session using a helper method
// Method 2: Establish the session manually

Exchanging envelopes

With an established session the nodes can exchange messages, notifications and commands until the server finishes the session. The Channel class defines methods to send and receive specific envelopes, like sendMessage and receiveMessage for messages or sendCommand and receiveCommand for commands.


The protocol doesn't explicitly define how envelope routing should work during a session. The sole definition is that if an originator does not provide the to property value, it means that the message is addressed to the immediate remote party; in the same way that if a node has received an envelope without the from property value, it must assume that the envelope is originated by the remote party.

An originator can send an envelope addressed to any destination in the remote server and it may or may not accept it. But an originator should address an envelope to a node different of the remote party only if it is trusted for receiving these envelopes. A remote party can be trusted for that if it has presented a valid domain certificate during the session negotiation. In this case, this node can receive and send envelopes for any identity of the authenticated domain.


Messages and notifications
// Sending a plain text message to the remote party
let textMessage = {
  type: 'text/plain',
  content: 'Hello!'

// Sending a generic JSON message addressed to a specific node
let jsonMessage = {
  to: '',
  type: 'application/json',
  content: JSON.stringify({
    "property1": "string value",
    "property2": 2,
    "property3": true,

// Receive a message
clientChannel.onMessage((receivedMessage) => {
  console.log(`Message received from ${receivedMessage.from}: ${receivedMessage.content}`);

  // Send a notification
  let notification = {
    event: Lime.NotificationEvent.RECEIVED


// Receive a notification
clientChannel.onNotification((receivedNotification) => {
  console.log(`Message received from ${receivedNotification.from}: ${receivedNotification.event}`);
// Arbitrary commands
let getContactsCommand = {
  id: Lime.Guid(),
  method: CommandMethod.GET,


clientChannel.onCommand((command) => {
  if ( === && command.status === CommandStatus.SUCCESS) {
    let contacts = command.resource;
    contacts.forEach(() => {
      // ...