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🚀 Deploy Uptime Kuma on Azure App Service

Bicep script to automatically deploy Uptime Kuma on Azure app service with persistent storage


This bicep deployment will create and configure the following resources:

  • Resource Group
  • App Service Plan
  • App Service
  • Storage Account with file share

see the full diagram below.

Note: The fileshare will be setup as a persistent volume on the app service (mounted at /app/data in the docker container, which is where uptime kuma stores all it's files).

Note: Continuous Integration is turned on so whenever you restart the app service the latest uptime kuma build will be fetched automatically.

How to deploy

  1. Clone repo
    (or download manually but make sure you have all the bicep modules and keep the same folder structure)

  2. Deploy the main.bicep file (bicep/deploy/main.bicep)

    • Using VS Code:
      add the bicep extension and then right click the bicep file inside VS Code and choose Deploy Bicep File.
      deploy using vs code
      VS Code will then authenticate you with Azure (if needed) and show a prompt for each parameter.

    • Using Azure CLI:


      az deployment sub create --template-file main.bicep --parameters \
       location="westeurope" \
       resourceGroupName="rg-uptime-kuma" \
       appServicePlanName="asp-uptime-kuma" \
       appServicePlanSku="B1" \
       appServicePlanTier="Basic" \
       webAppName="wapp-uptime-kuma-$(openssl rand -hex 4)" \
       fileShareName="fs-uptime-kuma" \
       storageName="stuk$(openssl rand -hex 5)"


      $RandomSuffix = -join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 5 | ForEach-Object { [char]$_ })
      az deployment sub create --template-file main.bicep --parameters `
       location="westeurope" `
       resourceGroupName="rg-uptime-kuma" `
       appServicePlanName="asp-uptime-kuma" `
       appServicePlanSku="B1" `
       appServicePlanTier="Basic" `
       webAppName="wapp-uptime-kuma-$RandomSuffix" `
       fileShareName="fs-uptime-kuma" `
  3. A few minutes after the deployment finishes you should be able to access your uptime kuma instance at https://{webAppName}


Parameter Default Value Description
location westeurope Location where all resources will be deployed
resourceGroupName rg-uptime-kuma Name of the resource group to put all resources under
appServicePlanName asp-uptime-kuma Name of the app service plan
appServicePlanSku B1 App service plan sku
appServicePlanTier Basic App service plan tier
webAppName wapp-${uniqueString(subscription().id)} Name of the web app. This will also become the hostname of your web app so it needs to be globally unique
fileShareName fs-uptime-kuma Name of the file share
storageName stuk${uniqueString(subscription().id)} Name of the storage account (needs to be globally unique)

Azure Resource Diagram

2023-02-28 14_30_09-Visualize main bicep - deploy-uptime-kuma-azure - Visual Studio Code


Deploy Uptime Kuma to Azure app service using bicep







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