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WIP: A platform to operationalise portfolio management onchain


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MFM (Multiverse Finance Machine) is a CLI to managing portfolio of cryptoassets directly in Blockchain using DEXs.

WARNING: This project is in an alpha stage. It has not been audited and may contain bugs and security flaws. This implementation is NOT ready for production use.

Big features coming

  • Support LP's as a asset type and handle with them in the portfolio
  • Support Yield Farms and Harvest rewards
  • Add machine command within a module using state-machine logic to run sequencially and conditionally multiples commands as workflows
  • Add automatic hedge using levarage derivatives (futures/options)
  • Trading strategies with TA (in mfm_server?) to adjust dynamic portfolio positions

Fast local install & update using releases

*nix (?)

# may need adjust for some systems
	curl -s |
	grep 'browser_download_url' |
	grep "$(uname | tr '[[:upper:]]' '[[:lower:]]')" |
	awk -F '"' '!/.sha256sum/ {print $4}' \
curl -s -L $LATEST_APP_URL -O
unzip -qo ${LATEST_APP_URL##*/}

res/ directory

This directory will carry all the abi files used as default in this project. All these abi files in this directory will be add in the binary in compilation time (

To access this files we've a shared::resources module that will always condering your currently filesystem res/ directory and the default static RES compiled in the binary (, following this order of priority respectively.

Local test environment

run GETH server

 docker build -t geth_local tests/blockchains/gethnet
 docker run --name geth_local -d  -p 8545:8545 -p 8546:8546 geth_local

stop & drop GETH server

docker stop geth_local && docker rm geth_local

extract base wallet private key

$ ethkey inspect --private --passwordfile tests/blockchains/gethnet/password.txt tests/blockchains/gethnet/data/keystore/UTC--2023-03-28T01-13-34.803419000Z--4e22e05c29a7165aeee0d813be03af17f129a2d1
Address:        0x4E22e05C29A7165Aeee0D813bE03Af17F129A2d1
Public key:     04bf840d4f25bda6e5cf46dfe8177f33f8ea5ab5e90d17992272c6b3a931976f3a6328d513e943becbc4f9e46d89bce4f9c9654698252d7b09469015ea2c36862d
Private key:    afcaf34d4647a3e50b39029fb34aa94b59ae75606f57d78e4bcb286948ed4816

cmd examples

wrap token (ex: in bsc bnb -> wbnb, in eth eth -> weth, in polygon matic -> wmatic )

cargo run -- wrap --network bsc --wallet test-wallet --amount 0.005

unwrap token (ex: in bsc wbnb -> bnb, in eth weth -> eth, in polygon wmatic -> matic )

cargo run -- unwrap --network bsc --wallet test-wallet --amount 0.005

check allowance data for an asset

 cargo run -- allowance -e pancake_swap_v2 -w test-wallet -a wbnb

approve spender for an asset

 cargo run -- approve -e pancake_swap_v2 -w test-wallet -a wbnb -v 10

To approve all assets

cargo run -- allowance --network polygon --wallet test-wallet |
	grep ^\| |
	grep -v Exchange |
	awk -F '|' '{print $2 $3}' |
	xargs -n 2 bash -c 'cargo run -- approve --exchange $0 -w test-wallet --asset $1 --amount 10000000'

get a quote

 cargo run -- quote --network bsc --exchange pancake_swap_v2  -i wbnb -o busd -a 1.0

swap tokens for tokens supporting fees on transfer

 cargo run -- swap -w test-wallet -n bsc -e pancake_swap_v2 -i wbnb -o busd -a 0.0006

get balances of assets from wallet

 cargo run -- balances -w test-wallet

run rebalancer

 cargo run -- rebalancer -n test-rebalancer

run withdraw

cargo run -- withdraw --wallet test-wallet --network bsc --withdraw-wallet test-wallet2 -v 0.008 -a wbnb