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C library for filtering touchscreen events

tslib consists of the library libts and tools that help you calibrate and use it in your environment. There's a short introductory presentation from 2017.


If you have problems, questions, ideas or suggestions, please contact us by writing an email to, which is our mailing list.


Visit the tslib website for an overview of the project.

table of contents

setup and configure tslib

install tslib

tslib runs on various hardware architectures and operating systems, including GNU/Linux, FreeBSD or Android/Linux. See building tslib for details. Apart from building the latest tarball release, running ./configure, make and make install, tslib is available from distributors like Arch Linux / Arch Linux ARM, Buildroot, Debian / Ubuntu, Fedora or OpenSUSE and their package management.

environment variables

You only need the variables in case the following defaults don't fit:

TSLIB_TSDEVICE          Touchscreen device file name.
                        Default (ts_setup):     /dev/input/ts

TSLIB_CALIBFILE         Calibration file.
                        Default:                ${sysconfdir}/pointercal

TSLIB_CONFFILE          Config file.
                        Default:                ${sysconfdir}/ts.conf

TSLIB_PLUGINDIR         Plugin directory.
                        Default:                ${datadir}/plugins

TSLIB_CONSOLEDEVICE     Console device.
                        Default:                /dev/tty

TSLIB_FBDEVICE          Framebuffer device.
                        Default:                /dev/fb0

configure tslib

This is just an example /etc/ts.conf file. Touch samples flow from top to bottom. Each line specifies one module and it's parameters. Modules are processed in order. Use one module_raw that accesses your device, followed by any combination of filter modules.

module_raw input
module median depth=3
module dejitter delta=100
module linear

see the section below for available filters and their parameters.

With this configuration file, we end up with the following data flow through the library:

driver --> raw read --> median  --> dejitter --> linear --> application (using ts_read_mt())
           module       module      module       module

calibrate the touch screen

Calibration is done by the linear plugin, which uses it's own config file /etc/pointercal. Don't edit this file manually. It is created by the ts_calibrate program:

# ts_calibrate

The calibration procedure simply requires you to touch the cross on screen, where is appears, as accurate as possible.


test the filtered input behaviour

You may quickly test the touch behaviour that results from the configured filters, using ts_test_mt:

# ts_test_mt


use the filtered result in your system ( method)

If you're using graphical X server, things should be very easy. Install tslib and xf86-input-tslib, reboot, and you should instantly have your ts.conf filters running, without configuring anything else yourself.

use the filtered result in your system (ts_uinput method)

This is a generic solution for Linux - using tslib's included userspace input evdev driver ts_uinput. You need to set the TSLIB_TSDEVICE environment variable to point to your touchscreen device. But don't use /dev/input/eventX; the event numbers are not persistent. Use such a udev rule:

SUBSYSTEM=="input", KERNEL=="event[0-9]*", ATTRS{name}=="mydrivername", SYMLINK+="input/ts", TAG+="systemd"

or find another way of creating a /dev/input/ts symlink. You'd need that for any application using your device. Now you can use ts_uinput:

# ts_uinput -d -v

-d makes the program return and run as a daemon in the background. -v makes it print the new /dev/input/eventX device node before returning.

You can use evdev drivers now. In this case, for Qt5 for example you'd probably set something like this:


For X11 you'd probably edit your xorg.conf Section "InputDevice" for your touchscreen to have

Option "Device" "/dev/input/eventX"

and so on. Please see your system's documentation on how to use a specific evdev input device.

Remember to set your environment and configuration for ts_uinput, just like you did for ts_calibrate or ts_test_mt.

Let's recap the data flow here:

driver --> raw read --> filter --> filter(s) --> ts_uinput (ts_read_mt())  --> libevdev read  --> GUI app
           module       module     module(s)     daemon                        e.g. in libinput

symlink to /dev/input/ts_uinput

Again, /dev/input/event numbers are not persistent. In order to know in advance, what enumerated input device file is created by ts_uinput, you can, among other thing:

  • use the included tools/ script that starts ts_uinput -d -v and creates the symlink /dev/input/ts_uinput for you, or

  • if you're using udev and systemd, create the following udev rule, for example /etc/udev/rules.d/98-touchscreen.rules:

    SUBSYSTEM=="input", KERNEL=="event[0-9]*", ATTRS{name}=="ts_uinput", SYMLINK+="input/ts_uinput"

    in case you have to use non-standard paths, create a file containing the environment or tslib, like /etc/ts.env


    and create a systemd service file, like /usr/lib/systemd/system/ts_uinput.service

    Description=touchscreen input
    ExecStart=/bin/sh -c 'exec /usr/bin/ts_uinput &> /var/log/ts_uinput.log'


    #systemctl enable ts_uinput

    will enable it permanently.

filter modules

module: linear

Linear scaling - calibration - module, primerily used for conversion of touch screen co-ordinates to screen co-ordinates. It applies the corrections as recorded and saved by the ts_calibrate tool. It's the only module that reads a configuration file.


  • xyswap

    interchange the X and Y co-ordinates -- no longer used or needed if the linear calibration utility ts_calibrate is used.

  • pressure_offset

    offset applied to the pressure value

  • pressure_mul

    factor to multiply the pressure value with

  • pressure_div

    value to divide the pressure value by

module: median

The median filter reduces noise in the samples' coordinate values. It is able to filter undesired single large jumps in the signal. For some theory, see Wikipedia


  • depth

    Number of samples to apply the median filter to

module: pthres

Pressure threshold filter. Given a release is always pressure 0 and a press is always >= 1, this discards samples below / above the specified pressure threshold.


  • pmin

    Minimum pressure value for a sample to be valid.

  • pmax

    Maximum pressure value for a sample to be valid.

module: iir

Infinite impulse response filter. This is a smoothing filter to remove low-level noise. There is a trade-off between noise removal (smoothing) and responsiveness. The parameters N and D specify the level of smoothing in the form of a fraction (N/D).

Wikipedia has some theory.


  • N

    numerator of the smoothing fraction

  • D

    denominator of the smoothing fraction

module: dejitter

Removes jitter on the X and Y co-ordinates. This is achieved by applying a weighted smoothing filter. The latest samples have most weight; earlier samples have less weight. This allows to achieve 1:1 input->output rate. See Wikipedia for some theory.


  • delta

    Squared distance between two samples ((X2-X1)^2 + (Y2-Y1)^2) that defines the 'quick motion' threshold. If the pen moves quick, it is not feasible to smooth pen motion, besides quick motion is not precise anyway; so if quick motion is detected the module just discards the backlog and simply copies input to output.

module: debounce

Simple debounce mechanism that drops input events for the specified time after a touch gesture stopped. Wikipedia has more theory.


  • drop_threshold

    drop events up to this number of milliseconds after the last release event.

module: skip

Skip nhead samples after press and ntail samples before release. This should help if for the device the first or last samples are unreliable.


  • nhead

    Number of events to drop after pressure

  • ntail

    Number of events to drop before release

module: variance

Variance filter. Tries to do it's best in order to filter out random noise coming from touchscreen ADC's. This is achieved by limiting the sample movement speed to some value (e.g. the pen is not supposed to move quicker than some threshold).

There is no multitouch support for this filter (yet). ts_read_mt() will limit your input to one slot when this filter is used. Try using the median filter instead.


  • delta

    Set the squared distance in touchscreen units between previous and current pen position (e.g. (X2-X1)^2 + (Y2-Y1)^2). This defines the criteria for determining whenever two samples are 'near' or 'far' to each other.

    Now if the distance between previous and current sample is 'far', the sample is marked as 'potential noise'. This doesn't mean yet that it will be discarded; if the next reading will be close to it, this will be considered just a regular 'quick motion' event, and it will sneak to the next layer. Also, if the sample after the 'potential noise' is 'far' from both previously discussed samples, this is also considered a 'quick motion' event and the sample sneaks into the output stream.

The following example setup

       |--------|       |-----|      |--------------|
x ---> | median | ----> | IIR | ---> |              | ---> x'
       |--------|    -> |-----|      |    screen    |
                    |                |  transform   |
                    |                | (calibrate)  |
       |--------|   |   |-----|      |              |
y ---> | median | ----> | IIR | ---> |              | ---> y'
       |--------|   |-> |-----|      |--------------|
p ---------> | debounce | -------------------------------> p'

would be achieved by the following ts.conf:

module_raw input
module debounce drop_threshold=40
module median depth=5
module iir N=6 D=10
module linear

while you are free to play with the parameter values.

screen rotation

The graphical tools support rotating the screen, see ts_calibrate --help or the man pages for the details. Note that this only rotates the framebuffer output. Rotating the input samples is a different task that has to be done by the linear filter module (re-calibrating or re-loading with different parameters).

the libts library

the libts API

The API is documented in our man pages in the doc directory. Check out our tests directory for examples how to use it.

int (*ts_error_fn)(const char *fmt, va_list ap)

ABI - Application Binary Interface

Wikipedia has background information.

libts Soname versions

Usually, and every time until now, libts does not break the ABI and your application can continue using libts after upgrading. Specifically this is indicated by the libts library version's major number, which should always stay the same. According to our versioning scheme, the major number is incremented only if we break backwards compatibility. The second or third minor version will increase with releases. In the following example -> ->

use for using tslib unconditionally and to make sure your current application never breaks.

If a release includes changes like added features, the second number is incremented and the third is set to zero. If a release includes mostly just bugfixes, only the third number is incremented.

tslib package version

A tslib tarball version number doesn't tell you anything about it's backwards compatibility.


  • libc (with libdl if you build it dynamically linked)

related libraries

libts users

  • ts_uinput - userspace event device driver for the tslib-filtered samples. Shipped as part of tslib.
  • xf86-input-tslib - direct tslib input driver for
  • qtslib - direct Qt5 tslib input plugin

using libts

If you want to support tslib < 1.2, while still support multitouch and all recent versions of tslib, you'd do something like this:

#include <tslib.h>

        /* ts_read() as before (due to old tslib) */
        /* new ts_setup() and ret = ts_read_mt() */
        if (ret == -ENOSYS)
                /* ts_read() as before (due to user config) */

This is a complete example program, similar to ts_print_mt.c:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <tslib.h>

#define SLOTS 5
#define SAMPLES 1

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct tsdev *ts;
    char *tsdevice = NULL;
    struct ts_sample_mt **samp_mt = NULL;
    struct input_absinfo slot;
    int ret, i, j;

    ts = ts_setup(tsdevice, 0);
    if (!ts) {
            return -1;

    samp_mt = malloc(SAMPLES * sizeof(struct ts_sample_mt *));
    if (!samp_mt) {
            return -ENOMEM;
    for (i = 0; i < SAMPLES; i++) {
            samp_mt[i] = calloc(SLOTS, sizeof(struct ts_sample_mt));
            if (!samp_mt[i]) {
                    return -ENOMEM;

    while (1) {
            ret = ts_read_mt(ts, samp_mt, SLOTS, SAMPLES);
            if (ret < 0) {

            for (j = 0; j < ret; j++) {
            	for (i = 0; i < SLOTS; i++) {
			if (samp_mt[j][i].valid != 1)

			printf("%ld.%06ld: (slot %d) %6d %6d %6d\n",


If you know how many slots your device can handle, you could avoid malloc:

struct ts_sample_mt TouchScreenSamples[SAMPLES][SLOTS];

struct ts_sample_mt (*pTouchScreenSamples)[SLOTS] = TouchScreenSamples;
struct ts_sample_mt *ts_samp[SAMPLES];
for (i = 0; i < SAMPLES; i++)
        ts_samp[i] = pTouchScreenSamples[i];

and call ts_read_mt() like so

ts_read_mt(ts, ts_samp, SLOTS, SAMPLES);

Symbols in Versions

Name Introduced
ts_libversion 1.10
ts_close 1.0
ts_config 1.0
ts_reconfig 1.3
ts_setup 1.4
ts_error_fn 1.0
ts_fd 1.0
ts_load_module 1.0
ts_open 1.0
ts_option 1.1
ts_read 1.0
ts_read_mt 1.3
ts_read_raw 1.0
ts_read_raw_mt 1.3
tslib_parse_vars 1.0

building tslib

shared vs. static builds

libts can be built to fit your needs. Use the configure script to enable only the modules you need. By default, libts is built as a shared library, with each module being a shared library object itself. You can, however, configure tslib to build libts statically linked, and the needed modules compiled inside of libts. Here's an example for this:

./configure --enable-static --disable-shared --enable-input=static --enable-linear=static --enable-iir=static

This should result in a libts.a of roughly 50 kilobytes, ready for using calibration (linear filter) and the infinite impulse response filter in ts.conf.


tslib is cross-platform; you should be able to run ./configure && make on a large variety of operating systems. The graphical test programs are not (yet) ported to all platforms though:

libts and filter plugins (module)

This is the hardware independent core part: libts and all filter modules as shared libraries, build on the following operating systems and probably more.

  • GNU / Linux
  • Android / Linux
  • FreeBSD
  • GNU / Hurd
  • Haiku
  • Windows
  • Mac OS X

input plugins (module_raw)

This makes the thing usable in the real world because it accesses your device. See hardware support for the currently possible configuration for your platform.

The libts default configuration currently has the following input modules disabled:

  • cy8mrln-palmpre
  • dmc_dus3000

Please note that this list may grow over time. If you rely on a particular input plugin, you should enable it explicitely. Building all supported modules for your platform should look like so:

  • GNU / Linux - all (most importantly input)
    • ./ --enable-cy8mrln-palmpre --enable-dmc_dus3000
  • Android / Linux - all (most importantly input)
    • ./ --enable-cy8mrln-palmpre --enable-dmc_dus3000
  • FreeBSD - almost all (most importantly input)
    • ./ --disable-waveshare
  • GNU / Hurd - some, see hardware support
    • ./ --disable-input --disable-galax --disable-waveshare
  • Haiku - some, see hardware support
    • ./ --disable-input --disable-galax --disable-touchkit --disable-waveshare
  • Windows - none yet
    • ./ --disable-ucb1x00 --disable-corgi --disable-collie --disable-h3600 --disable-mk712 --disable-arctic2 --disable-tatung --disable-dmc --disable-input --disable-galax --disable-touchkit --disable-waveshare

Writing your own plugin is quite easy, in case an existing one doesn't fit.

test programs and tools

  • GNU / Linux - all
  • Android / Linux - all (?)
  • FreeBSD - all (?)
  • GNU / Hurd - ts_print_mt, ts_print, ts_print_raw, ts_finddev
  • Haiku - ts_print_mt, ts_print, ts_print_raw, ts_finddev
  • Windows - ts_print.exe, ts_print_raw.exe ts_print_mt.exe

download binaries?

For GNU/Linux all architectures are very well covered, thanks to Debian or Arch Linux or others.

If you're lucky, you'll find some unofficial testing builds for Windows or other platforms here.

Please help porting missing programs!

libts user plugin

This can be any third party program, using tslib's API. For Linux, we include ts_uinput, but Qt, X11 or anything else can use tslib's API.

touchscreen hardware support

The ts.conf man page has details on the available module_raw drivers. Not all of them are listed in the default etc/ts.conf config file. Hardware access modules other than the generic ones like input for Linux are to be seen as workarounds for missing generic drivers. If you use one of those, please ./configure --enable-... them explicitely.

And of course we'd happily have a generic input-windows or similar module for other platforms.


Touchscreen access library







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