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5.0 iOS CocoaPods Swift Package Manager Compatible Carthage Compatible License

Welcome to the integration guide for Mok SDK. This document provides step-by-step instructions on integrating Mok SDK into Xcode projects. Mok is a customer engagement platform for websites and mobile apps. It offers an integrated suite for simplifying notifications for engineering and product management. To use Mok SDK, we need to initialize it with the project environment, read key, and write key. This initialization process is crucial for authorization and ensuring that the SDK functions correctly within the project.

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Installation
  3. Initialization
  4. Usage


  • iOS 16.0 or later
  • Xcode 14 and later
  • Swift 5.0
  • Mok SDK Read and Write keys



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. To incorporate Mok into the Xcode project using CocoaPods, include the specification in your Podfile. Please refer to their official website for detailed instructions on usage and installation. To integrate Mok SDK into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'Unomok'

Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for managing the distribution of Swift code. It’s integrated with the Swift build system to automate the process of downloading, compiling, and linking dependencies.

Here is the steps for adding Unomok to your Xcode project:

  1. In Xcode, with your app project open, navigate to File > Add Packages.
  2. When prompted, When prompted, add the Unomok SDK repository using the Swift Package Manager URL::
  1. Click the Add Packages button.

Swift Package Manager will fetch and integrate the Unomok SDK into your Xcode project. You can now start using the Unomok SDK in your project.


Carthage is a decentralized iOS dependency manager using Git, emphasizing dynamic frameworks without the lock file and providing manual integration into Xcode projects. To integrate Unomok into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "unotag/unomok-sdk-ios"


If you choose not to use the above mentioned dependency managers, you have another option - manually integrate the Mok SDK into your project.

  1. Download this Example project. Navigate to Unomok.xcframework

  2. Drag and Drop the XCFramework file into your Xcode project's file navigator.

  3. Embed & Sign the XCFramework:

    1. Select your app's target in Xcode.
    2. Navigate to the General tab.
    3. In the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section, choose Embed & Sign for the Unomok.xcframework.

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Your manual integration is now complete. Ensure that XCFramework is included in the project and embedded in the app target.


  1. In your AppDelegate, import the SDK:
import Unomok
  1. Initialize the SDK using the project environment, SDK Read Key, and SDK Write Key.
let _ = MokSDK(isProductionEnv: "BOOL_OF_PROJECT_ENVIRONMENT",   sdkReadKey:"YOUR_SDK_READ_KEY", sdkWriteKey: "YOUR_SDK_WRITE_KEY")

Here's the information presented in a Markdown table format:

Parameter Description
BOOL_OF_PROJECT_ENVIRONMENT A boolean value that indicates the project environment. If the environment is production, use true; otherwise, use false.
READ_KEY The SDK read key provided by Mok for authentication and configuration.
WRITE_KEY The SDK write key provided by Mok for authentication and configuration.
  1. Update user ID after initialization of SDK.
MokSDK.updateUser(userID: "USER_ID", withParameters: "PARAMETERS"){ sucessMessage, error in


Here's the information presented in a Markdown table format:

Parameter Name Description
USER_ID The user ID of the current user or device.
parameters Any additional data related to the event in [String: Any] format.

For example, if you need to send a user ID along with a name, it can be sent as:

MokSDK.updateUser(userID: "USER_ID", withParameters: [
  "name": "John Doe"
]) { sucessMessage, error in



Logging User-Specific Event

Mok SDK can log user-specific events with the specified name and additional parameters.

MokSDK.logEvent(userID: userId, eventName: eventName, parameters: params) { [self] (successMessage, error) in

Here's the information presented in a Markdown table format:

Parameter Name Description
userID The user ID of the current user or device.
eventName The name of the current event that needs to be logged.
parameters Any additional data related to the event in [String: Any] format.

Push Notification

Mok SDK provides seamless integration for handling push notifications, allowing you to engage users through both Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) and Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).

Setting up push notifications in an iOS app involves several steps, and it requires configuring both your app and the Apple Developer account. Below is a step-by-step guide for setting up push notifications in an iOS app using Swift:

  1. Create an App ID on Apple Developer Portal.

    • Go to the Apple Developer Portal.
    • Select Identifiers and then create a new App ID.
    • Make sure to enable Push Notifications in the App ID settings.
  2. Create an APNs Key

    • In the Apple Developer Portal, navigate to Keys and create a new key.
    • Enable the Apple Push Notifications service (APNs) option.
  3. Configure Your Xcode Project

    • Open your Xcode project.
    • Under the Signing & Capabilities tab, ensure that your app has a unique bundle identifier matching the one you registered in the Apple Developer Portal.
    • Enable the Push Notifications and Background Modes capabilities in Xcode.
  4. Handle Device Token

Implement the following method to handle the device token when it's received. Use this method after registering the user.

 MokSDK.registerDeviceTokenForRemoteNotification(deviceToken: deviceToken) { token, message, errorMessage  in

registerDeviceTokenForRemoteNotification will register the deviceToken to MokSDK

Here's the information presented in a Markdown table format:

Property Name Description
token Holds the FCM token generated if the push notification type is FCM.
message Holds the success message in string if the push notification type is APNs.
errorMessage Error message in string.
  1. Request User Permission and Register for Remote Notifications

The registerForRemoteNotification() method of MokSDK will request user permission to receive push notifications and automatically register for remote notifications. Therefore, there is no need to implement requestAuthorization of UNUserNotificationCenter and UIApplication's registerForRemoteNotifications() method. If you are using Firebase, use (1); otherwise, use (2).

MokSDK.registerForRemoteNotification(type: .fcm) // (1)

MokSDK.registerForRemoteNotification() // (2)
  1. Implement the Delegate methods Implement the UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate methods to handle notifications.
UNUserNotificationCenter.current().delegate = self

extension AppDelegate : UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
    func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
        let userInfo = notification.request.content.userInfo
        completionHandler([[.banner, .sound]])
    func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
        if let userInfo = response.notification.request.content.userInfo as? [String: Any] {


  1. Add Firebase to your Apple project:

If you haven't already, add Firebase to your Apple project.

  1. Upload your APNs authentication key:

Upload your APNs authentication key to Firebase. If you don't already have an APNs authentication key, make sure to create one in the Apple Developer Portal.

  • Open Firebase Console. Navigate to your project. Inside your project, select the settings icon, select Project Settings, and then select the Cloud Messaging tab.
  • In APNs Authentication Key section under Apple app configuration, click the Upload button.
  • Browse to the location where you saved your p8 key, select it, and click Open. Add the key ID and Team ID for the key (available in the Apple Developer Portal) and click Upload.


For APNs, you have to upload the APNs authentication key to Mok Dashboard.

  1. Go to the Channels tab under the Notifications section.
  2. Select option Apple and add your Apple Credentials there.
  3. You have to add the Credential name, p8 key, Key ID, Team ID and Topic there. Topic is the same as the bundle identifier.

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Automated Identification

Mok automatically identifies views with unique accessibility labels. When integrating the SDK and capturing a screen, all such elements will automatically appear in the Mok dashboard. These elements are utilized for element-specific in-app notifications, such as spotlight and tooltip. Automated identification is exclusively used to identify views on a screen, enabling the configuration of UI element-specific in-app notifications and displaying carousel views based on these identified elements. This feature operates only in development mode on iOS (not in the App Store). Its functionality depends on the value of isProductionEnv, which is passed during the initialization of the Mok SDK. The format for adding an accessibility label for automated identification begins with PL_iOS. For example, if there is a UILabel that needs automatic identification, you can name it as PL_iOS_Name_Label. No additional implementation is required; the SDK automatically manages it.

Device Details Fetching

On initialization, this SDK automatically fetches the device details. No additional implementation is needed; the SDK handles it automatically. The collected device details include:

Device Information Description
Device Model The model of the device.
System Version The version of the operating system.
Device Name The name assigned to the device.
UDID The Unique Device Identifier.
Device Type The type or category of the device.
Screen Size The physical size of the device screen.
Device Orientation The current orientation of the device.
Total Physical Memory The total physical memory available on the device.
Battery State The current state of the device's battery.
Battery Level The current level of the device's battery.
Screen Brightness The current brightness level of the device screen.
Language The language setting of the device.
Country The country setting of the device.
TimeZone The time zone setting of the device.
Internet Status The current status of the device's internet connection.

In-app Messages and Popups

Mok can be used for displaying in-app notifications. You can configure different types of in-app notifications such as: pop-ups, tooltips, spotlight etc.

  1. Fetching In-App Notifications

When fetching in-app notifications, the in-app notifications are stored in a local SQLite storage. The method used for fetching the in-app notifications is:

MokSDK.fetchInappNotifications(userID: userId) { inAppMessageList, error in
  1. Displaying In-App Notifications

The method for displaying all pending in-app notification is:


This method will fetch all in-app notifications from the local database and display them based on the type of the notification.

  1. Removing In-App Notifications

To remove all in-app notifications, use the following method:


Usually, in-app notifications are automatically removed from the database once displayed. The above method can be used for any additional implementation.

In-app Carousel Views

With Mok SDK, you can effortlessly display carousel views that are configured through the dashboard.

  1. Fetching Carousel View Contents

On fetching carousel views, the carousel contents are stored in a local SQLite storage. To fetch all the carousel views, use the following method:

MokSDK.fetchAllCarouselContents { carousalArray, error in
  1. Displaying all Carousel Views

The method for displaying all carousel views is:

MokSDK.showCarouselViews { _ in

This method will fetch all carousel view contents from the local database.

  1. Remove all carousel content

To remove all carousel contents stored in local storage, use the following method:

MokSDK.removeAllCarouselData { _ in



MokBaseViewController is a subclass of UIViewController. Once the in-app popups and carousel view data are fetched from the server, and if you want to automatically display the in-app popups and carousel views on loading viewDidLoad, then make that UIViewController a subclass of MokBaseViewController.

If you want to disable automatically displaying in-app popups, then set the value of the boolean property, isPopupFetchingView as true. You have to add this boolean in viewDidLoad before calling super.viewDidLoad().

class UMHomeViewController : MokBaseViewController {
 override func viewDidLoad() {
  isPopupFetchingView = true // Remove this if you want to automatically display In App popups

Onboarding Views

With Mok SDK, you can display onboarding views that are configured through the dashboard.

  1. Fetching All Onboarding View Contents

To fetch all onboarding view contents use the following method:

 MokSDK.fetchAllOnboardingScreenContents { contentsArray, error in

  1. Displaying Onboarding Views

The following method will display all the onboarding views:

MokSDK.showOnboardingScreen {

} onDismiss: {


Marketing Call

The marketing calls are initiated via Push notification. So complete the Push notification setup for this. Also, enable the Voice over IP of your app:

  1. Open Xcode.
  2. Select your project in the Project Navigator.
  3. Click on the target for your app.
  4. Go to the Signing & Capabilities tab.
  5. Find the Background Modes section.
  6. Enable the Voice over IP option.