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This is intended to be a re-usable Puppet module that you can include in your own tree.

Using puppet-jenkins

Getting Started

puppet module install rtyler/jenkins
    node '' {
        include jenkins


Then the service should be running at

Installing Jenkins plugins

The Jenkins puppet module defines the jenkins::plugin resource which will download and install the plugin "by hand"

The names of the plugins can be found on the update site


By default, the resource will install the latest plugin, i.e.:

jenkins::plugin {
  "git" : ;

If you specify version => 'latest' in current releases of the module, the plugin will be downloaded and installed with every run of Puppet. This is a known issue and will be addressed in future releases. For now it is recommended that you pin plugin versions when using the jenkins::plugin type.

By version

If you need to peg a specific version, simply specify that as a string, i.e.:

jenkins::plugin {
  "git" :
    version => "1.1.11";

Plugin dependencies

Dependencies are not automatically installed. You need to manually determine the plugin dependencies and include those as well. The Jenkins wiki is a good place to do this. For example: The Git plugin page is at


You can automatically add slaves to jenkins, and have them auto register themselves. Most options are actually optional, as nodes will autodiscover the master, and connect.

Full documention for the slave code is in jenkins::slave.

It requires the swarm plugin on the master & the class jenkins::slave on the slaves, as below:

    node /jenkins-slave.*/ {
      class { 'jenkins::slave':
        masterurl => '',
        ui_user => 'adminuser',
        ui_pass => 'adminpass',

    node /jenkins-master.*/ {
        include jenkins
        include jenkins::master


The dependencies for this module currently are:

Depending on Jenkins

If you have any resource in Puppet that depends on Jenkins being present, add the following require statement:

exec {
    "some-exec" :
        require => Class["jenkins::package"],
        # ... etc

Advanced features

  1. Plugin Hash - jenkins::plugins
  2. Config Hash - jennkins::config
  3. Configure Firewall - jenkins (init.pp)
  4. Outbound Jenkins Proxy Config - jenkins (init.pp)

Using from Github / source

With librarian

If you use librarian-puppet, add the following to your Puppetfile:

mod "rtyler/jenkins"

With the "puppet module" tool

This module is compatible with the puppet module tool. Appropriately this module has been released to the Puppet Forge, allowing you to easily install the released version of the module

To quickly try this module with the puppet module tool:

% sudo puppet module install rtyler/jenkins
% sudo puppet apply -v -e 'include jenkins'
info: Loading facts in facter_dot_d
info: Loading facts in facter_dot_d
info: Applying configuration version '1323459431'
notice: /Stage[main]/Jenkins::Repo::El/Yumrepo[jenkins]/descr: descr changed '' to 'Jenkins'
notice: /Stage[main]/Jenkins::Repo::El/Yumrepo[jenkins]/baseurl: baseurl changed '' to ''
notice: /Stage[main]/Jenkins::Repo::El/Yumrepo[jenkins]/gpgcheck: gpgcheck changed '' to '1'
notice: /Stage[main]/Jenkins::Repo::El/File[/etc/yum/]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}9fa06089848262c5a6383ec27fdd2575'
notice: /Stage[main]/Jenkins::Repo::El/Exec[rpm --import /etc/yum/]/returns: executed successfully
notice: /Stage[main]/Jenkins::Package/Package[jenkins]/ensure: created
notice: /Stage[main]/Jenkins::Service/Service[jenkins]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
notice: Finished catalog run in 27.46 seconds