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How to import your Google Semantic History data

Evgenii Burmakin edited this page May 23, 2024 · 2 revisions

There are two different type packages of data in your Google Takeout Archive: Semantic History and Records. Semantic History contains limited number of geopoints with extensive data, such as addresses visited. Records contain a lot more geopoints, but doesn't have any other information than coordinates and timestamp of when geopoint was recorded.

You will probably want to import both to have the most complete picture of your movements across the years, but since file formats are different, importing processes are different too.

This page describes importing of Semantic History. To import Records (which is probably a lot bigger single JSON file), refer to the page on How to import your Google Takeout data

If you already have your Takeout archive downloaded, proceed to bullet 7. There is also a video instruction below.

  1. Go to Google Takeout
  2. Check all Maps-related checkboxes (you might want to disable all others to make Takeout archive smaller)
  3. Proceed by specifying details of your Takeout (archive size, how you want to receive it)
  4. Click "Create export"
  5. Wait until Google creates your Takeout archive and sends link(s) to it to your email
  6. Download your Takeout archive
  7. Extract your Takeout archive
  8. Go to your extracted folder: Takeout -> Location history -> Semantic Location History
  9. Inside, you'll find a number of folders named after a year of data you will find inside.
  10. Go to Dawarich import page (http://<your-dawarich-url>/imports)
  11. Click "New Import"
  12. Select "google" as a source
  13. Click on "Select file(s)" and select one or more JSON file from the directory of your extracted Takeout archive (Takeout -> Location history -> Semantic Location History). You can also select those JSON files and drag-and-drop them onto file selection area.
  14. Click on "Create Import" button.
  15. Wait a couple of minutes while Dawarich works on your files.
  16. You're beautiful!

Video instruction

How to import Google Takeout to Dawarich