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go-restclient (Legacy version)

A Handy Go Package to Call Internal HTTP APIs

go get

Write Once, Use Everywhere

Essentially go-restclient is a handy wrapper around net/http for all the pretty standard stuff that needs to be repeated in all HTTP Request/Response cycles. The purpose is to save you from the pain of massive code duplication those ordinary cycles may lead.

As the number of distinct Internal HTTP requests you are making grows, the need for such a wrapper package also exponentially grows. In that sense handiness level of go-restclient is directly proportional to your need for such request/responses 🙂

Feature Set

After restclient.NewRequest(...)

  • Constructs URL by escaping path components
  • Marshals RequestBody if exists
  • Builds the request object
  • Validates that resulting URI is valid
  • Sets queryParams if exists
  • Sets custom headers

After calling client.Get(...) on client := restclient.NewHttpClient()

  • Sets universal headers
  • Sets Authorization header by applying specified authenticator's strategy
  • Sets request context timeout and defer its cancellation
  • Does Request (Times and Logs it if needed)
  • Handles Response Status Code
  • Reads the body and unmarshal it into given value


1- Construct Request

  • First you need to create a restclient.RequestInfo which is going to hold all the information you need when creating a new request object. Can be created using restclient.NewRequestInfo or restclient.NewRequestInfoFromRawURL.
/* Creating a RequestInfo Using NewRequestInfo 
 * NewRequestInfo(scheme, host string, pathElements []string, queryParams *url.Values, headers *http.Header, body interface{}) RequestInfo
 * Params:
 *  Scheme       -> e.g. http
 *  Host         -> e.g.
 *  PathElements -> represents each component in the path that is separated by a slash (/) e.g. ['posts', '1']
 *  Headers      -> e.g. http.Header{"Content-Type": []string{"application/json"}, "Cookie": []string{"test-1234"}}
 *  Body         -> represents the to-be-marshalled RequestBody variable
 *  QueryParams  -> e.g. url.Values{"tenantId": []string{"d90c3101-53bc-4c54-94db-21582bab8e17"}, "vectorId": []string{"1"}}
var requestBody dummyBodyDto
var response dummyHttpResponse
requestBody = dummyBodyDto{
    Id:   123,
    Name: "1234",
headers := http.Header{"Content-Type": []string{"application/json"}, "Cookie": []string{"test-1234"}}
queryParams := url.Values{"tenantId": []string{"d90c3101-53bc-4c54-94db-21582bab8e17"}, "vectorId": []string{"1"}}
ri := restclient.NewRequestInfo("https", "", []string{"tasks", "1"}, &queryParams, &headers, requestBody)


/* Creating a RequestInfo Using NewRequestInfoFromRawURL 
 * NewRequestInfoFromRawURL(rawURL string, headers *http.Header, body interface{}) (RequestInfo, error)
 * Params:
 *  rawURL  ->
 *  headers -> e.g. http.Header{"Content-Type": []string{"application/json"}, "Cookie": []string{"test-1234"}}
 *  body    -> represents the to-be-marshalled RequestBody variable 
headers := http.Header{"Content-Type": []string{"application/json"}, "Cookie": []string{"test-1234"}}
ri, err := restclient.NewRequestInfoFromRawURL("", &headers, nil)
if err != nil {
    return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to construct RequestInfo out of Raw URL")
  • Then you can create a new http.Request using restclient.NewRequest which creates a new *http.Request and returns an error (with stack) using restclient.RequestInfo
/* NewRequest(ri RequestInfo) (*http.Request, error) */
req, err := restclient.NewRequest(ri)
if err != nil {
    return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to construct http.Request out of RequestInfo")

2- Construct Client

  • Create a restclient.HttpClient using restclient.NewHttpClient
/* NewHttpClient(loggingEnabled bool, timeout time.Duration) HttpClient 
 * Params:
 *  loggingEnabled -> Logs responses of the requests when enabled with request/response duration
 *  timeout -> Determines timeout duration to be used for the HttpClient. Valid for all the requests made using corresponding client.
client := restclient.NewHttpClient(true, 30*time.Second)

3- Do Request

  • First implement restclient.Authenticator if you want to authenticate your request by filling its Authorization header. You can find a sample implementation testBasicAuthenticator in client_test.go
  • Create a restclient.DoRequestInfo using restclient.NewDoRequestInfo or restclient.NewDoRequestInfoWithTimeout
/* You can pass nil as Authenticator if you don't want to use the Authorization header.
 * NewDoRequestInfo(request *http.Request, auth Authenticator, responseReference interface{}) DoRequestInfo
 * Params:
 *  request           -> http.Request object (ideally the one that is created using restclient.NewRequest)
 *  auth              -> restclient.Authenticator (can be any authentication implementation based on restclient.Authenticator)
 *  responseReference -> variable that is going to be used for mapping the response of the request (Should be passed with its address)
dri := restclient.NewDoRequestInfo(req, nil, &response)


/* NewDoRequestInfoWithTimeout(request *http.Request, auth Authenticator, responseReference interface{}, requestTimeout time.Duration) DoRequestInfo
 * Params:
 *  request           -> http.Request object (ideally the one that is created using restclient.NewRequest)
 *  auth              -> restclient.Authenticator (can be any authentication implementation based on restclient.Authenticator)
 *  responseReference -> variable that is going to be used for mapping the response of the request (Should be passed with its address)
 *  requestTimeout    -> timeout value that should be used for this specific request. Handy when you need a specific timeout for the request and don't want to use the HttpClient's timeout.
dri := restclient.NewDoRequestInfo(req, nil, &response)
  • Finally you can make your call! Use your restclient.HttpClient and restclient.DoRequestInfo to make all kinds of requests.
/* All methods below accepts a DoRequestInfo as parameter 
 * (hc HttpClient) Get(dri DoRequestInfo) error
 * (hc HttpClient) Post(dri DoRequestInfo) error
 * (hc HttpClient) Put(dri DoRequestInfo) error
 * (hc HttpClient) Patch(dri DoRequestInfo) error
 * (hc HttpClient) Delete(dri DoRequestInfo) error
 * Params:
 *  dri -> DoRequestInfo
err = client.Get(dri)
err = client.Post(dri)
err = client.Put(dri)
err = client.Patch(dri)
err = client.Delete(dri)

Better yet, use wrappers!

  • Instead of going over all (well, most...) the steps above individually you can perform your request using wrappers below.
 * PerformGetRequest(ri RequestInfo, auth Authenticator, responseRef interface{}, loggingEnabled bool, timeout time.Duration) error
 * PerformPostRequest(ri RequestInfo, auth Authenticator, responseRef interface{}, loggingEnabled bool, timeout time.Duration) error
 * PerformPutRequest(ri RequestInfo, auth Authenticator, responseRef interface{}, loggingEnabled bool, timeout time.Duration) error
 * PerformPatchRequest(ri RequestInfo, auth Authenticator, responseRef interface{}, loggingEnabled bool, timeout time.Duration) error
 * PerformDeleteRequest(ri RequestInfo, auth Authenticator, responseRef interface{}, loggingEnabled bool, timeout time.Duration) error
 * Params:
 *  ri             -> RequestInfo to construct the basics of the http.Request
 *  auth           -> restclient.Authenticator (can be any authentication implementation based on restclient.Authenticator)
 *  responseRef    -> variable that is going to be used for mapping the response of the request (Should be passed with its address)
 *  loggingEnabled -> Logs responses of the requests when enabled with request/response duration
 *  timeout        -> Determines timeout duration to be used for the HttpClient. Valid for all the requests made using corresponding client.
var response dummyHttpResponse
headers := http.Header{"Content-Type": []string{"application/json"}, "Cookie": []string{"test-1234"}}
ri, err := restclient.NewRequestInfoFromRawURL("", &headers, nil)
if err != nil {
  return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to construct RequestInfo out of Raw URL")

auth := NewTestBasicAuthenticator("ysyesilyurt", "0123")
err = restclient.PerformGetRequest(ri, auth, &response, true, 30*time.Second)
if err != nil {
  return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to perform HTTP GET request")