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  • Data Lab data_lab_note

  • 对应第二章 信息的表示和处理

    涉及整型 浮点数的表示和运算

    重点是理解补码 补码的范围 补码的加法 用补码加法表示做减法运算 利用取反~计算相反数

    理解算数移位和逻辑移位 对整型做逻辑运算!(非)

    除法正数向下取整 和负数向上取整 (舍弃小数部分) 利用移位及加减运算实现乘除法

    不使用减法 实现整数的大小比较


    Students implement simple logical, two's complement, and floating point functions, but using a highly restricted subset of C. For example, they might be asked to compute the absolute value of a number using only bit-level operations and straightline code. This lab helps students understand the bit-level representations of C data types and the bit-level behavior of the operations on data.

  • Bomb Lab bomb_lab_note


    学习汇编 数据访问(寻址方式 出入栈) 算数和逻辑运算 控制(条件码 跳转 循环 switch[跳转表]) 程序运行时(栈帧 转移控制 参数的传递 局部变量的存储) 数组的分配和访问(指针运算) 数据结构(struct union 数据对齐)




    A "binary bomb" is a program provided to students as an object code file. When run, it prompts the user to type in 6 different strings. If any of these is incorrect, the bomb "explodes," printing an error message and logging the event on a grading server. Students must "defuse" their own unique bomb by disassembling and reverse engineering the program to determine what the 6 strings should be. The lab teaches students to understand assembly language, and also forces them to learn how to use a debugger. It's also great fun. A legendary lab among the CMU undergrads.

    Here's a Linux/x86-64 binary bomb that you can try out for yourself. The feature that notifies the grading server has been disabled, so feel free to explode this bomb with impunity. If you're an instructor with a CS:APP account, then you can download the solution.

  • Attack Lab attack_lab_note


    缓存区溢出 对抗缓存区溢出(栈随机化 栈破坏检测)


    Note: This is the 64-bit successor to the 32-bit Buffer Lab.

    Students are given a pair of unique custom-generated x86-64 binary executables, called targets, that have buffer overflow bugs. One target is vulnerable to code injection attacks. The other is vulnerable to return-oriented programming attacks. Students are asked to modify the behavior of the targets by developing exploits based on either code injection or return-oriented programming. This lab teaches the students about the stack discipline and teaches them about the danger of writing code that is vulnerable to buffer overflow attacks.

    If you're a self-study student, here are a pair of Ubuntu 12.4 targets that you can try out for yourself. You'll need to run your targets using the "-q" option so that they don't try to contact a non-existent grading server. If you're an instructor with a CS:APP acount, you can download the solutions here.

  • Architecture Lab arch_lab_note


    自定义的Y86-64语言 hcl语言(描述处理器对指令的处理流程)

    实现seq处理器(指令逐条运行)和pipe处理器 (流水线化的指令处理,其中涉及指令执行的五个阶段 {取值 译码 执行 访存 写回 更新PC} 五个阶段划分,使得指令全部可以用相似的流程执行)

    pipe处理器流水线冒险,分为数据和控制冒险。数据冒险就是:下一条指令需要之前指令的计算结果;控制冒险就是:一条指令要确定下一指令的位置。了解冒险的触发条件 处理措施(暂停 bubble 转发)

    Note: Updated to Y86-64 for CS:APP3e.

    Students are given a small default Y86-64 array copying function and a working pipelined Y86-64 processor design that runs the copy function in some nominal number of clock cycles per array element (CPE). The students attempt to minimize the CPE by modifying both the function and the processor design. This gives the students a deep appreciation for the interactions between hardware and software.

    Note: The lab materials include the master source distribution of the Y86-64 processor simulators and the Y86-64 Guide to Simulators.

  • Cache Lab cache_lab_note




    At CMU we use this lab in place of the Performance Lab. Students write a general-purpose cache simulator, and then optimize a small matrix transpose kernel to minimize the number of misses on a simulated cache. This lab uses the Valgrind tool to generate address traces.

    Note: This lab must be run on a 64-bit x86-64 system.

  • Performance Lab

    对应第五章 可略

    Students optimize the performance of an application kernel function such as convolution or matrix transposition. This lab provides a clear demonstration of the properties of cache memories and gives them experience with low-level program optimization.

  • Shell Lab shell_lab_note



    (1)中断 外部IO引起 (2)故障 如缺页 (3)终止 如除法除以2、访问未定义虚拟内存 (4)陷阱 主要用于系统调用 如文件读写 进程控制





    Students implement their own simple Unix shell program with job control, including the ctrl-c and ctrl-z keystrokes, fg, bg, and jobs commands. This is the students' first introduction to application level concurrency, and gives them a clear idea of Unix process control, signals, and signal handling.

  • Malloc Lab malloc_lab_note










    Students implement their own versions of malloc, free, and realloc. This lab gives students a clear understanding of data layout and organization, and requires them to evaluate different trade-offs between space and time efficiency. One of our favorite labs. When students finish this one, they really understand pointers!

  • Proxy Lab proxy_lab_note



    Students implement a concurrent caching Web proxy that sits between their browser and the rest of the World Wide Web. This lab exposes students to the interesting world of network programming, and ties together many of the concepts from the course, such as byte ordering, caching, process control, signals, signal handling, file I/O, concurrency, and synchronization.


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  • C 52.2%
  • Makefile 27.3%
  • HCL 9.6%
  • Tcl 4.0%
  • Perl 3.8%
  • Assembly 1.4%
  • Other 1.7%