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Alberto Hernandez edited this page Jun 16, 2024 · 1 revision

User Commands

Command Description
:Huez Preview installed colorschemes
:HuezFavorites Preview colorschemes marked as favorites
:HuezLive Preview and install themes from a registry
:HuezEnsured Preview colorschemes ensured to be installed

If you're using Lua:

local pickers = require("huez.pickers")

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>co", pickers.themes, {})
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>cof", pickers.favorites, {})
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>col",, {})
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>coe", pickers.ensured, {})

Huez handles loading and dynamically installing/uninstalling colorschemes using file located (by default) in ~/.local/share/nvim/huez/ or if you're using lua vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/huez". If you changed the configuration opt path, this path is different for you.

On setup, Huez while read the huez-theme file in this directory, and loads that colorscheme. If for some reason that colorscheme can't be loaded, Huez will fallback to using the very appropriately named configuration opt fallback. In the case that your fallback colorscheme also cannot be loaded, huez will resort to neovim's "default" colorscheme.


:Huez will open a picker of colorschemes that are currently installed, omitting any colorschemes passed to configuration opt exclude, where exclude is usually a list of default themes that come with preinstalled with Neovim, that are not so appealing. If you prefer one of these themes,

you can always add or remove themes from this list to change what results are shown in the picker.

This single command has always been and always be Huez's main and most practical functionality

Mapping Action
<C-n>/<Down> Preview next colorscheme
<C-p>/<Up> Preview previous colorscheme
<j>/<k> Preview next/previous colorscheme respectively (normal mode)
<esc> Close the picker and load the persisted colorscheme (normal mode)
<CR> Select colorscheme and persist this through neovim sessions
<space> Add the selected colorscheme to favorites


Works exactly like :Huez except you're dealing with colorschemes marked as favorites. The only thing that differs is what the action the <space> mapping performs

The file that contains a list of these themes can be found in ~/.local/share/nvim/huez/huez-favorite-themes

Mapping Action
<space> Remove the selected colorscheme from favorites


:HuezLive opens a picker of colorschemes plugins from the registry. The idea is you don't have to leave Neovim to look for a new theme to try out.

To be able to use :HuezLive and :HuezEnsured without throwing errors, you must add this line to the lazy config wherever you setup Huez.

-- ...
import = "huez-manager.import"
-- ...

A colorscheme plugin from the registry can include multiple colorschemes, a good example is cattpuccin. cattpuccin is the plugin itself, but there are 4 colorschemes that come with cattpuccin.

While traversing the picker's results, if a colorscheme plugin only has 1 colorscheme, that will be the colorscheme that will be loaded. If the plugin has more than 1 colorscheme, a predefined colorscheme from the plugin will be previewed, For example

-- base16, is the plugin that will be installed, but since it contains hundreds of colorschemes
-- I chose "base16-default-dark" to be an appropriate default to preview
["base16"] = {
    url = "",
    pkgname = "base16",
    colorscheme = "base16-default-dark",

Traversing the picker also writes the new colorscheme plugin to be previewed to ~/.local/share/nvim/huez/huez-live-themes When exiting the picker, this is file is wiped clean, effectively uninstalling all of these themes.

Note that lazy will not show that these plugins are ready to be cleaned until the next neovim reload

Mapping Action
<C-n>/<Down> Install and preview next colorscheme
<C-p>/<Up> Install and preview previous colorscheme
<j>/<k> Install and preview next/previous colorscheme respectively (normal mode)
<esc> Close the picker and unload all installed colorschemes (normal mode)
<space> Install the selected colorscheme plugin (ensure installed)


:HuezEnsured opens a picker of colorschemes plugins that are ensured to be installed if they are found in the registry.

The mappings are similiar to :Huez with the same characteristics describe in :HuezLive

The file that contains the list of these themes can be found in ~/.local/share/nvim/huez/huez-ensured-themes

Mapping Action
<C-n>/<Down> Preview next colorscheme
<C-p>/<Up> Preview previous colorscheme
<j>/<k> Preview next/previous colorscheme respectively (normal mode)
<esc> Close the picker and load the persisted colorscheme (normal)
<CR> Select colorscheme and persist this through neovim sessions
<space> Uninstall the selected colorscheme plugin
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