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IGLU Datasets

Interactive Grounded Language Understanding in a Collaborative Environment

The primary goal of the IGLU project is to approach the problem of how to develop interactive agents that learn to solve a task while provided with grounded natural language instructions in a collaborative environment.

Following this objective, the project has collected several datasets with different types of interactions during a block building task. The data and scripts used to collect it will be progressively released in this repository.

Due to the complexity of a general interactive task, the problem is simplified to interactions inside of a finite, Minecraft-like world of blocks. The goal of the interaction is to build a structure using a limited number of block types, which can vary in complexity. Examples of possible target structures to build are:

Shots of three possible target structures to build

Two roles arise: the Architect is provided with a target structure that needs to be built by the Builder. The Architect provides instructions to the Builder on how to create the target structure and the Builder can ask clarifying questions to the Architect if an instruction is unclear.

The progression of each game is recorded, corresponding to the construction of a target structure by an Architect and Builder pair, as a discrete sequence of game observations. Each observation contains the following information: 1) a time stamp, 2) the chat history up until that point in time, 3) the Builder’s position (a tuple of real-valued x, y, z coordinates as well as pitch and yaw angles, representing the orientation of their camera), 4) the Builder’s block inventory, 5) the locations of the blocks in the build region.

Gif with interactions between Architect and Builder


To install the stable version of the IGLU-datasets API, please use the following command:

pip install git+

Alternatively, you can download the repo and install it manually:

git clone
cd iglu-datasets && python install

The requirements to install the API are the followings:


Working with IGLU datasets

The IGLU-datasets library prives an easy and flexible way for for with Single and Multi turn datasets. Here is an example of how to use it:

from iglu_datasets import MultiturnDataset, SingleturnDataset

# leave dataset_version empty to access the most recent version of the dataset.
# create a multiturn dataset instance
dataset = MultiturnDataset(dataset_version='v1.0') 

# create a singleturn dataset instance
dataset = SingleturnDataset(dataset_version='v1.0') 

On creation, this class will automatically download the dataset from this repository and parse (might take a few minutes) the raw data to store in a format that is fast and convienient to load. There are two ways for accessing the underlying data. First, the .sample() method can be used. This method simply retrieves one random example from the dataset. The example is wrapped into Task format which has the following fields:

sample = dataset.sample() # here a `Task` instance will be returned
print('Previous dialog\n', sample.dialog) # the whole prior conversation EXCLUDING the current instruction.
print('Instruction\n', sample.instruction) # the current instruction to execute by the builder. 
# If builder asks for clarifying questions, this will be a tuple (instruction, question, answer) 
# concatenated to a string.
print('Target grid\n', sample.target_grid) # 3D numpy array of shape (9, 11, 11). 
# Represents the volume snapshot of the target blocks world that correspond to the builder's 
# result in responce to the instruction.
print('Starting grid\n', sample.starting_grid) # 3D numpy array of shape (9, 11, 11). 
# Represents the volume snapshot of the starting blocks world with which the builder 
# starts executing the instruction.

The multiturn dataset consists of structures that represent overall collaboration goals. For each structure, we have several collaboration sessions that pair architects with builders to build each particular structure. Each session consists of a sequence of "turns". Each turn represents an atomic instruction and corresponding changes of the blocks in the world. The structure of a Task object is following:

  • target_grid - target blocks configuration that needs to be built
  • starting_grid - optional, blocks for the environment to begin the episode with.
  • dialog - full conversation between the architect and builder, including the most recent instruction
  • instruction - last utterance of the architect

Sometimes, the instructions can be ambiguous and the builder asks a clarifying question which the architect answers. In the latter case, instruction will contain three utterances: an instruction, a clarifying question, and an answer to that question. Otherwise, instruction is just one utterance of the architect.

Here is an example of task (the target structure is shown on the left and blocks to add are on the right):

Gif with task vis

To represent collaboration sessions, the Subtasks class is used. This class represents a sequence of dialog utterances and their corresponding goals (each of which is a partially completed structure). On .sample() call, it picks a random turn and returns a Task object, where starting and target grids are consecutive partial structures and the dialog contains all utterances up until the one corresponding to the target grid.

In the example above, the dataset object is structured as follows:

# .tasks is a dict mapping from structure to a list of sessions of interaction
# each value contains a list corresponding to collaboration sessions.
# Each element of this list is an instance of `Subtasks` class

The .sample() method of MultiturnDataset does effectively the following:

def sample(dataset):
  task_id = random.choice(dataset.tasks.keys())
  session = random.choice(dataset.tasks[task_id])
  subtask = session.sample() # Task object is returned
  return subtask

This behavior can be customized simply by overriding the reset method in a subclass:

from iglu_datasets import MultiturnDataset

class MyDataset(MultiturnDataset):
  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    self.my_task_id = 'c73'
    self.my_session = 0
  def sample(self):
    return self.tasks[self.my_task_id][self.my_session].sample()

my_dataset = MyDataset(dataset_version='v1.0')
# do training/sampling

On the first creation, the dataset is downloaded and parsed automatically. Below you will find the structure of the dataset:

  1-c118/ # session id - structure_id

Here, dialog.csv contains the utterances of architects and builders solving different tasks in different sessions. The builder-data/ directory contains builder behavior recorded by the voxel.js engine. Right now we extract only the resulting grids and use them as targets.

Singleturn dataset

The SingleturnDataset has the same structure of each sample. The main difference compared to the MultiturnDataset is that here tasks are not structured into a chain but rather branch out from random chain steps.

Below you will find the structure of the single turn dataset:

    <same as in multiturn>
      <tree structure with game sessions>
    <tree structure with game sessions>

Here, multi_turn_dialogs.csv and initial_world_states/ is just the copy of the multiturn dataset under a different name. In single_turn_instructions.csv you can find the single turn instructions, and references to game sessions where the block states can be restored.

Grid prediction score calculation

Given a predicted grid and a target one, the intersection score is calculated based on their similarity. The score is determined regardless of global spatial position of currently placed blocks, it only takes into account how much the built blocks are similar to the target structure. To make it possible, at each step we calculate the intersection between the built and the target structures for each spatial translation within the horizontal plane and rotation around the vertical axis. Then we take the maximal intersection value among all translation and rotations. To calculate the score, we compare the maximal intersection size from the current step with the one from the previous step. The resulting intersection size can serve as a true positive rate for the f1/precision/recall score calculations, also it can be used as a reward function for a reinforcement learning agent. A visual example is shown below.

Specifically, we run the code that is equivalent to the following one. Note that our version is much more optimized, while the version is given for reference:

def maximal_intersection(grid, target_grid):
    grid (np.ndarray[Y, X, Z]): numpy array snapshot of a built structure
    target_grid (np.ndarray[Y, X, Z]): numpy array snapshot of the target structure
  maximum = 0
  # iterate over orthogonal rotations
  for i in range(4):
    # iterate over translations
    for dx in range(-X, X + 1):
      for dz in range(-Z, Z + 1):
        shifted_grid = translate(grid, dx, dz)
        intersection = np.sum( (shifted_grid == target) & (target != 0) )
        maximum = max(maximum, intersection)
    grid = rotate_y_axis(grid)
  return maximum

In practice, a more optimized version is used. There is a way to convert this score into a reward function for a reinforcement learning agent. To do that, we can calculate the reward based on the temporal difference between maximal intersection of the two consecutive grids. Formally, suppose grids[t] is a built structure at timestep t. The reward is then calculated as:

def calc_reward(prev_grid, grid, target_grid, , right_scale=2, wrong_scale=1):
  prev_max_int = maximal_intersection(prev_grid, target_grid)
  max_int = maximal_intersection(grid, target_grid)
  diff = max_int - prev_max_int
  prev_grid_size = num_blocks(prev_grid)
  grid_size = num_blocks(grid)
  if diff == 0:
    return wrong_scale * np.sign(grid_size - prev_grid_size)
    return right_scale * np.sign(diff)

In other words, if a recently placed block strictly increases or decreases the maximal intersection, the reward is positive or negative and is equal to +/-right_scale. Otherwise, its absolute value is equal to wrong_scale and the sign is positive if a block was removed or negative if added. This reward function is implemented in the embodied IGLU environment.


The described datasets are collected as a part of IGLU:Interactive Grounded Language Understanding in a Collaborative Environment, which is described in the following papers:

  title={Transforming Human-Centered AI Collaboration: Redefining Embodied Agents Capabilities through Interactive Grounded Language Instructions},
  author={Mohanty, Shrestha and Arabzadeh, Negar and Kiseleva, Julia and Zholus, Artem and Teruel, Milagro and Awadallah, Ahmed and Sun, Yuxuan and Srinet, Kavya and Szlam, Arthur},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10783},
  title={Collecting Interactive Multi-modal Datasets for Grounded Language Understanding},
  author={Mohanty, Shrestha and Arabzadeh, Negar and Teruel, Milagro and Sun, Yuxuan and Zholus, Artem and Skrynnik, Alexey and Burtsev, Mikhail and Srinet, Kavya and Panov, Aleksandr and Szlam, Arthur and others},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.06552},
  title={Interactive grounded language understanding in a collaborative environment: Iglu 2021},
  author={Kiseleva, Julia and Li, Ziming and Aliannejadi, Mohammad and Mohanty, Shrestha and ter Hoeve, Maartje and Burtsev, Mikhail and Skrynnik, Alexey and Zholus, Artem and Panov, Aleksandr and Srinet, Kavya and others},
  booktitle={NeurIPS 2021 Competitions and Demonstrations Track},
  title={Iglu 2022: Interactive grounded language understanding in a collaborative environment at neurips 2022},
  author={Kiseleva, Julia and Skrynnik, Alexey and Zholus, Artem and Mohanty, Shrestha and Arabzadeh, Negar and C{\^o}t{\'e}, Marc-Alexandre and Aliannejadi, Mohammad and Teruel, Milagro and Li, Ziming and Burtsev, Mikhail and others},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.13771},

Consider citing the papers above if you use the assets for your research.


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