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Releases: thatdot/quine

Release Quine 1.7.3

25 Sep 18:07
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  • Add support for modern SHOW PROCEDURES syntax via rewrite rule
  • Add support for sum and avg aggregators with duration-typed values
  • Improve the warning offered when trying to resolve an illegal QuineId and add suggestions for how to fix the query
  • Normalize logging and error messages which timeout for ExactlyOnceAsks
  • Add timers for ingest query runtime, ingest deserialization runtime and SQ result queue time
  • Add timers for node sleeps and node wakes
  • Add histogram for property sizes
  • Standardize logging framework to slf4j/logback


  • Fix "Promise already completed" warning that could occur when sending [ask] messages
  • Update unit subqueries to correctly return one row rather than the number of rows from the inner query
  • Fix unit subquery scope for side-effect-only subqueries to no longer leak to the higher scope
  • Filter ethereum transaction ingest to only use valid transactions
  • Fix rare race condition in node messaging
  • Account for node lifecycle in node size histograms
  • Fix a typo in query API that suppressed user-facing log references
  • Fix false-positive "Query cannot end with CALL combined with YIELD" errors
  • Fix some scenarios where ingest status displays the wrong value
  • Fix NullPointerException that could occur when logging some messages
  • Improve resiliency of Standing Query wake-up protocol with slow persistors


  • AWS SDK to 2.26.31
  • cassandra to 4.18.1
  • circe-yaml to 0.16.0
  • circe to 3.9.8
  • commons-compress to 1.27.1
  • dropwizard metrics to 4.2.27
  • flatbuffers-java to 24.3.25
  • guava to 33.3.0-jre
  • kafka-clients to 3.8.0
  • logback-classic to 1.5.7
  • rocksdbjni to 9.0.0
  • schema-registry-serde to 1.1.20
  • snappy-java to

Release Quine 1.7.2

15 Aug 18:50
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  • Added log sanitization. This feature suppresses exception logging and hides values that may have been sourced from ingested records or query definitions. This behavior is enabled by default, and may be customized with the quine.log-config configuration section.
  • Added text.regexReplaceAll Cypher function for regex-based string substitution
  • Added function text.regexGroups that will, given a regular expression and a string, return all matching capture groups from the string.
  • Added support for <duration>.<unit> and <duration>["<unit">] syntax in Cypher queries
  • Added support for constructing duration Cypher values with approximate units, e.g., days
  • Updated logo colors in exploration UI
  • The REST API documentation UI now makes requests based on relative rather than absolute paths, allowing it to work in more deployment environments
  • Added additional logging to alert on issues caused by poor network connection
  • Clarified the language in some error messages
  • Simplify error formatting in ingest and standing query output streams
  • Added additional error handling for certain uses of invalid QuineIds and illegal regular expressions
  • Reduced log noise at DEBUG log level
  • Persistor errors that occur during all-node scans will now be reported consistently with all other persistor errors
  • Improved error handling for missing file errors in the recipe interpreter and file ingests


  • Fixed compilation of WITH DISTINCT Cypher query clauses to now properly interpret the returned distinct set in all cases (contributed by @harpocrates)
  • The example standing query in the API no longer uses the removed exists( syntax
  • The error message returned by standing.wiretap when a standing query is not found now refers to the name argument, rather than the procedure name
  • MultipleValues standing queries with emitCancellations = false will no longer emit cancellations
  • Multiple Values Standing Queries no longer read node labels as a property


  • skunk-circe, skunk-core to 0.6.4
  • s3, sts to 2.25.70
  • scala-java-time to 2.6.0
  • pureconfig to 0.17.7
  • tapir-json-circe, ... to 1.10.10
  • pekko to 1.0.3
  • pekko-http-circe to 2.6.0
  • protobuf-java to 3.25.4
  • circe to 0.14.9
  • circe-yaml to 0.15.3
  • circe-generic-extras to 0.14.4
  • Dropwizard metrics to 4.2.26
  • scaffeine to 5.3.0
  • commons-codec to 1.17.1
  • Removed scala-java8-compat

Release 1.7.0

17 Jun 23:32
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Updates with special concerns:

MultipleValues standing queries will not migrate from Quine 1.6.4.
If you have any MultipleValues standing queries and you are using RocksDB, your database files will not carry forward.
If you are using MultipleValues standing queries and Cassandra, perform the following steps to remove all MultipleValues data while leaving your graph intact:

  1. Before shutting down Quine 1.6.4, use the API to delete all MultipleValues standing queries
  2. After shutting down Quine 1.6.4, but before launching Quine 1.7.0, use cqlsh to TRUNCATE standing_query_states
  3. After launching Quine 1.7.0, use the API to recreate all MultipleValues standing queries

Ad-hoc queries now reflect SETs and REMOVEs made during the query
If your ad-hoc (i.e., ingest, Cypher standing query output, or /query/cypher/ POSTed) queries rely on the original "capture state on MATCH" behavior, add a variable with WITH capturing the state you need.
For example, MATCH (n) SET n.x = 2 RETURN n.x AS oldX becomes MATCH (n) WITH n, n.x AS oldX SET n.x = 2 RETURN oldX


  • MultipleValues standing queries have been rewritten from the ground up for significant performance gains
  • Failing to deserialize an ingested record now logs a warning + INFO message, and resumes the stream, rather than moving the stream to an error state
  • Updated the behavior of the SET and REMOVE clause to reflect their expected changes on the in-memory copies of query-related values
  • Protobuf message types can now be set by short name or full name
  • Added toProtobuf Cypher serialization procedure
  • Protobuf procedures now yield null values on failing to serialize/deserialize
  • Enhanced telemetry with basic feature usage indicators to support prioritizing most-used features
  • Simplified and tuned ingest registration logic


  • It is now possible to wake nodes with persisted state referring to deleted MultipleValues standing queries
  • Cassandra persistor now respects the should-create-tables configuration option when using only the default namespace
  • Cypher log procedure now accepts log levels in a case-insensitive manner
  • ANSI control codes are no longer logged except when running a recipe
  • Cypher node.debug error no longer reports an error on nodes tracking MultipleValues standing queries


  • Remove aws-java-sdk-sts
  • scalajs to 1.16.0
  • kafka-clients to 3.6.2
  • amazon-kinesis-client to 2.5.8
  • marketplacemetering, s3, sts to 2.25.42
  • scala-parser-combinators to 2.4.0
  • sttp-circe to 3.9.7
  • sbt-paradox to 0.10.7
  • commons-io to 2.16.1
  • commons-compress to 1.26.1
  • commons-text to 1.12.0
  • circe to 0.14.7
  • logback-classic to 1.5.6
  • tapir to 1.10.8
  • jwt-circe to 10.0.1
  • guava to 33.2.1-jre
  • cats-core to 2.12.0
  • commons-compress to 1.26.2
  • shapeless to 2.3.12
  • scala-library to 2.13.14
  • scalacheck to 1.18.0
  • sbt, sbt-dependency-tree to 1.10.0
  • jedis to 5.1.3

Release 1.6.4

02 May 20:03
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Quine 1.6.4


  • Add round() and radians() cypher functions
  • Improve error handling in the exploration UI
  • Add parseProtobuf cypher procedure. This procedure takes 3 arguments: bytes to decode, schema URL, and type name; and yields a single value named value.


  • Unregistered routes will now return a "not found" page instead of an error about a missing query parameter
  • The cypher interpreter will no longer report "undefined variable" when returning variables bound to pattern expressions (e.g., MATCH p=(a) RETURN p)
  • SET n.prop = NULL now correctly removes the property
  • Multiple SET clauses in sequence now correctly updates the node's properties instead of replacing them


  • cats-effect to 3.5.4
  • amazon-kinesis-client to 2.5.7
  • guava to 33.1.0-jre
  • commons-io to 2.16.0
  • webjars-locator to 0.52
  • pekko-http-circe to 2.4.0
  • logback-classic to 1.5.3
  • jedis to 5.1.2
  • scala-library to 2.13.13
  • Cassandra java-driver to 4.18.0.
  • commons-codec to 1.17.0
  • tapir to 1.10.6

Release 1.6.2

27 Mar 17:55
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Quine 1.6.2


  • Lowered node wake latency by parallelising journal rehydration


  • Webserver bind port or address can now be set without setting both


  • Update antlr to 4.13.1
  • Update sbt-scalajs, scalajs-compiler, ... to 1.13.2
  • Update slinky-core, slinky-web to 0.7.4
  • Update jnr-posix to 3.1.19
  • Update aws-java-sdk-sts to 1.12.670
  • Update mapdb to 3.1.0
  • Update rocksdbjni to 8.11.3
  • Update pekko-http-circe to 2.3.4
  • Update pekko-http, pekko-http-xml to 1.0.1
  • Update marketplacemetering, s3, sts to 2.20.162

Release 1.6.1

05 Mar 20:17
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Changes that may require attention:

  • Standardize the names of the NumberIteratorIngest fields startAtOffset and maxPerSecond. If you were previously using the names startAt or throttlePerSecond, you will need to update your recipes and API calls


  • Reintroduce the classic single-line query bar on the Explore UI with SHIFT-ENTER to run a text query
  • Add support for arbitrary kafka properties on WriteToKafka Standing Query output via kafkaProperties field
  • Allow Multiple Values Standing Queries to event on arbitrarily-keyed property changes by using a RETURN properties(n) rather than having to list all properties manually


  • Reintroduce error messages encountered during Cypher query compilation which were lost as part of the Scala 2.13 migration in 1.6.0
  • Improve favicon support on all platforms


  • pekko, pekko-stream, pekko-connectors to 1.0.2
  • Fix CVE-2024-25710: add explicit apache commons compress dep 1.26.0
  • scalajs-dom to 2.8.0
  • commons-codec to 1.16.1
  • pureconfig to 0.17.6
  • bootstrap to 5.3.3
  • sbt, sbt-dependency-tree to 1.9.9
  • logback-classic to 1.5.1
  • protobuf-java to 3.25.3
  • jedis to 5.1.1
  • everit-json-schema to 1.14.4
  • sttp to 3.9.2
  • webjars-locator to 0.50
  • pekko-http-circe to 2.1.1
  • circe-optics to 0.15.0
  • dropwizard metrics to 4.2.25
  • guava to 33.0.0-jre
  • skunk-circe, skunk-core to 0.6.3
  • thatDot-opencypher to 9.1.1
  • commons-text to 1.11.0
  • msgpack-core to 0.9.8
  • cats-effect to 3.5.3
  • rocksdbjni to 8.5.4

Release v1.6.0

24 Jan 23:09
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  • Migrate from Lightbend Akka to Apache Pekko Framework
  • Dropped Apache Pulsar ingest support due to Akka dependency
  • Migrate from Scala 2.12 to Scala 2.13
  • Forbid specifying JdniLoginModule as a sasl.jaas.config to avoid CVE-2023-25194
  • Limit InfluxDB metrics logging to error
  • Added open source telemetry, for more info visit
  • Support multiline queries in the Exploration UI


  • Fixed "Run again as text query" button in the results panel in the Exploration UI


  • scala-library 2.13 to 2.13.12
  • msgpack-core to 0.9.6
  • dropwizard metrics-core, metrics-jmx, metrics-jvm to 4.2.20
  • commons-compress to 1.25.0 to address CVE-2021-35516, CVE-2021-35517, CVE-2021-36090
  • mapdb to 3.0.10
  • kafka-clients to 2.7.2
  • avro to 1.11.3 to address CVE-2023-39410
  • aws-sdk to 2.20.159
  • guava to 32.1.3-jre
  • circe-config to 0.10.1
  • circe-yaml-v12 to 0.15.1
  • commons-io to 2.15.1
  • logback-classic to 1.4.13

Release Quine 1.5.7

21 Sep 22:51
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  • SSL is now supported when interacting with Quine in an untrusted environment by using the SSL_KEYSTORE_PATH and SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD environment variables
  • Add create.setProperty procedure to allow setting a property with a dynamic key, dual to accessing a property with square-bracket syntax
  • Additional performance metrics can be added with enableDebugMetrics setting to help diagnose internal messaging and node load/unload throughput


  • Multiple Value Standing Query (MVSQ) will now properly trigger a change when a property is set/unset to null


  • stoplight elements to v7.12.0
  • snakeyaml-engine to 2.7
  • logback-classic to 1.4.11
  • sts to 2.20.139
  • cats-core to 2.10.0
  • circe-core, circe-parser, ... to 0.14.6
  • msgpack-core to 0.9.5
  • scalajs-dom to 2.6.0
  • guava to 32.1.2-jre

Release Quine 1.5.6

26 Jul 22:53
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  • Added support for STS assumed-role authentication to experimental AWS Keyspaces persistor


  • Removed "total memory" gauge from metrics dashboard when maximum total memory can't be calculated based on the running JVM
  • Fixed a "stream stopped before async invocation was processed" error message that could occur when resuming ingests on startup


  • webjars-locator to 0.47
  • sbt-jmh to 0.4.5
  • guava to 32.0.1-jre
  • dropwizard metrics to 4.2.19
  • logback-classic to 1.4.8
  • scala-library to 2.12.18
  • cats-effect to 3.5.1
  • scala-collection-compat to 2.11.0

Release Quine 1.5.5

21 Jun 17:56
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  • Ingest status is now preserved across restarts when restore-ingest configuration is set
  • Improved error handling within Keyspaces persistor


  • Valid Kafka configurations (e.g., ssl.truststore.location) are now accepted by the KafkaIngest stream configuration object
  • Remove unnecessary log line


  • bootstrap to 5.3.0
  • flatbuffers-java to 23.5.26
  • pureconfig to 0.17.4
  • commons-io to 2.12.0
  • guava to 32.0.0-jre