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Test Cases

Alex Croft edited this page Jul 19, 2024 · 3 revisions


  1. TC001: User Profile Data for New Spotify Account
  2. TC002: Album Match Quiz for New Spotify Account
  3. TC003: User Account Not Registered in Spotify Developer Dashboard
  4. TC004: Multiple People Using Test Account at the Same Time
  5. TC005: Admin User Login and Access to User List
  6. TC006: Absent Listening History for top Tracks
  7. TC007: User View Quiz Total Score on harmonIQ
  8. TC008: No Active Users for Populating User List

TC001: User Profile Data for New Spotify Account:

  • Test Case ID: TC001
  • Title: User Profile Data for New Spotify Account
  • Preconditions: User has just created a new Spotify account.
  • Test Data:
    • New Spotify account with no listening history, no favorites, and no playlists.
  • Steps to Execute:
    1. Create a new Spotify account.
    2. Log in to the newly created account.
    3. Navigate to the user profile page.
  • Expected Results:
    • Sections for listening history, favorites, and playlists should indicate that there is no data available.
    • Suggestions for adding favorites or exploring playlists may be provided.

TC002: Album Match Quiz for New Spotify Account:

  • Test Case ID: TC002
  • Title: Album Match Quiz for New Spotify Account
  • Preconditions: User has just created a new Spotify account.
  • Test Data:
    • New Spotify account with no top tracks.
  • Steps to Execute:
    1. Create a new Spotify account.
    2. Log in to the newly created account.
    3. Navigate to the Album Match Quiz page.
    4. Attempt to play the quiz
  • Expected Results:
    • Quiz should indicate that the user has no top tracks to generate questions from.
    • Suggestions for user to explore playlist in order to generate listening history.

TC003: User Account Not Registered in Spotify Developer Dashboard:

  • Test Case ID: TC003
  • Title: User Account Not Registered in Spotify Developer Dashboard
  • Preconditions: harmonIQ has not been green-lit by Spotify yet, & user's account is not registered in the Spotify Developer Dashboard.
  • Test Data:
    • Spotify account not registered in the developer dashboard.
  • Steps to Execute:
    1. Log in to the user account.
    2. Attempt to access a feature that requires registration in the Spotify Developer Dashboard.
  • Expected Results:
    • An error message should be displayed indicating that the account is not registered in the Spotify Developer Dashboard.
    • Guidance on how to register the account in the Spotify Developer Dashboard should be provided.

TC004: Multiple People Using Test Account at the Same Time:

  • Test Case ID: TC004
  • Title: Multiple People Using Test Account at the Same Time
  • Preconditions: More than one person is logged into harmonIQ on the test account at the same time.
  • Test Data:
    • Singular Spotify account with multiple users.
  • Steps to Execute:
    1. One person signs into harmonIQ under the test account.
    2. Another user signs into harmonIQ under the test account before the previous person has signed out.
    3. Both users try to use harmonIQ functionality at the same time.
  • Expected Results:
    • An error message should display that multiple people are attempting to use the account at the same time and log all users out of the test account.

TC005: Admin User Login and Access to User List:

  • Test Case ID: TC005

  • Title: Admin User Login and Access to User List

  • Preconditions: User is an administrative user on harmonIQ.

  • Test Data:

    • Admin harmonIQ account with admin privileges.
  • Steps to Execute:

    1. Ensure the user has an admin harmonIQ account.
    2. Navigate to the harmonIQ login page.
    3. Click the "Sign in With Spotify" button.
    4. Check if the user has logged in recently.
      • If true, proceed to step 6.
      • If false, proceed to step 7.
    5. Verify the user is automatically redirected to their admin harmonIQ profile page.
    6. Verify the user is prompted by Spotify to sign in using their Spotify account credentials.
    7. Authenticate with Spotify.
    8. Verify the user is redirected to their admin harmonIQ profile page.
  • Expected Results:

    • If the user has logged in recently:
      • The user should be automatically redirected to their admin harmonIQ profile page.
      • The admin profile page should display admin-only features, such as the user list.
    • If the user has not logged in recently:
    • The user should be prompted to sign in with Spotify.
    • Upon authentication, the user should be redirected to their admin harmonIQ profile page.
    • The admin profile page should display admin-only features, such as the user list.
    • If the user's account does not have admin privileges:
    • The user should receive instructions to reach out to the development team to apply for admin privileges.

TC006: Absent Listening History for top Tracks:

  • Test Case ID: TC006
  • Title: Absent Listening History for top Tracks.
  • Preconditions: User has a Spotify account linked with harmonIQ.
  • Test Data:
    • Regular Spotify account.
    • harmonIQ user profile linked to Spotify account.
  • Steps to Execute:
    1. Ensure the user has a Spotify account linked with harmonIQ.
    2. Navigate to the harmonIQ login page.
    3. Log in to harmonIQ using the "Sign in With Spotify" button.
    4. Check if the user has a listening history with their Spotify account.
      1. If true, proceed to step 5.
      2. If false, proceed to step 6.
    5. Verify that the top tracks are pulled from Spotify and displayed on the user's harmonIQ profile.
    6. Verify that the top tracks section of the user's profile is empty and includes a message indicating that there is no listening history yet.
  • Expected Results:
    • If the user has a listening history:
      • The user's top tracks should be pulled from Spotify and displayed on their harmonIQ profile.
    • If the user does not have a listening history:
      • The Top tracks section of the user's profile should be empty.
      • A message should be displayed indicating that there is no listening history available yet.

TC007: User View Quiz Total Score on harmonIQ:

  • Test Case ID: TC007
  • Title: User View Quiz Total Score on harmonIQ.
  • Test Data:
    • Regular harmonIQ Account.
    • harmonIQ user profile with and without quiz history.
  • Steps to Execute:
    1. Ensure the user has a harmonIQ account.
    2. Navigate to the harmonIQ login page.
    3. Log in to harmonIQ using the "Sign in With Spotify" button.
    4. Check if the user has played at least 1 quiz.  - If true, proceed to step 5.  - If false, proceed to step 6.
    5. Navigate to the user's profile page and verify that the harmonIQ quiz total score is displayed among other statistics and information.
    6. Navigate to the user's profile page and verify that the harmonIQ quiz total score is defaulted to 0, with a message indicating that they need to play at least 1 quiz to have a score.
  • Expected Results:
  • If the user has played at least 1 quiz:
    • The user's harmonIQ quiz total score should be displayed on their profile among other statistics and information.
  • If the user has not played any quizzes:
    • The user's harmonIQ quiz total score should be defaulted to 0.
    • A message should be displayed indicating that the user needs to play at least 1 quiz to have a score.

TC008: No Active Users for Populating User List:

  • Test Case ID: TC008
  • Title: No Active Users for Populating User List.
  • Preconditions: User is an administrator on harmonIQ.
  • Test Data:
    • Admin harmonIQ account.
    • harmonIQ user profiles (both with and without other active users).
  • Steps to Execute:
    1. Ensure the user has an admin harmonIQ account.
    2. Navigate to the harmonIQ login page.
    3. Log in to harmonIQ using the "Sign in With Spotify" button.
    4. Navigate to the admin user's profile page and verify that the list of all other active users, as well as other admin-only information, is displayed.
  • Expected Results:
    • If there is at least 1 other active user:
      • The admin should see that users information in the User-Table, viewable only by admins.
    • If there are no active users:
      • The user list should be empty.
      • A message should be displayed indicating that there are no active users on harmonIQ.