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When life gives you docs, make dachshund!

MIT license Build Status GitHub release

mkdoxin takes external documentation repositories and builds them using mkdocs and mkdocs-material.


The only required environment variable is GIT_REPO, the URL to the remote repository.

Other, optional, environment variables are:

  • MAX_REPO_SIZE (integer) - value in KB, defaults to 1GB (1,000,000 KB)
  • SCHEDULED_UPDATES (boolean) - whether to automatically pull updates on a schedule. Defaults to TRUE.
  • UPDATE_INTERVAL (integer) - Only applicable if SCHEDULED_UPDATES is TRUE. Must be greater than 1, defaults to 1.
  • UPDATE_CADENCE (integer) - Only applicable if SCHEDULED_UPDATES is TRUE. Valid options are: second, seconds, minute, minutes, hour, hours, day, days, week, weeks, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday. Defaults to days.
  • LOCALIZE_SITE_URL (boolean) - whether to automatically "localize" the site_url from mkdocs.yml for any redirects. Converts to localhost for self-contained documents. Defaults to TRUE.*

*Certain docs utilize the plugin mkdocs-redirects and occasionally use the hardcoded value from site_url in various redirect locations to support anchor references (#), which mkdocs-redirects does not currently support.