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Spark SQL Benchmarks

A set of Spark SQL benchmarks for humans.


  • September 20, 2017: Update to Spark 2.2 and added PageRank support

How to build

mvn -DskipTests -T 1C install

This should give you sql-benchmarks-1.0.jar in your target folder. To build for with-dependencies, you can use:

mvn -DskipTests -T 1C clean compile assembly:single

How to run

 ./bin/spark-submit --master yarn \ 
 --class \ 
 sql-benchmarks-1.0.jar [OPTIONS]

Current options are :

 usage: Main
  -a,--action <arg>                  action to take. Your options are
                                     (important, no space between ','):
                                     1. count (default)
                                     2. collect,items[int, default: 100]
                                     3. save,filename[str, default: /tmp]
  -gi,--graphPRIterations <arg>      number of iteration for the PageRank
                                     algorithm, default 8
  -h,--help                          show help.
  -i,--input <arg>                   comma separated list of input
                                     files/directories. EquiJoin takes two
                                     files, TPCDS queries takes a tpc-ds
                                     data directory, and readOnly take a
                                     file or a directory with files
  -if,--inputFormat <arg>            input format (where-ever applicable)
                                     default: parquet
  -ifo,--inputFormatOptions <arg>    input format options as
  -k,--key <arg>                     key for EquiJoin, default is IntIndex
  -of,--outputFormat <arg>           output format (where-ever applicable)
                                     default: parquet
  -ofo,--outputFormatOptions <arg>   output format options as
  -t,--test <arg>                    which test to perform, options are
                                     (case insensitive): equiJoin,
                                     qXXX(tpcds queries), tpcds, readOnly
  -v,--verbose                       verbose
  -w,--warmupInput <arg>             warmup files, same semantics as the -i


$ If you generate data from the parquet generator tool, then its schemas have a column name called IntIndex

test (-t) can either execute an EquiJoin (default), readOnly, or the whole (tpcds) or a specific query from the TPC-DS test suit. For EquiJoin, the key to join on is specified by -k option. The default is intKey. If you generated data using ParquetGenerator, this key should be present. -i options set ups the input files. EquiJoin takes two comma separated list of files. TPC-DS tests takes the directory locaiton containing dataset. ReadOnly test takes one or more files (with the same schema!).

Action (-a) tells how the test should be executed. There are currently three options.

  • Count: call count on the result Dataset RDD. The format for this option is : -a count
  • Collect : call limit(items) and then collect on the result Dataset RDD. To collect 101 items: -a collect,101
  • Save: save the result Dataset RDD to a file in a specific format (say csv). The format for this option is : -a save,filename -of csv

[WARNING: No space between the arguments and commas]

WarmUp (-w) does the same action (-a) as intended for the test command (-t) but on different input files. Its semantics are the same as the input files. It is meant to JIT the java code path and setup resources, if any. We recommend to use different files than the actual input files (-i) for warm-up run to avoid any data/metadata caching issues.

Input and Output formats and options

The input format is controller by specifying -if parameter. Additional format specific parameters can be passed using -ifo parameter. The default input format is parquet without any specific options.

The output format for -a save action is controller by specifying -of parameter. Additional format specific parameters can be passed using -ofo parameter. The default output format is parquet with compression disabled. For example, if you want to enable compression for the save action you can pass -ofo compression,gzip. This will enable gzip compression for parquet.

Example runs

Executing EquiJoin with save

Executing join on two tables generated from the ParquetGenerator and save the output as a parquet with snappy compression file at /data/tmp. The action here is saving the result.

 ./bin/spark-submit -v --num-executors 4 --executor-cores 1 --executor-memory 1G --driver-memory 4G \
 --master local \
 --class ./apps/sql-benchmarks-1.0.jar\
  -a save,/data/tmp -i /data/sql/f1,/data/sql/f2/ -of parquet -ofo compression,snappy  

Executing query65 with collect

The action here is collecting the top 105 elements

 ./bin/spark-submit -v --num-executors 4 --executor-cores 1 --executor-memory 1G --driver-memory 4G \
 --master local \
 --class ./apps/sql-benchmarks-1.0.jar \
 -t q65 -a collect,105  -i /data/sql/tpcds/

Executing readOnly with count and WarmUp

The action here is count. Due to warm up the whole test and action will be first executed on the warmup (/data/sql/warmup.parquet) file.

 ./bin/spark-submit -v --num-executors 4 --executor-cores 1 --executor-memory 1G --driver-memory 4G \
 --master local \
 --class ./apps/sql-benchmarks-1.0.jar \
 -t readOnly -a count -i /data/largeFile.parquet -w /data/sql/warmup.parquet

Executing the whole tpc-ds benchmark with warmup and save output

This example is for local Spark execution, and we save the output in the parquet format

./bin/spark-submit --master local  --num-executors 2 --executor-cores 2 --executor-memory 1g \
--driver-memory 1g --class \
~/sql-benchmarks/target/sql-benchmarks-1.0.jar \
-t tpcds \
-i crail://localhost:9060/tpcds/ \
-a save,crail://localhost:9060/tpcds-output/ \
-of parquet  \
-w crail://localhost:9060/warmup-tpcds/

Running 32 iteration of pagerank on an input graph

./bin/spark-submit -v --num-executors 1 --executor-cores 2 --executor-memory 1g --driver-memory 1g \
--driver-cores 2 --master local \
--class \
~/jars/sql-benchmarks-1.0.jar \
-t pagerank -gi 2 -i /soc-LiveJournal1.txt

output as

Test           : PageRank 2 iterations on /soc-LiveJournal1.txt
Action         : No-Op (no explicit action was necessary)
Execution time : 18563 msec
Result         : Ran PageRank 2 iterations /soc-LiveJournal1.txt
---------------- Additional Info ------------------
Graph load time: 18643 msec


PRs are always welcome. Please fork, and make necessary modifications you propose, and let us know.


If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to post at:!forum/zrlio-users

or email:


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