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Github repository for the paper What Transformer to Favor: A Comparative Analysis of Efficiency in Vision Transformers.


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Which Transformer to Favor:
A Comparative Analysis of Efficiency in Vision Transformers

First plot from the paper: Pareto front of throughput vs. accuracy

This is the code for the paper Which Transformer to Favor: A Comparative Analysis of Efficiency in Vision Transformers, a benchmark of over 30 different efficient vision trainsformers. We train models from scratch and track multiple efficiency metrics. You can use this website to interactively explore the data.


The growing popularity of Vision Transformers as the go-to models for image classification has led to an explosion of architectural modifications claiming to be more efficient than the original ViT. However, a wide diversity of experimental conditions prevents a fair comparison between all of them, based solely on their reported results. That is why we conduct an independent and comprehensive analysis of more than 30 models to evaluate the efficiency of vision transformers and related architectures, considering various performance metrics and conducting our own measurements. This way we provide fair, unbiased baselines and metrics, all in one place, therefore enabling practitioners to make more informed decisions. Our findings highlight, that ViT is still Pareto optimal across multiple efficiency metrics, as well as the efficiency of sequence reducing approaches. We find that hybrid attention-CNN models fare especially well, when it comes to low inference memory and number of parameters and also show that it is better to scale the model size, than the image size. Furthermore, we uncover a strong positive correlation between FLOPS and training memory, which allows for an estimate of VRAM requirements from theoretical measurements only.

Thanks to our holistic evaluation, this study offers valuable insights for practitioners and researchers, facilitating informed decisions when selecting models for specific applications.


This project heavily builds on timm and open source implementations of the models that are tested. All requirements are listed in requirements.txt. To install those, run

pip install -r requirements.txt


After cloning this repository, you can train and test a lot of different models. By default, a srun command is executed to run the code on a slurm cluster. To run on the local machine, append the -local flag to the command.

Dataset Preparation

Supported datasets are CIFAR10, ImageNet-21k, and ImageNet-1k.

The CIFAR10 dataset has to be located in a subfolder of the dataset root directory called CIFAR. This is the normal CIFAR10 from torchvision.datasets.

To speed up the data loading, the ImageNet datasets are read using datadings. The .msgpack files for ImageNet-1k should be located in <dataset_root_folder>/imagenet/msgpack, while the ones for ImageNet-21k should be in <dataset_root_folder>/imagenet-21k. See the datadings documentation for information on how to create those files.



To pretrain a model on a given dataset, run

./ -model <model_name> -epochs <epochs> -dataset_root <dataset_root_folder>/ -results_folder <folder_for_results>/ -logging_folder <logging_folder> -run_name <name_or_description_of_the_run> (-local)

This will save a checkpoint (.tar file) every <save_epochs> epochs (the default is 10), which contains all the model weights, along with the optimizer and scheduler state, and the current training stats. The default pretraining dataset is ImageNet-21k.


A model (checkpoint) can be finetuned on another dataset using the following command:

./ -task fine-tune -model <model_checkpoint_file.tar> -epochs <epochs> -lr <lr> -dataset_root <dataset_root_folder>/ -results_folder <folder_for_results>/ -logging_folder <logging_folder> -run_name <name_or_description_of_the_run> (-local)

This will also save new checkpoints during training. The default finetuning dataset is ImageNet-1k.


It is also possible to evaluate the models. To evaluate the model's accuracy and the efficiency metrics, run

./ -task eval -model <model_checkpoint_file.tar> -dataset_root <dataset_root_folder>/ -results_folder <folder_for_results>/ -logging_folder <logging_folder> -run_name <name_or_description_of_the_run> (-local)

The default evaluation dataset is ImageNet-1k.

To only evaluate the efficiency metrics, run

./ -task eval-metrics -model <model_checkpoint_file.tar> -dataset_root <dataset_root_folder>/ -results_folder <folder_for_results>/ -logging_folder <logging_folder> -run_name <name_or_description_of_the_run> (-local)

This utilizes the CIFAR10 dataset by default.

Further Arguments

There can be multiple further arguments and flags given to the scripts. The most important ones are

Arg Description
-model <model> Model name or checkpoint.
-run_name <name for the run> Name or description of this training run.
-dataset <dataset> Specifies a dataset to use.
-task <task> Specifies a task. The default is pre-train.
-local Run on the local machine, not on a slurm cluster.
-dataset_root <dataset root> Root folder of the datasets.
-results_folder <results folder> Folder to save results into.
-logging_folder <logging folder> Folder for saving logfiles.
-epochs <epochs> Epochs to train.
-lr <lr> Learning rate. Default is 3e-3.
-batch_size <bs> Batch size. Default is 2048.
-weight_decay <wd> Weight decay. Default is 0.02.
-imsize <image resolution> Resulution of the image to train with. Default is 224.

For a list of all arguments, run

./ --help

Supported Models

These are the models we support. Links are to original code sources. If no link is provided, we implemented the architecture from scratch, following the specific paper.

Architecture Versions
AViT avit_tiny_patch16, avit_small_patch16, avit_base_patch16, avit_large_patch16
CaiT cait_xxs24, cait_xxs36, cait_xs24, cait_s24, cait_s36, cait_m36, cait_m48
CoaT coat_tiny, coat_mini, coat_small, coat_lite_tiny, coat_lite_mini, coat_lite_small, coat_lite_medium
CvT cvt_13, cvt_21, cvt_w24
DeiT deit_tiny_patch16_LS, deit_small_patch16_LS, deit_medium_patch16_LS, deit_base_patch16_LS, deit_large_patch16_LS, deit_huge_patch14_LS, deit_huge_patch14_52_LS, deit_huge_patch14_26x2_LS, deit_Giant_48_patch14_LS, deit_giant_40_patch14_LS, deit_small_patch16_36_LS, deit_small_patch16_36, deit_small_patch16_18x2_LS, deit_small_patch16_18x2, deit_base_patch16_18x2_LS, deit_base_patch16_18x2, deit_base_patch16_36x1_LS, deit_base_patch16_36x1
DynamicViT dynamic_vit_tiny_patch16, dynamic_vit_90_tiny_patch16, dynamic_vit_70_tiny_patch16, dynamic_vit_small_patch16, dynamic_vit_90_small_patch16, dynamic_vit_70_small_patch16, dynamic_vit_base_patch16, dynamic_vit_70_base_patch16, dynamic_vit_90_base_patch16, dynamic_vit_large_patch16, dynamic_vit_90_large_patch16, dynamic_vit_70_large_patch16
EfficientFormerV2 efficientformerv2_s0, efficientformerv2_s1, efficientformerv2_s2, efficientformerv2_l
EViT evit_tiny_patch16, evit_tiny_patch16_fuse, evit_small_patch16, evit_small_patch16_fuse, evit_base_patch16, evit_base_patch16_fuse
FNet fnet_vit_tiny_patch16, fnet_vit_small_patch16, fnet_vit_base_patch16, fnet_vit_large_patch16, fnet_vit_tiny_patch4, fnet_vit_small_patch4, fnet_vit_base_patch4, fnet_vit_large_patch4
FocalNet focalnet_tiny_srf, focalnet_small_srf, focalnet_base_srf, focalnet_tiny_lrf, focalnet_small_lrf, focalnet_base_lrf, focalnet_tiny_iso, focalnet_small_iso, focalnet_base_iso, focalnet_large_fl3, focalnet_large_fl4, focalnet_xlarge_fl3, focalnet_xlarge_fl4, focalnet_huge_fl3, focalnet_huge_fl4
GFNet gfnet_tiny_patch4, gfnet_extra_small_patch4, gfnet_small_patch4, gfnet_base_patch4, gfnet_tiny_patch16, gfnet_extra_small_patch16, gfnet_small_patch16, gfnet_base_patch16
HaloNet halonet_h0, halonet_h1, halonet_h2
Linear Transformer linear_vit_tiny_patch16, linear_vit_small_patch16, linear_vit_base_patch16, linear_vit_large_patch16
Linformer linformer_vit_tiny_patch16, linformer_vit_small_patch16, linformer_vit_base_patch16, linformer_vit_large_patch16
MLP-Mixer mixer_s32, mixer_s16, mixer_b32, mixer_b16, mixer_l32, mixer_l16
NyströmFormer nystrom64_vit_tiny_patch16, nystrom32_vit_tiny_patch16, nystrom64_vit_small_patch16, nystrom32_vit_small_patch16, nystrom64_vit_base_patch16, nystrom32_vit_base_patch16, nystrom64_vit_large_patch16, nystrom32_vit_large_patch16
Permormer performer_vit_tiny_patch16, performer_vit_small_patch16, performer_vit_base_patch16, performer_vit_large_patch16
PolySA polysa_vit_tiny_patch16, polysa_vit_small_patch16, polysa_vit_base_patch16, polysa_vit_large_patch16
ResNet resnet18, resnet34, resnet26, resnet50, resnet101, wide_resnet50_2
Routing Transformer routing_vit_tiny_patch16, routing_vit_small_patch16, routing_vit_base_patch16, routing_vit_large_patch16
Sinkhorn Transformer sinkhorn_cait_tiny_bmax32_patch16, sinkhorn_cait_tiny_bmax64_patch16, sinkhorn_cait_small_bmax32_patch16, sinkhorn_cait_small_bmax64_patch16, sinkhorn_cait_base_bmax32_patch16, sinkhorn_cait_base_bmax64_patch16, sinkhorn_cait_large_bmax32_patch16, sinkhorn_cait_large_bmax64_patch16
STViT stvit_swin_tiny_p4_w7, stvit_swin_base_p4_w7
Swin swin_tiny_patch4_window7, swin_small_patch4_window7, swin_base_patch4_window7, swin_large_patch4_window7
SwinV2 swinv2_tiny_patch4_window7, swinv2_small_patch4_window7, swinv2_base_patch4_window7, swinv2_large_patch4_window7
Switch Transformer switch_8_vit_tiny_patch16, switch_8_vit_small_patch16, switch_8_vit_base_patch16, switch_8_vit_large_patch16
Synthesizer synthesizer_fd_vit_tiny_patch16, synthesizer_fr_vit_tiny_patch16, synthesizer_fd_vit_small_patch16, synthesizer_fr_vit_small_patch16, synthesizer_fd_vit_base_patch16, synthesizer_fr_vit_base_patch16, synthesizer_fd_vit_large_patch16, synthesizer_fr_vit_large_patch16
TokenLearner token_learner_vit_8_50_tiny_patch16, token_learner_vit_8_75_tiny_patch16, token_learner_vit_8_50_small_patch16, token_learner_vit_8_75_small_patch16, token_learner_vit_8_50_base_patch16, token_learner_vit_8_75_base_patch16, token_learner_vit_8_50_large_patch16, token_learner_vit_8_75_large_patch16
ToMe tome_vit_tiny_r8_patch16, tome_vit_tiny_r13_patch16, tome_vit_small_r8_patch16, tome_vit_small_r13_patch16, tome_vit_base_r8_patch16, tome_vit_base_r13_patch16, tome_vit_large_r8_patch16, tome_vit_large_r13_patch16
ViT ViT-{Ti,S,B,L}/<patch_size>
Wave ViT wavevit_s, wavevit_b, wavevit_l
XCiT xcit_nano_12_p16, xcit_tiny_12_p16, xcit_small_12_p16, xcit_tiny_24_p16, xcit_small_24_p16, xcit_medium_24_p16, xcit_large_24_p16, xcit_nano_12_p8, xcit_tiny_12_p8, xcit_small_12_p8, xcit_tiny_24_p8, xcit_small_24_p8, xcit_medium_24_p8, xcit_large_24_p8


We release this code under the MIT license.


If you use this codebase in your project, please cite

      title={Which Transformer to Favor: A Comparative Analysis of Efficiency in Vision Transformers}, 
      author={Tobias Christian Nauen and Sebastian Palacio and Andreas Dengel},


Github repository for the paper What Transformer to Favor: A Comparative Analysis of Efficiency in Vision Transformers.







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