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Liger Engine

Linux/MacOS build status

Liger engine is a personal learning game engine, currently in the early stages development.


Currently the engine works only on Windows and Linux. MacOS is currently not supported until MoltenVK supports Vulkan 1.3

Installing the engine

Linux & MacOS

git clone --recursive
./ {debug|release}

Windows (Microsoft Visual Studio)

  1. Clone repository
git clone --recursive
  1. Open the cloned folder as CMake project in MVS
  2. Configure CMake in MVS
  3. Build->Build all
  4. Build->Install Liger-Engine

Create game project

python --name "<PROJECT_NAME>" --path "<PROJECT_PATH>" --liger_path "<ENGINE_PATH>"

Windows (Microsoft Visual Studio)

  1. Open generated project in MVS
  2. Go to Manage Configurations and add the following CMake command arguments (this will definitely be improved in the future):
-DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=true -DLIGER_ENGINE_PATH=<<YOUR_PATH>> -DLiger-Engine_DIR=<<YOUR_PATH>>/out/build/x64-{Debug|Release}/Engine -DSPIRV-Tools_DIR=<<YOUR_PATH>>/out/install/x64-{Debug|Release}/SPIRV-Tools/cmake -DSPIRV-Tools-opt_DIR=<<YOUR_PATH>>/out/install/x64-{Debug|Release}/SPIRV-Tools-opt/cmake


Name Notes
assimp Submodule
entt Submodule
fmt Submodule
glfw Submodule
glm Submodule
glslang Submodule
magic_enum Submodule
stb-image -
taskflow Submodule
vma Submodule
volk Submodule
vulkan-headers Submodule
vulkan-utility-libraries Submodule
yaml-cpp Submodule


Here I'm going to write short pages on the design decisions I'm making during development of the engine.
