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Like Laravel Homstead but for Docker instead of Vagrant.
LaraDock helps you run your Laravel App on Docker in seconds.

## Contents


LaraDock strives to make the development experience easier. It contains pre-packaged Docker Images that provides you a wonderful development environment without requiring you to install PHP, NGINX, MySQL, REDIS, and any other software on your local machine.

What is Docker?

Docker is an open-source project that automates the deployment of applications inside software containers, by providing an additional layer of abstraction and automation of operating-system-level virtualization on Linux, Mac OS and Windows.

What is Laravel?


Why Docker not Vagrant!?

Vagrant gives you Virtual Machines in minutes while Docker gives you Virtual Containers in seconds.

Instead of providing a full Virtual Machines, like you get with Vagrant, Docker provides you lightweight Virtual Containers, that share the same kernel and allow to safely execute independent processes.


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## Included Software

Docker Images:

You can edit these images, on this repository .


## Usage

1 - Install any version of Laravel, or use any of your existing Laravel projects.

2 - Clone the LaraDock repository, inside a docker folder, on the root directory of your Laravel project.

git clone docker

3 - Find your Docker IP address.

  • If you are on Linux OS: your IP Address is because the containers run directly on your localhost.
  • If you are on MAC or Windows and using the docker-machine: start your docker machine then type docker-machine ip {vm-name-here}. (The default IP is
  • If you are on MAC or Windows and using boot2docker: type boot2docker ip when boot2docker is up.

4 - Open your hosts file /etc/hosts.

sudo nano /etc/hosts

5 - Map your Docker IP to the domain, by adding the following to the hosts file.

Don't forget to replace the with your Docker IP Address.

6 - From the new created docker folder in step 2, open the docker-compose.yml file to replace the with your Docker IP Adress as well.

7 - Open your Laravel's .env file and set the DB_HOST and the REDIS_HOST to instead of the default

If you don't find the REDIS_HOST variable in your .env file. Go to the database config file config/database.php and replace the with for Redis like so:

'redis' => [
    'cluster' => false,
    'default' => [
        'host'     => '',
        'port'     => 6379,
        'database' => 0,

If you want to use Redis for Caching and/or for Sessions Management. Open the .env file and set CACHE_DRIVER and SESSION_DRIVER to redis instead of the default file.


8 - Finally run the containers. Make sure you are in the docker folder before running this command.

docker-compose up

You can run docker-compose up -d if you want to run the containers in the background.

"Note: Only the first time you run this command, it will take up to 5 minutes (depend on your connection speed) to download the images to your local machine.

Debugging: in case you faced a problem with docker mahcine here, try to running this command in your current terminal session docker-machine env {vm-name-here} and then eval "$(docker-machine env {vm-name-here})".

9 - Open your browser and visit

Debugging: in case you faced an error here, it might be that you forget to provide some permissions for Laravel, so try running the following command on the Laravel root directory: sudo chmod -R 777 storage && sudo chmod -R 777 bootstrap/cache.

## Documentation

See current running Containers

docker ps

Close all running Containers

docker-compose stop

Delete all existing Containers

docker-compose rm -f

Note: Careful with this command as it will delete your Data Volume Container as well. (if you want to keep your Database data than you should stop each container by itself as follow):

docker stop {container-name}

Remove Container

To prevent a container (software) from running, open the docker-compose.yml file, and comment out the container section or remove it entirely.

Add an Image (add a software to run with other Containers)

To add an image (software), just edit the laradock/docker/docker-compose.yml and add your container details, to do so you need to be familiar with the docker compose file syntax.

Edit a Container (change Ports or Volumes)

To modify a container you can simply open the laradock/docker/docker-compose.yml and change everything you want.

Example: if you want to set the MySQL port to 3333, just replace the default port with yours:

    - "3333:3306"

Edit an existing Image (change some configuration in the image)

To edit an image, and take full control of it:

  1. clone the LaraDock docker-images repository
  2. modify whichever Dockfile you want
  3. from the modified image directory run docker build -t {your-image-name} .

All the images are open source and hosted on the Docker Hub.

If you find any bug or you have and suggestion that can improve the performance of any image, please consider contributing. Thanks in advance.

View the Log files

The Log files are stored in the docker/logs directory.

## Contributing

This little project was built by one man who has a full time job and many responsibilities, so if you like this project and you find that it needs a bug fix or support for new software or upgrade for the current containers, or anything else.. Do not hesitate to contribute, you are more than welcome :)

The project consist of 2 repositories:


Issues on Github.


Mahmoud Zalt


MIT License (MIT)


Like Laravel Homstead but for Docker instead of Vagrant.







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