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⚙️ Configuration Options

tigattack edited this page Sep 21, 2022 · 7 revisions

Service setup

VeeamNotify will only attempt to send to a notification service if the webhook begins with https.

To enable any of the notification services, simply enter your webhook and, if using any of the mention options, your user information.

Note: Microsoft Teams

Teams requires a username to be specified as well an ID (email address).

If the user_name field for Teams is set to Your Name or is blank, VeeamNotify will use your email address sans domain (e.g. if your email is, your username is jsmith).

If the user_name field is set to any other value, it will be used.

Example configuration

Do NOT copy/paste this example. It is invalid JSON and will not work.

    "services": {                       # Service definitions.
        "discord": {                      # Discord service.
            "webhook": "DiscordWebhook",    # Discord webhook.
            "user_id": "123456789"          # Discord user id. Required when mentions enabled below.
        "slack": {                        # Slack service.
            "webhook": "SlackWebhook",      # Slack webhook.
            "user_id": "A1B2C3D4E5"         # Slack user id. Required when mentions enabled below.
        "teams": {                        # Teams service.
            "webhook": "TeamsWebhook",      # Teams webhook.
            "user_id": "user@domain.tld",   # Teams user id. Required when mentions enabled below.
            "user_name": "Your Name"        # Teams user name. Optional, will be auto-generated if mentions enabled below.
    "mentions": {           # Mention definitions. These options depend on the user_id (and user_name if Teams) values above.
        "on_failure": false,  # If true, you will be mentioned when a job finishes in a failed state. 
        "on_warning": false   # If true, you will be mentioned when a job finishes in a warning state.
    "notifications": {      # Notification definitions. 
        "on_success": true,   # If true, a notification will be sent if the job finishes in a Successful state. 
        "on_failure": true,   # If true, a notification will be sent if the job finishes in a Failed state. 
        "on_warning": true    # If true, a notification will be sent if the job finishes in a Warning state.
    "logging": {            # Logging configuration.
        "enabled": true,      # If true, VeeamNotify will log to a session-specific file in C:\VeeamScripts\VeeamNotify\logs\
        "level": "info",      # Logging level. Possibly values: error, warn, info, debug.
        "max_age_days": 7     # Max age of log files. Set to 0 to disable log expiry.
    "update": {             # Update configuration
        "notify": true,       # If true, VeeamNotify will notify you if an update is available.
	"auto_update": false, # DO NOT USE. If true, VeeamNotify will attempt to update itself when an update is available.
	"auto_update_comment": "auto_update will NOT work. Leave it set to false"
    "thumbnail": "https://some.url/img.jpg",  # Image URL for the thumbnail shown in the report notification.