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LSP Server for providing linting and autocompletion inside of git commit messages


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Language Server for git commit messages.


This project is in early development. Expect bugs and frequent breaking changes!

You got editor smarts for programming, editing config files and even writing prose. Why stop at writing commit messages?

Commit-lsp brings linting and auto completion for commit messages based on the conventional commit format.


Planned feature set

The following features are implemented (✅), in work (🚧) or planned but not yet implemented (❌):

  • ❌ Style checking if the commit follows the conventional commit format
  • ✅ Autocompletion for commit types and scopes with project specific config
    • Never guess again if your team uses doc or docs for documentation commits
  • 🚧 Autocompletion for work item references
    • commit-lsp queries for Issues/Tickets/Work Items assigned to your local git user and provides completion for those assigned to you
    • Support for:
      • ❌ github
      • ✅ AzureDevOps
      • ✅ gitlab


Currently only installation from source is supported. To build commit-lsp make sure to have the latest rust toolchain installed and run:

cargo install --locked --git

Editor integration

Since commit-lsp uses the Language Server Protocol, it should be compatible with every editor supporting it.

Commit-lsp is tested with neovim. To integrate commit-lsp, copy the executable somewhere into PATH (or run cargo install) and add the following into your init.lua:

if vim.fn.executable("commit-lsp") == 1 then
			group=vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("CommitLspStart", {}),
				local client = vim.lsp.start_client {
					cmd = { "commit-lsp", "run" },
				vim.lsp.buf_attach_client(0, client)

Connecting to a remote issue tracker

The issue tracker integration is still very bare bones and work in progress.

Currently only AzureDevOps and Gitlab are supported.

The integration is controlled via a config file in the users home directory. This config defines cli commands to provide credentials for the issue tracker.

The config file is located in the following places:

OS location
Linux $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/commit-lsp/config.toml
Windows %APPDATA%/texel/commit-lsp/config.toml
macOS $HOME/Library/Application Support/at.texel.commit-lsp/config.toml

The config file contains a list of remotes. The first remote where the host is a substring of the git remote URL will be picked.

For example:

host = ""
credentials_command = ["pass", "show", "development/work/azure"]

host = ""
credentials_command = ["pass", "show", "development/hobby/gitlab"]

host = ""
credentials_command = ["pass", "show", "development/work/gitlab"]

If a host matches the origin URL of the repository origin, then commit-lsp will run the command defined in credentials_command to access the credentials.


The credentials command should print a Personal Access Token (PAT) to stdout. The PAT must have Work Item Read access.

Issue numbers for autocompletion are taken from the "Recent Activity" category of the current project. The AzureDevOps Organization and Project are parsed from the URL of the origin git remote.


The credentials_command should print an access token to stdout with issue read access. Autocompletion will use all open issues of the current project. The project name and owner are parsed from the origin git remote URL.


If autocompletion of issue numbers is not working, run commit-lsp checkhealth in the repository.

This command runs several health checks and reports their status.


LSP Server for providing linting and autocompletion inside of git commit messages







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