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User Stories

Baljeet Singh edited this page Jul 19, 2024 · 8 revisions


  1. Login Stories
  2. Profile Stories
  3. Quiz Stories
  4. Logout Stories
  5. Collaborative Playlist Stories

Login Stories:

  • Regular Login (Iteration 1) [Story Points: 8] - A regular user would like to login to harmonIQ so that they can play harmonIQ quizzes. They click the "Sign in With Spotify" button and are redirected to the Spotify OAuth portal.
    • Does the user have a Spotify Account?
      • -> True:
        • Has the user logged in recently?
          • -> True: The user is automatically redirected to their harmonIQ profile page.
          • -> False: The user is prompted by Spotify to sign in using their Spotify account credentials. Upon authentication the user is redirected to their automatically generated harmonIQ profile.
      • -> False: The user is prompted by Spotify to create a new Spotify account.

  • Admin Login (In Progress) [Story Points: 5 ] - An Administrative user would like to login to harmonIQ so that they can view the current user list. They click the "Sign in With Spotify" button and are redirected to the Spotify OAuth portal.
    • Does the users account have Admin privileges?
      • -> True:
        • Has the user logged in recently?
          • -> True: The Administrative user is automatically redirected to their admin harmonIQ profile page, where they have access to admin only features, such as the user list.
          • -> False: The Administrative user is prompted by Spotify to sign in using their Spotify account credentials. Upon authentication the user is redirected to their Administrative harmonIQ profile.
      • -> False: The user will have to reach out to the development team and apply for Admin privileges to be granted to their account.

Profile Stories:

  • User View, Top Tracks (Iteration 1) [Story Points: 5] - A regular user would like to view their top Spotify tracks through harmonIQ.
    • Does the user have a listening history with their Spotify account?
      • -> True: Their top tracks will be pulled from Spotify and displayed on their harmonIQ profile.
      • -> False: The top tracks section of their profile will be empty until they generate a listening history.

  • User View, Quiz Score (In Progress) [Story Points: 3] - A regular user would like to view their harmonIQ quiz total score.
    • Has the user played at least 1 quiz?
      • -> True: The user may see their harmonIQ quiz total score by navigating to their profile, where it will be displayed among other statistics and information.
      • -> False: The user will see that their harmonIQ quiz total score is defaulted to 0 until they have played at least 1 quiz.

  • Admin View, User List (In Progress)[Story Points: 5] - A administrator would like to view the current active user list.
    • Is there at least 1 other user on harmonIQ?
      • -> True: The administrator may see all other active users, as well as other admin only information by navigating to their profile page.
      • -> False: The user list will be empty and state that their are no active users on harmonIQ.

  • User View, Quiz Count (Iteration 3) [Story Points: 3] - A user would like to see their total quizzes played count to increase after they play a quiz.
    • Has the user viewed their profile and checked their Quiz Count?
      • -> True: The user navigates to the quiz page, plays any of the available quizzes, then returns to their profile.
      • -> False: The user navigates to their profile to make note of their current Quiz Count then navigates to the quiz page, plays any of the available quizzes, then returns to their profile.
    • The user sees that the Quiz Count integer has increased by 1.

Quiz Stories:

  • Album Match Quiz (Iteration 1) [Story Points: 8]- A user starts the Album Match Quiz, a game where they are given the artwork from a random album from their top tracks and have to pick from a few choices which is the correct album name.
    • -> The user answers incorrectly: The users score does not increase and the next question loads.
    • -> The user answers correctly: The users score does increase, and the next question loads.
    • -> The user answers the final question, either correctly or incorrectly: The user is brought to a results screen which shows how many questions they answered correctly.

  • Song Recognition Quiz (Iteration 2) [Story Points: 8] - A user starts the Song Recognition Quiz, A game where they are given a 5 second sound clip of a song in their top tracks and have to guess which song it is from a few choices.

    • -> The user answers incorrectly: The users score does not increase and the next question loads.
    • -> The user answers correctly: The users score does increase and the next question loads.
    • -> The user answers the final question: The user is brought to the results screen which shows their quiz results. The users total quiz score metric increases/decreases based on their results, and their total quizzes played metric increases
  • Personalized Song Quiz (Iteration 3) [Story Points: 13]

  • Generating Personalized Album Cover Quiz (Iteration 2) [Story Points: 13] - The user clicks the generate button and gets redirected to the quiz page, where the user can choose generated quizzes.
    • Does the user have enough track history? -->True: Quiz is properly generated, and user gets generated to all quiz page. -->False: Quiz is not generated, and user gets redirected to error page.

Logout Stories

  • User Logout Process (Iteration 1) [Story Points: 3] - A user is done currently using harmonIQ and wishes to logout from their profile.
    • -> The user clicks the logout button: They are redirected to the harmonIQ login page and can no longer view their profile until the log back in.

Collaborative Playlist Stories:

  • Collaborative Playlist (Iteration 2) [Story Points: 13] - The user clicks the collaborative playlist menu item and is redirected to the collaborative playlist page where the playlist is displayed.
    • Does the user want to join the playlist as a collaborator in order to add songs to the playlist?
      • -> True: The user’s Spotify account is added to the playlist as a collaborator, and they are now able to add songs to the playlist by voting for them.
      • -> False: The user is not added to the playlist as a collaborator, and they are redirected back to the home page.

[Needs more details on the logic]

  • Adding Songs to Collaborative Playlist (Iteration 2) [Story Points: 13] - The user wishes to add a song to the collaborative playlist.
    • Has the user added a total of 20 songs to the collaborative playlist?
      • ->True: The user can no longer add songs to the playlist.
      • ->False: The user is shown a song from their top 100 songs on Spotify.
    • Does the user want to add the song to the playlist?
      • -> True: The song is added to the collaborative Spotify playlist. The user is shown another song from their top 100 songs on Spotify, given that they have not added a total of 20 songs to the playlist.
      • -> False: The song is not added to the collaborative Spotify playlist. The user is shown another song from their top 100 songs on Spotify.**

If you have any questions or would like to make an addition to our User Stories page, feel free to ask!

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