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SECS - Scala Entity Component System


While learning Rust and looking for a fun library to get my hands dirty, Bevy caught my eyes and using ECS (Entity Component System) to manage the artifacts in the game world and interactions within it was pretty refreshing. So I thought wouldn't it be nice to be able to do the same thing in Scala, especially with the new meta-programming facilities made available in Scala 3, maybe I can implement some of the same features without resorting to macros. Hence this experiment.

TLDR: What I have accomplished

I tried to model the API after Bevy, though some of the type signatures have changed because we are not restricted (shackled?) by the Rust lifetime checker. But all in all, I believe I have accomplished what I had set out to do and designed an API that is pretty pleasant to use. If you want to learn more, read on.


I used Opaque Type Alias to model entity which is simply an Int identifier. Nothing fancy. Since the identifier is never manipulated directly, there is no need to get the value out.

opaque type Entity = Int

object Entity:
  def apply(entity: Int): Entity = entity


Components in SECS are just normal case classes that extend Component (marker trait) and derives ComponentMeta. You can put whatever you want in a component and should be immutable. ComponentMeta is a simple way to generate a singleton given for each component type and it uses the derives mechanism in Scala 3 to accomplish the task with minimum boilerplate.

case class Dimension(width: Double, height: Double) extends Component derives ComponentMeta

There are a couple of builtin components which are described below:


EntityC is a component that wraps the entity of selected components in the tuple. It is useful when you want to get to the entity of the selected components, so you can insert/update/remove components on it. EntityC is added automatically to each newly spawned entity, so you don't need to add it yourselves.

case class EntityC(entity: Entity) extends Component derives ComponentMeta


Label component is used to precisely query a set of similar entities. It has a String type parameter that is used to identify similarity at the type level so we can use it in our query calculations. The id parameter can be used to differentiate between different entity instances of the same label. For instance, Label["asteroid"] can be used to identify entities that are asteroids in a query. The id parameter can be used to further specify the identity of a particular entity.

case class Label[L <: String](id: Int) extends Component


Systems in SECS are just normal Scala functions. They are required to be inlined since we are doing some type level trickery to get the necessary information at compile time. They use Using Clause to summon both Command and Query (more on them later) to provide the abilities to view and manipulate components. I didn't follow the design decision in Bevy to structure systems more rigidly (having API to register them, for instance); instead you are just writing normal functions and use normal scala syntax to compose them. I think this is more intuitive and flexible.

inline def updateDimensions(using
      command: Command,
      query: Query1[(EntityC, Dimension)]
  ): Unit = ???


Command/EntityCommand consists of a simple set of APIs to spawn/despawn (Bevy speak) entities, and manipulate components. Command is used to spawn and despawn entities, and EntityCommand is used to manipulate components belonging to a particular entity.

trait Command:
  def spawnEntity(): EntityCommand
  def entity(entity: Entity): EntityCommand
  def despawnEntity(entity: Entity): Unit

trait EntityCommand:
  def entity: Entity
  def insertComponent[C <: Component](component: C)(using CM: ComponentMeta[C]): EntityCommand
  def updateComponent[C <: Component](update: C => C)(using CM: ComponentMeta[C]): EntityCommand
  def removeComponent[C <: Component]()(using CM: ComponentMeta[C]): EntityCommand


Both Command and Query are passed to system functions when the program runs. You can write whatever query your system function requires and SECS will try to satisfy it for you. If the query is invalid (component doesn't exist, for instance), then the compilation will fail and you need to deal with it. Once the program compiles, it also signifies that the query is valid. This is what we all strive for: to be able to detect our program error at the earliest time possible and compilation time is not bad at all. The meta-programming features in Scala 3 let us do it quite easily.

Here is the definition for Query, quite simple:

trait Query[CS <: Tuple, OS <: BoolOps]:
  inline def result: List[CS]

For example, the following is a typical system function "using" a Command and Query:

inline def updateSpaceship(time: Double)(using
      C: Command,
      Q: Query1[(EntityC, Direction, Movement, Option[CoolOff])]
  ): Unit =
    Q.result.foreach((e, d, m, cO) =>
      // e: EntityC
      // d: Direction
      // m: Movement
      // cO: Option[CoolOff]

So in the above example, the query is meant to gather a list of tuples, each consists of components: EntityC, Direction, Movement, and optionally CoolOff that belong to a single entity. So if an entity has all the components listed but Direction, then its components will not be gathered. If an entity has all the components but CoolOff, then its components will be gathered with the 4th element (Option[CoolOff]) in the tuple being None. You can look at the query as selecting entities containing all the components queried because that's the expected result. If some of the components might be missing, wrap them in Options.

The resulting tuple has the precise types of the query components, optional or not. As the above code listing shows, the type of the resulting tuple is (EntityC, Direction, Movement, Option[CoolOff]), just like the query. Using the command, you can then examine components, spawn new entities, add new components to them, update existing components (immutably, of course), even remove components if you like.

For those of you who are paying attention, you will probably be wondering why am I writing about Query while in the code it's Query1? Good question and that`s what we are going to explain next.


The actual Query takes not 1 but 2 type parameters: the first one is the expected result tuple type and the second one specifies a filter (or conditions) that the selected entity has to satisfy to be gathered in the result. Query1 is just a special case of Query that takes just one type parameter. The filter can have and(), or(), and not(¬) conditions of arbitrary nested levels (actually the depth of scala compiler is willing to go, default to 32).

For example, [Heading ∧ Dimension] ∨ ¬[Rotation] signifies a filter that only selects entities having both Heading and Dimension components or not having Rotation components. The component types that appear in the filter are only for selecting criteria only, they will not be appearing in the query result list.

inline def system(using Q: Query[(EntityC, Dimension, Heading), ¬[Rotation]]): Unit = ???

The above query will return a list of tuples of type (EntityC, Dimension, Heading) containing within entities that don't contain Rotation.

Furthermore, you can also use Added[C <: Component] and Changed[C <: Component] in place of Component types in the filter to signify the entity selected needs to have a particular Component type added or changed.

inline def system(using Q: Query[EntityC *: EmptyTuple, DimensionAdded[Rotation]]): Unit = ???

So in the above query, entities are selected if they have Dimensions and have Rotations added to them.


The way SECS manages events is a little different than what Bevy does. There are builtin components EventSender[E] and EventReceiver[E] where E is an arbitrary event type (case class) that derives both EventSenderCM and EventReceiverCM. Entities can add EventSender[E] to send events of type E and EventReceiver[E] to receive events of type E. Multiple entities can add the same EventSender[E] and send events to the event queue where they will be aggregated. Every EventReceiver[E], on the other hand, can receive the same events of type E from the same queue and process them. The queue will only persist for one tick (animation frame). So after each tick, all the event queues will be emptied.

case class EventSender[E]() extends Component:
  def send(event: E)(using CM: ComponentMeta[EventSender[E]], W: World): Unit = W.sendEvent(event)

case class EventReceiver[E]() extends Component:
  def receive(using CM: ComponentMeta[EventSender[E]], W: World): Iterable[E] = W.receiveEvents

Events are great for systems to exchange information that might be cumbersome to do via inserting, querying, and removing components. Even though systems in SECS are composed of functions and functions compose, using events this way shows our intent clearly and aids in the querying of components as well.


To tie everything together, we have Secs. It's a trait that every SECS program needs to implement to run. It has a generic parameter which specifies the entity statuses allowed when renderEntity() is called. Available statuses are Spawned(entities that are created in this frame), SpawnedAndAlive(entities that are either created in this frame or already alive), Alive(entities that are already created in the previous frames), AliveAndChanged(entities that are both already alive and their components have changed), and Despawned(entities that are destroyed in this frame). Statuses should be in a Tuple type and all entities that satisfy the status conditions will be passed when renderEntity() is called. Please note that, in the current implementation, same entity might be passed to renderEntity() with different entity statuses since entity statuses are not mutually exclusive. Methods in Secs are lifecycle methods (borrowing a React term) and are called when the occasions arise.

enum EntityStatus:
  case Spawned, SpawnedAndAlive, Alive, AliveAndChanged, Despawned

trait Secs[SS <: Tuple>]:
  type Worldly = World ?=> Unit
  def init(): Worldly
  def tick(time: Double): Worldly
  def beforeRender(): Unit
  def renderEntity(
      entity: Entity,
      status: EntityStatus,
      components: Components,
      previousComponents: => Components
  ): Unit
  def afterRender(): Unit

init() is called when Secs is started by calling Secs.start(). You usually call any initialization system functions there.

tick() is called every animation frame (in the case of browser, 60 times per second). You usually call system functions that need to be executed on every animation tick there. The time parameter is the elapsed time in milliseconds.

beforeRender() and afterRender() are also called on every animation frame. Both are called after tick() and sandwich calls to renderEntity() in between. Things that require rendering on every frame, like erasing the background, are done in beforeRender().

renderEntity() is called once for each entity having the status specified in the generic parameter of Secs in the system on every frame. The entity parameter is the entity that's rendering, status is its status, the components parameter has methods to query components of that entity and the previousComponents parameter can be used to access components of the previous frame cycle.

trait Components:
  def getComponent[C <: Component: ComponentMeta]: Option[C]

extension (components: Components)
    inline def getComponents[CS <: Tuple]: Option[CS] = ???

getComponent[C <: Component: ComponentMeta] returns a component of type C if it exists. getComponents[CS <: Tuple] return a tuple of components if they all exist.

To start the whole thing, call Secs.start(). It takes a Secs you implemented and returns a function you can call with the elapsed time in milliseconds many times per second to get the animation going. Optional it takes a ticker which is a function that takes a Double (elapsed time in milliseconds) and returns a join function. This ticker parameter is an optimization SECS provides if the underlying runtime environment supports multithreading. You are responsible for calling your implementation of Secs.tick() with the time parameter on another thread and returning a parameterless function which, when called, will wait until Secs.tick() finishes executing. Check out the JVM version of Asteroids.scala in examples/asteroids to see how it's done. With this optimization in place, we are basically doing the system function calculations and rendering at the same time.

object Secs:
  def start(secs: Secs, ticker: Option[Double => () => Unit] = None)(using world: World): Double => Unit = ???


You might see World required as a context parameter in some of the APIs. We won't be going into many details here. It is an implementation detail and should not be a concern for you as an API user.

Example: Asteroids

I made a simple and incomplete Asteroids game to demonstrate the features of SECS. It currently runs in the browser using HTML's canvas API for screen rendering and as an application using Scalafx's canvas API. And coincidentally, both APIs are quite similar! As the core SECS is cross-built for both Scala and Scala.js, it will work as a library for both JVM and Javascript. I've abstracted the rendering and input parts of the program so it will be easy to port it to other rendering pipelines if you fancy (WebGL, anyone?).

To run in a browser, make sure the Compile / mainClass setting in the JS settings of the examples sub-project in build.sbt is set to Some(secs.examples.asteroids.Asteroids), then runexamplesJS/fastOptJS/webpack in sbt to generate the necessary artifacts, then point your browser to web/index.html.

To run as an application, examplesJVM/run in sbt.

Controls are quite simple as well: left/right keys to turn, up key to accelerate, down key to hyperspace, and space key to fire.

Asteroids image

Some technical details worth mentioning:

UI abstraction

Both the rendering and keyboard input APIs are abstracted to facilitate easier multiplatform implementation later on. Pay particular attention to animateFrame() in Secs, the animation frames are expected to start after this method is called (if you are using some other rendering pipeline).


Both TorpedoPoation and SpaceshipPosition events are sent by the EventSender in torpedo and spaceship entities, respectively. These events are sent so that EventReceiver in asteroids later on can process the events and detect if there were any collisions. The order of calling system functions in tick() do matter, so make sure you get them ordered correctly.

case class TorpedoPosition(entity: Entity, pos: (Double, Double)) derives EventSenderCM, EventReceiverCM
case class SpaceshipPosition(entity: Entity, pos: (Double, Double)) derives EventSenderCM, EventReceiverCM

Example: Retained

Being able to specify the combination of statuses of rendering entities, we are able to make the rendering work not only in the immediate mode, but also in the retained mode. In order to show the retained mode in action, we use three.js which utilizes WebGL underneath as our rendering backend. In the example, it animates a bunch of rotating 3D cubes and you can use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out, and click-drag to change the viewing position.

To run in a browser, make sure the Compile / mainClass setting in the JS settings of the examples sub-project in build.sbt is set to Some(secs.examples.retained.Retained), then runexamplesJS/fastOptJS/webpack in sbt to generate the necessary artifacts, then point your browser to web/index.html.


  • Hierarchical entities
  • Parallel systems


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