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ECODER's Team Charter

cwarren279 edited this page Feb 23, 2024 · 1 revision

Team Setup


  • Communication

    • We value feedback and communication between team members.
  • Dedication

    • Commitment and passion for our project are traits we strive to have.
  • Creativity

    • Leverage the diverse perspectives and expertise of team members to generate new and innovative ideas and solutions collaboratively.
  • Accountability

    • We will be accountable for our portion of the work, and make sure all team members complete the sprint’s tasks.

Team Communication

  Written communication as well as online meetings will go through Discord, and we will use our Drury emails along with Discord to share files. We will upload our code onto our GitHub repository, so it is accessible to all team members. We will also meet every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday during class to discuss our project.

Team Version Control

We will make new branches for each Task in the project board. These task branches will be a created off the 'development' branch in the repository. If the developer believes he/she has completed the task, they will push their changes to their branch and submit a pull request. Pull requests will be reviewed by another member of the team before they are accepted and merged to the 'development' branch. At the end of the project the accumulated codebase will be reviewed and merged at once with the 'main' branch.

Branch Naming Conventions

  • branches made for program enhancements or tasks will be named as such:
    • <task-enhancement-name>

          Example: 'task-button-page'

Team Standup

  • Standups will be held on weekday evenings of our choosing and during class time (if applicable).

  • Everyone will answer three questions:

    1. What did I accomplish previously?
    2. What do I plan to accomplish now?
    3. What obstacles are keeping me from my goals?

Team Rules

  • Stay focused during designated working time, taking minimal breaks.

  • Ensure team members are aware of major changes to the project.

  • Be as punctual as possible and communicate with team members if something conflicts with the meeting time.

  • Log any important meeting info for future reference.

  • Be a kind yet discerning team member, helping those in need while also providing constructive feedback.

  • Follow existing expectations that exist for Drury students.


Project Objectives

  • Create user stories to guide our design.

  • Research and plan our app.

  • Complete several sprints to develop our design.

Academic Objectives

  • Learn the basics of SCRUM and its applications.

  • Gain experience working with SCRUM in a professional manner.

  • Practice working with a customer and turning their requirements into a finalized project.

  • Understand the intricacies of the Pedal Model and the lifecycle of software projects.

Project Description

  The eMission’s project will consist of detailed analysis, and research and design for the carbon footprint application. The goal for this project is to create a place where users can calculate and keep track of their carbon footprint and impact on climate change, allowing them to actively participate in climate action and the problems associated with it. The rationale behind this project is that if individuals are more conscientious about their impact on the earth, the sustainability goal of climate action can also be encouraged.

Project Requirements

  Our mobile app will make the public more aware of their carbon footprint. We want to appeal to a variety of users, so we want to make it usable for multiple types of users. To do this, we will provide a manual mileage calculator where the miles are recorded before and after a drive (or a day of driving). For users who want to record their mileage quickly and accurately, we will provide a button that can be turned on and off. For more specific technical requirements to accomplish this goal, we will need to design a mobile user interface and identify an API to use to calculate these numbers. This will be our primary focus for our project and when we complete this we can move on to our other requirements to expand the app. Such as, another requirement is to implement a challenge system. This system will provide the user with additional requirements or tasks with the benefit of unique rewards, benefits, or additional points on their weekly score. A leaderboard system will be implemented for groups. Groups of people can compete weekly or monthly to get the best score. Winning will provide some type of benefit, such as a unique title or increase in rank.


  A risk we could run into is using an unreliable API to make our calculations. We will do proper research to give an accurate number for our users’ carbon footprints. We will make our decision based on analysis of cost to use and value of the product. Another risk is data security. Since our app uses GPS data, along with user credentials, data should be stored as securely as possible. By following the best authentication practices, we can manage data security at the login level as well. After deployment, there is a risk of defects. Depending on the uniqueness of how our users choose to use the app, some problems could arise that we didn’t see in the testing process.

Definition of the term “done.”

A sprint will be finished once all the sprint’s goals are completed in working condition. If working conditions are not yet applicable, then the sprint is done if the work is finished to the point that we predetermined. Once a final debriefing discussion is held at the end of the sprint, we will make sure that all the work for the sprint is complete.

Key Players and Stakeholders

Scrum Master

Product Owner

Development Team

Other Stakeholders

  • Professor: Chris Branton -
  • Drury Environmental Organizations (ThinkGreen)
