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Rewrite geoplot to output to aggplot.
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ResidentMario committed Feb 4, 2018
1 parent 8be499c commit c6cedbd
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Expand Up @@ -24,8 +24,9 @@ ready, I recommend running `pip install -e missingno .` from the root folder of
This will create an [editable install]( of
`missingno` suitable for tweaking and further development.

In addition to the `missingno` prerequisites, you will also need to have the `pytest` and `pytest-mpl` packages
installed. These can be easily installed via `pip`.
In addition to the `missingno` prerequisites, you will also need to have the `geopandas`, `geoplot`, and `shapely`
optional dependencies installed (`geoplot` can only be installed via `conda`). To run the tests you will also need to
have the `pytest` and `pytest-mpl` packages installed.

### Testing

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235 changes: 27 additions & 208 deletions missingno/
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from scipy.cluster import hierarchy
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from .utils import nullity_filter, nullity_sort

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -443,222 +442,42 @@ def _calculate_geographic_nullity(geo_group, x_col, y_col):
return points, np.nan

def geoplot(df, x=None, y=None, coordinates=None, by=None, geometry=None, cutoff=None, histogram=False,
figsize=(25, 10), fontsize=8, inline=False):
def geoplot(df,
filter=None, n=0, p=0, sort=None,
x=None, y=None, coordinates=None, figsize=(25, 10), inline=False,
by=None, cmap='Reds', vmin=0, vmax=1, **kwargs):
Generates a geographical data nullity heatmap, which shows the distribution of missing data across geographic
regions. The precise output depends on the inputs provided. In increasing order of usefulness:
* If no geographical context is provided, a quadtree is computed and nullities are rendered as abstract
geopgrahical squares.
* If geographical context is provided in the form of a column of geographies (region, borough. ZIP code,
etc.) in the `DataFrame`, convex hulls are computed for each of the point groups and the heatmap is generated
within them.
* If geographical context is provided *and* a separate geometry is provided, a heatmap is generated for each
point group within this geograpby instead.
:param df: The DataFrame whose completeness is being mapped.
:param x: The x variable: probably a coordinate (longitude), possibly some other floating point value. May be a
string (pointing to a column of df) or an iterable.
:param y: The y variable: probably a coordinate (latitude), possibly some other floating point value. May be a
string (pointing to a column of df) or an iterable.
:param coordinates: A coordinate tuple iterable, or column thereof in the given DataFrame. One of x AND y OR
coordinates must be specified, but not both.
:param by: If you would like to aggregate your geometry by some geospatial attribute of the underlying DataFrame,
name that column here.
:param geometry: If you would like to provide your own geometries for your aggregation, instead of relying on
(functional, but not pretty) convex hulls, provide them here. This parameter is expected to be a dict or Series
of `shapely.Polygon` or `shapely.MultiPolygon` objects. It's ignored if `by` is not specified.
:param cutoff: If no aggregation is specified, this parameter sets the minimum number of observations to include in
each square. If not provided, set to 50 or 5% of the total size of the dataset, whichever is smaller. If `by` is
specified this parameter is ignored.
:param figsize: The size of the figure to display. This is a `matplotlib` parameter which defaults to (25, 10).
:param histogram: Whether or not to plot a histogram of data distributions below the map. Defaults to False.
:param fontsize: If `hist` is specified, this parameter specifies the size of the tick labels. Ignored if `hist`
is not specified. Defaults to 8.
:param inline: Whether or not the figure is inline. If it's not then instead of getting plotted, this method will
return its figure.
:return: If `inline` is False, the underlying `matplotlib.figure` object. Else, nothing.
regions. The precise output depends on the inputs provided. If no geographical context is provided, a quadtree
is computed and nullities are rendered as abstract geographic squares. If geographical context is provided in the
form of a column of geographies (region, borough. ZIP code, etc.) in the `DataFrame`, convex hulls are computed
for each of the point groups and the heatmap is generated within them.
import shapely.geometry
import descartes
# We produce a coordinate column in-place in a function-local copy of the `DataFrame`.
# This seems specious, and sort of is, but is necessary because the internal `pandas` aggregation methods
# (`pd.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy.count` specifically) are optimized to run two orders of magnitude faster than
# user-defined external `groupby` operations. For example:
# >>> %time df.head(100000).groupby(lambda ind: df.iloc[ind]['LOCATION']).count()
# Wall time: 12.7 s
# >>> %time df.head(100000).groupby('LOCATION').count()
# Wall time: 96 ms
x_col = '__x'
y_col = '__y'
if x and y:
if isinstance(x, str) and isinstance(y, str):
x_col = x
y_col = y
df['__x'] = x
df['__y'] = y
elif coordinates:
if isinstance(coordinates, str):
# Quick conversion to enable fancy numpy indexing. This allows fast operations like `df[coord_col][0,...]`
coord_col = np.array([np.array(e) if pd.notnull(e) else np.array(np.nan, np.nan) for e in df[coordinates]])
df['__x'] = coord_col[:, 0]
df['__y'] = coord_col[:, 1]
# cf. Above.
coord_col = np.array([np.array(e) for e in coordinates])
df['__x'] = coord_col[:, 0]
df['__y'] = coord_col[:, 1]
raise IndexError('x AND y OR coordinates parameters expected.')
import geoplot as gplt
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Point

# Set the cutoff variable.
if cutoff is None: cutoff = np.min([50, 0.05 * len(df)])
df = nullity_filter(df, filter=filter, n=n, p=p)
df = nullity_sort(df, sort=sort)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
ax = plt.subplot(111)
nullity = df.isnull().sum(axis='columns') / df.shape[1]
if x and y and not coordinates:
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(nullity, columns=['nullity'],
geometry=df.apply(lambda srs: Point(srs[x], srs[y]), axis='columns'))
elif coordinates and not x and not y:
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(nullity, columns=['nullity'],
geometry=df.apply(lambda srs: Point(*srs[coordinates]), axis='columns'))
raise ValueError("One of 'x' and 'y' OR 'coordinates' must be specified, and they cannot be specified "

# In case we're given something to categorize by, use that.
if by:
nullity_dict = dict()
# This loop calculates and stores geographic feature averages and their polygons.
for identifier, geo_group in df.groupby(by): # ex. ('BRONX', <pd.DataFrame with 10511 objects>)
# A single observation in the group will produce a `Point` hull, while two observations in the group
# will produce a `LineString` hull. Neither of these is desired, nor accepted by `PatchCollection`
# further on. So we remove these cases by filtering them (1) before and (2) after aggregation steps.
# cf.
if not len(geo_group) > 2:

# The following subroutine groups `geo_group` by `x_col` and `y_col`, and calculates and returns
# a list of points in the group (`points`) as well as its overall nullity (`geographic_nullity`).
points, geographic_nullity = _calculate_geographic_nullity(geo_group, x_col, y_col)

# If thinning the points, above, reduced us below the threshold for a proper polygonal hull (See the
# note at the beginning of thos loop), stop here.
if not len(points) > 2:

# If no geometry is provided, calculate and store the hulls and averages.
if geometry is None:
hull = shapely.geometry.MultiPoint(points).convex_hull
nullity_dict[identifier] = {'nullity': geographic_nullity, 'shapes': [hull]}

# If geometry is provided, use that instead.
geom = geometry[identifier]
polygons = []
# Valid polygons are simple polygons (`shapely.geometry.Polygon`) and complex multi-piece polygons
# (`shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon`). The latter is an iterable of its components, so if the shape is
# a `MultiPolygon`, append it as that list. Otherwise if the shape is a basic `Polygon`,
# append a list with one element, the `Polygon` itself.
if isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon):
polygons = shapely.ops.cascaded_union([p for p in geometry])
else: # shapely.geometry.Polygon
polygons = [geom]
nullity_dict[identifier] = {'nullity': geographic_nullity, 'shapes': polygons}

# Prepare a colormap, then draw.
nullities = [nullity_dict[key]['nullity'] for key in nullity_dict.keys()]
colors =, 1)(nullities))

for i, polygons in enumerate([(nullity_dict[key]['shapes']) for key in nullity_dict.keys()]):
for polygon in polygons:
ax.add_patch(descartes.PolygonPatch(polygon, fc=colors[i], ec='white', alpha=0.8, zorder=4))

# Remove extraneous plotting elements.

# In case we aren't given something to categorize by, we choose a spatial representation that's reasonably
# efficient and informative: quadtree rectangles.
# Note: SVD could perhaps be applied to the axes to discover point orientation and realign the grid to match
# that, but I'm uncertain that this computationally acceptable and, in the case of comparisons, even a good
# design choice. Perhaps this could be implemented at a later date.
df = df[(pd.notnull(df[x_col])) & (pd.notnull(df[y_col]))]
min_x, max_x = df[x_col].min(), df[x_col].max()
min_y, max_y = df[y_col].min(), df[y_col].max()

rectangles = []

# Recursive quadtree. This subroutine, when, builds a dictionary of squares, stored by tuples keyed with
# (min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y), whose values are the nullity of squares containing less than 100 observations.
def squarify(_min_x, _max_x, _min_y, _max_y, df):
arr = df[[x_col, y_col]].values
points_inside = df[(_min_x < arr[:,0]) &
(arr[:,0] < _max_x) &
(_min_y < arr[:,1]) &
(arr[:,1] < _max_y)]
if len(points_inside) < cutoff:
# The following subroutine groups `geo_group` by `x_col` and `y_col`, and calculates and returns
# a list of points in the group (`points`) as well as its overall nullity (`geographic_nullity`). The
# first of these calculations is ignored.
_, square_nullity = _calculate_geographic_nullity(points_inside, x_col, y_col)
rectangles.append(((_min_x, _max_x,_min_y, _max_y), square_nullity))
_mid_x, _mid_y = (_min_x + _max_x) / 2, (_min_y + _max_y) / 2
squarify(_min_x, _mid_x, _mid_y, _max_y, points_inside)
squarify(_min_x, _mid_x, _min_y, _mid_y, points_inside)
squarify(_mid_x, _max_x, _mid_y, _max_y, points_inside)
squarify(_mid_x, _max_x, _min_y, _mid_y, points_inside)

# Populate the `squares` array, per the above.
squarify(min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, df)

# Prepare a colormap.
# Many of the squares at the bottom of the quadtree will be inputted into the colormap as NaN values,
# which matplotlib will map over as minimal values. We of course don't want that, so we pull the bottom out
# of it.
nullities = [nullity for _, nullity in rectangles]
cmap =
colors = [cmap(n) if pd.notnull(n) else [1,1,1,1]
for n in plt.Normalize(0, 1)(nullities)]

# Draw, then remove extraneous plotting elements.
for i, ((min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y), _) in enumerate(rectangles):
square = shapely.geometry.Polygon([[min_x, min_y], [max_x, min_y], [max_x, max_y], [min_x, max_y]])
ax.add_patch(descartes.PolygonPatch(square, fc=colors[i], ec='white', alpha=1, zorder=4))


if histogram:
nonnan_nullities = [n for n in nullities if pd.notnull(n)]
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes('bottom', size='25%', pad=0.00)
sns.distplot(pd.Series(nonnan_nullities), ax=cax, color=list(np.average(colors, axis=0)))

gdf[by] = df[by]

gplt.aggplot(gdf, figsize=figsize, hue='nullity', agg=np.average, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, by=by, **kwargs)
ax = plt.gca()

if inline:
return ax

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Expand Up @@ -122,3 +122,25 @@ def test_orientation_dendrogram(self):
def test_method_dendrogram(self):
msno.dendrogram(self.simple_df, method='single')
return plt.gcf()

class TestGeoplot(unittest.TestCase):
"""Smoke tests only. The main function operations are handled by and tested in the `geoplot` package."""
# TODO: Add more tests.

def setUp(self):
simple_df = pd.DataFrame((np.random.random((20, 10))), columns=range(0, 10))
simple_df = simple_df.add_prefix("r")
self.x_y_df = simple_df
self.coord_df = simple_df.assign(coords=simple_df.apply(lambda srs: (srs['r0'], srs['r1']), axis='columns'))

def test_x_y_geoplot(self):
msno.geoplot(self.x_y_df, x='r0', y='r1')
return plt.gcf()

def test_coordinates_geoplot(self):
msno.geoplot(self.coord_df, coordinates='coords')
return plt.gcf()

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