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SystemAdmin-20Labs # REVIEWING THE LABS: Coding

1) Accessing the Command Line

  • Log in to a Linux system on a local text console and run simple commands using the shell.
  • Save time by using tab completion, command history, and command editing shortcuts to run commands in the Bash shell.

2) Managing Files From the Command Line

  • Copy, move, create, delete, and organize files while working from the Bash shell.
  • Describe how Linux organizes files, and the purposes of various directories in the file-system hierarchy.
  • Specify the location of files relative to the current working directory and by absolute location, determine and change your working directory, and list the contents of directories.
  • Create, copy, move, and remove files and directories.
  • Make multiple file names reference the same file using hard links and symbolic (or "soft") links.
  • Efficiently run commands affecting many files by using pattern matching features of the Bash shell.

3) Getting Help in Red Hat Enterprise Linux

  • Reading Manual Pages
  • Resolve problems by using local help systems.
  • Find information in local Linux system manual pages.
  • Find information from local documentation Info.

4) Creating, Viewing, and Editing Text Files

Create, view, and edit text files from command output or in a text editor.

  • Save command output or errors to a file with shell redirection, and process command output through multiple command-line programs with pipes.
  • Create and edit text files using the vim editor.
  • Use shell variables to help run commands, and edit Bash startup scripts to set shell and environment variables to modify the behavior of the shell and programs run from the shell.

5) Managing Local Users and Groups

Create, manage, and delete local users and groups and administer local password policies.

  • Describe the purpose of users and groups on a Linux system\
  • Switch to the superuser account to manage a Linux system, and grant other users superuser access using the sudo command.
  • Create, modify, and delete locally defined user accounts.
  • Create, modify, and delete locally defined group accounts.
  • Set a password management policy for users, and manually lock and unlock user accounts.

6) Controlling Access to Files

Set Linux file-system permissions on files and to interpret the security effects of different permission settings.

  • List the file system permissions on files and directories, and interpret the effect of those permissions on access by users and groups.
  • Change the permissions and ownership of files using command-line tools.
  • Control the default permissions of new files created by users, explain the effect of special permissions, and use special permissions and default permissions to set
  • the group owner of files created in a particular directory.

7) Monitoring and Managing Linux Processes

Evaluate and control processes running on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system.

  • Get information about programs running on the system so that you can determine status, resource use, and ownership, so you can control them.
  • Use Bash job control to manage multiple processes started from the same terminal session.
  • Control and terminate processes that are not associated with your shell, and forcibly end user sessions and processes.
  • Describe what load average is and determine processes responsible for high resource use on a server.

8) Controlling Services and Daemons

Control and monitor network services and system daemons using Systemd.

  • List system daemons and network services started by the systemd service and socket units.
  • Control system daemons and network services, using systemctl.

9) Configuring and Securing SSH

Configure secure command-line service on remote systems, using OpenSSH.

  • Log in to a remote system and run commands using ssh.
  • Configure key-based authentication for a user account to log in to remote systems securely without a password.
  • Restrict direct logins as root and disable password-based authentication for the OpenSSH service.

10) Managing Networking

Configure network interfaces and settings on Red Hat Enterprise Linux servers.

  • Describe fundamental concepts of network addressing and routing for a server.
  • Test and inspect current network configuration with command-line utilities.
  • Manage network settings and devices using nmcli.
  • Modify network settings by editing configuration files.
  • Configure a server's static host name and its name resolution, and test the results.

11) Installing and Updating Software Packages

Download, install, update, and manage software packages from Red Hat and Yum package repositories.

  • Register a system to your Red Hat account and assign it entitlements for software updates and support services using Red Hat Subscription
  • Explain how software is provided as RPM packages, and investigate the packages installed on the system with Yum and RPM.
  • Find, install, and update software packages using the yum command.
  • Enable and disable use of Red Hat or third-party Yum repositories by a server.
  • Explain how modules allow installation of specific versions of software, list, enable, and switch module streams, and install and update packages from a module.

12) Archiving and Transferring Files Archive and copy files from one system to another.

Archive and copy files from one system to another.

  • Archive files and directories into a compressed file using tar, and extract the contents of an existing tar archive.
  • Transfer files to or from a remote system securely using SSH.
  • Synchronize the contents of a local file or directory with a copy on a remote server.

13) Analyzing and Storing Logs

Locate and accurately interpret logs of system events for troubleshooting purposes.

  • Describe the basic logging architecture used by Red Hat Enterprise Linux to record events.
  • Interpret events in relevant syslog files to troubleshoot problems or review system status.
  • Find and interpret entries in the system journal to troubleshoot problems or review system status.
  • Configure the system journal to preserve the record of events when a server is rebooted.
  • Maintain accurate time synchronization using NTP and configure the time zone to ensure correct time stamps for events recorded by the system journal and logs.

14) Accessing Linux File Systems

Access, inspect, and use existing file systems on storage attached to a Linux server.

  • Explain what a block device is, interpret the file names of storage devices, and identify the storage device used by the file system for a particular directory or file.
  • Access file systems by attaching them to a directory in the file system hierarchy.
  • Search for files on mounted file systems using the find and locate commands.

15) Analyzing Servers and Getting Support

Investigate and resolve issues in the web-based management interface, getting support from Red Hat to help solve problems.

  • Activate the Web Console management interface to remotely manage and monitor the performance of a Red Hat Enterprise Linux server.
  • Describe key resources available through the Red Hat Customer Portal, and find information from Red Hat documentation and the Knowledgebase.
  • Analyze servers for issues, remediate or resolve them, and confirm the solution with Red Hat Insights.

16) Big Lab 1 about Managing Files from the Command Line

17) Big Lab 2 about Managing Users and Groups,Permissions and Processes

18) Big Lab 3 about Configuring and Managing a Server

19) Big Lab 4 about Managing Networks


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