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Potential Risks

cwarren279 edited this page Sep 29, 2023 · 6 revisions

What is Risk?

Risk captures information about the impact on the purpose a product serves posed by a threat arising from a defect in the product, from an external source, or from a project constraint. A defect or a constraint is not a risk.

Potential Threats

  • Broken Access Control
    • Only the correct users can act within their role's permissions.
  • Cryptographic Failures
    • Any data we have is properly secured and stored.
  • Injection
    • Any user inputs are validated, filtered, and sanitized to prevent potential attacks.
  • Insecure Design
  • Ensuring all features are properly implemented and tested to prevent misuse.
  • Incorrect Car Emission Data
    • Emission data is properly calculated, to prevent incorrect statistics.

Risk Analysis

The Risk analysis that follows is based upon the analysis on the following page. Risk Analysis Worksheet

eMission Business Goals

ID Business Goals
Bus-Usrs Increase & Expand User Engagement
Bus-Educ Promote education and awareness
Bus-Perf Maintain App Performance

eMission Business Risks

ID Business Risk Description
Bus-R-1 Not enough people are interested in the app. If very few people want to use the app, then the user base will not be diverse and large.
Bus-R-2 Inaccurate information Misinformation can lead to confusion for the user and misrepresent our project mission
Bus-R-3 Low User Retention Users become uninterested in the app therefore cannot reliable provide feedback

Ratings for eMission Business Risks

ID Business Risk Likelihood Impact Severity
Bus R-1 Not enough people are interested in the app. M H H
Bus R-2 Inaccurate information M H H
Bus R-3 Low User Retention M H H

Technical Risk Severity

ID Technical Risk Bus-Usrs Bus-Rev Bus-Part Bus-Educ Likelihood
Tech: R-1 Limited experience using mobile app technologies. (Android Studio, Flutter, Ionic Framework) H H H M VH
Tech: R-2 Team is not experienced using location technologies. H H H M VH
Tech: R-3 Emission calculations are inaccurate. H H H H H
Tech: R-4 Any data we have is not properly secured or stored. H H H L M
Tech: R-5 Inadequate testing does not cover requirements. H H M H M
Tech: R-6 Developers have limited time to work due to time constraints L M M H M
Tech: R-7 The application is at risk of an injection attack H H H H M
Tech: R-8 Insufficient verification/authentication of users H M L M M

Risk Mitigation Plan

ID Technical Risk Mitigation
Tech: R-1 Limited experience using mobile app technologies Schedule time to work through online tutorials of technologies. (Android Studio, Flutter, Ionic Framework)
Tech: R-2 Team is not experienced using Location tracking technologies. Schedule time to work through online tutorials of online technologies.
Tech: R-3 Emission calculations are inaccurate. Deliberate calculation and testing phases.
Tech: R-4 Any data we have is not properly secured and stored. Make use of Web Server and scripting tools that efficiently store product data.
Tech: R-5 Inadequate testing does not cover requirements. Detailed Walkthroughs and planning
Tech: R-6 Developers have limited time to work due to other classes. Schedule time during the week for team to work on project free from distractions.
Tech: R-7 The application is at risk of an injection attack. Follow the OWASP guidlines for preventing injection attacks and the testing protocol.
Tech: R-8 Insufficient verification/authentication of users Using secure authentication practices.

Relationship Between Technical Risk and Business Goals

Business Goal Business Risk ID Technical Risk
Increase & Expand User Engagement * * *
Low reputation Tech R-2 Team is not experienced using location technologies.
Puts users at risks Tech R-4 Any data we have is not properly secured and stored.
Threatens user engagement Tech R-5 Inadequate testing does not cover requirements.
Breaks user experience Tech R-8 Insufficient verification/authentication of users
Promote Education and Awareness * * *
Damage Reputation w/ Misinformation Tech R-3 Emission calculations are inaccurate.
Maintain App Performance * * *
Threatens app performance & workflow Tech R-6 Developers have limited time to work due to other classes.
Halts app performance Tech R-7 The application is at risk of an injection attack.