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Samurai Jack

Lone Ranger edited this page Jan 13, 2021 · 39 revisions

One day, a bizarre mediation went something like this:

Samurai Jack was trapped in the future until some mean wizard Apu let him go.

Few know that Samurai Jack was an elite coder, but Apu knew, and wanted him to create something with his skillz.

Samurai Jack was SO good, he once turned a O(n4) problem into a O(1) problem. The answer was simply "yes". (Something like: "Will this simulated ball go into the simulated basket?")

Translation/after-effect: Four parameters to a function are as many as you'll EVER need to ANY programming problem -- with the possible exception of meta-programs, like writing a compiler, where the answer is five. Two is all you should need if you have objects. The universe figured it out with four dimensions, you should too. If you're making a simulation though, you may need 10.
It is said that he was so good, he once transformed a whole OS and applications into a single ~100K executable, because "you didn't need to do all of that other stuff" and "everything can be distilled into its essence".
Translation: The nature of data is interconnected. All data, apart from simulations, is related to the real world, so he defined a unified epistemological model and applied everything in the world to it. Three dimensions (plus one of color) of visualization was all that it took.
Once he transformed a hardware fault into a simple software fix.
Translation: Sometimes you can *simulate* reality to solve a problem.
His zen was so good, he submitted a rocket-control, guidance system of 100000 lines and it had 0 bugs in it. No one needed to measure it.
Translation: Bug-free code is possible, but you have to be a master.
When he was asked to create a data-sharing system for the planet's exabytes of data, he turned in a program consisting of interconnected objects containing the same 4 functions. Those functions took only one piece of data.
Translation: The world is still looking to understand how it works, but this (Singularity) project has worked it out.
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