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add simdAdd example doc
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Dolu1990 committed Jan 5, 2024
1 parent d4ea2c5 commit fd8f3bc
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Showing 4 changed files with 383 additions and 149 deletions.
239 changes: 239 additions & 0 deletions source/VexiiRiscv/Execute/custom.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
Custom instruction

There are multiple ways you can add custom instructions into VexiiRiscv. The following chapter will provide some demo.

SIMD add

Let's define a plugin which will implement a SIMD add (4x8bits adder), working on the integer register file.

The plugin will be based on the ExecutionUnitElementSimple which makes implementing ALU plugins simpler. Such a plugin can then be used to compose a given execution lane layer

For instance the Plugin configuration could be :

.. code:: scala
plugins += new SrcPlugin(early0, executeAt = 0, relaxedRs = relaxedSrc)
plugins += new IntAluPlugin(early0, formatAt = 0)
plugins += new BarrelShifterPlugin(early0, formatAt = relaxedShift.toInt)
plugins += new IntFormatPlugin("lane0")
plugins += new BranchPlugin(early0, aluAt = 0, jumpAt = relaxedBranch.toInt, wbAt = 0)
plugins += new SimdAddPlugin(early0) // <- We will implement this plugin
Plugin implementation

Here is a example how this plugin could be implemented :


.. code:: scala
package vexiiriscv.execute
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
import spinal.lib.pipeline.Stageable
import vexiiriscv.Generate.args
import vexiiriscv.{Global, ParamSimple, VexiiRiscv}
import vexiiriscv.compat.MultiPortWritesSymplifier
import vexiiriscv.riscv.{IntRegFile, RS1, RS2, Riscv}
//This plugin example will add a new instruction named SIMD_ADD which do the following :
//RD : Regfile Destination, RS : Regfile Source
//RD( 7 downto 0) = RS1( 7 downto 0) + RS2( 7 downto 0)
//RD(16 downto 8) = RS1(16 downto 8) + RS2(16 downto 8)
//RD(23 downto 16) = RS1(23 downto 16) + RS2(23 downto 16)
//RD(31 downto 24) = RS1(31 downto 24) + RS2(31 downto 24)
//Instruction encoding :
//0000000----------000-----0001011 <- Custom0 func3=0 func7=0
// |RS2||RS1| |RD |
//Note : RS1, RS2, RD positions follow the RISC-V spec and are common for all instruction of the ISA
object SimdAddPlugin{
//Define the instruction type and encoding that we wll use
val ADD4 = IntRegFile.TypeR(M"0000000----------000-----0001011")
//ExecutionUnitElementSimple is a plugin base class which will integrate itself in a execute lane layer
//It provide quite a few utilities to ease the implementation of custom instruction.
//Here we will implement a plugin which provide SIMD add on the register file.
class SimdAddPlugin(val layer : LaneLayer) extends ExecutionUnitElementSimple(layer) {
//Here we create an elaboration thread. The Logic class is provided by ExecutionUnitElementSimple to provide functionalities
val logic = during setup new Logic {
//Here we could have lock the elaboration of some other plugins (ex CSR), but here we don't need any of that
//as all is already sorted out in the Logic base class.
//So we just wait for the build phase
//Let's assume we only support RV32 for now
assert(Riscv.XLEN.get == 32)
//Let's get the hardware interface that we will use to provide the result of our custom instruction
val wb = newWriteback(ifp, 0)
//Specify that the current plugin will implement the ADD4 instruction
val add4 = add(SimdAddPlugin.ADD4).spec
//We need to specify on which stage we start using the register file values
add4.addRsSpec(RS1, executeAt = 0)
add4.addRsSpec(RS2, executeAt = 0)
//Now that we are done specifying everything about the instructions, we can release the Logic.uopRetainer
//This will allow a few other plugins to continue their elaboration (ex : decoder, dispatcher, ...)
//Let's define some logic in the execute lane [0]
val process = new el.Execute(id = 0) {
//Get the RISC-V RS1/RS2 values from the register file
val rs1 = el(IntRegFile, RS1).asUInt
val rs2 = el(IntRegFile, RS2).asUInt
//Do some computation
val rd = UInt(32 bits)
rd( 7 downto 0) := rs1( 7 downto 0) + rs2( 7 downto 0)
rd(16 downto 8) := rs1(16 downto 8) + rs2(16 downto 8)
rd(23 downto 16) := rs1(23 downto 16) + rs2(23 downto 16)
rd(31 downto 24) := rs1(31 downto 24) + rs2(31 downto 24)
//Provide the computation value for the writeback
wb.valid := SEL
wb.payload := rd.asBits
VexiiRiscv generation

Then, to generate a VexiiRiscv with this new plugin, we could run the following App :

- Bottom of

.. code:: scala
object VexiiSimdAddGen extends App {
val param = new ParamSimple()
val sc = SpinalConfig()
assert(new scopt.OptionParser[Unit]("VexiiRiscv") {
help("help").text("prints this usage text")
}.parse(args, Unit).nonEmpty)
sc.addTransformationPhase(new MultiPortWritesSymplifier)
val report = sc.generateVerilog {
val pa = param.pluginsArea()
pa.plugins += new SimdAddPlugin(pa.early0)
To run this App, you can go to the NaxRiscv directory and run :

.. code:: shell
sbt "runMain vexiiriscv.execute.VexiiSimdAddGen"
Software test

Then let's write some assembly test code : (

.. code:: shell
.globl _start
#include "../../driver/riscv_asm.h"
#include "../../driver/sim_asm.h"
#include "../../driver/custom_asm.h"
//Test 1
li x1, 0x01234567
li x2, 0x01FF01FF
opcode_R(CUSTOM0, 0x0, 0x00, x3, x1, x2) //x3 = ADD4(x1, x2)
//Print result value
li x4, PUT_HEX
sw x3, 0(x4)
//Check result
li x5, 0x02224666
bne x3, x5, fail
j pass
j pass
j fail
Compile it with

.. code:: shell
make clean rv32im

You could run a simulation using this testbench :

- Bottom of

.. code:: scala
object VexiiSimdAddSim extends App{
val param = new ParamSimple()
val testOpt = new TestOptions()
val genConfig = SpinalConfig()
val simConfig = SpinalSimConfig()
assert(new scopt.OptionParser[Unit]("VexiiRiscv") {
help("help").text("prints this usage text")
}.parse(args, Unit).nonEmpty)
println(s"With Vexiiriscv parm :\n - ${param.getName()}")
val compiled = simConfig.compile {
val pa = param.pluginsArea()
pa.plugins += new SimdAddPlugin(pa.early0)
Which can be run with :

.. code:: shell
sbt "runMain vexiiriscv.execute.VexiiSimdAddSim --load-elf ext/NaxSoftware/baremetal/simdAdd/build/rv32ima/simdAdd.elf --trace-all --no-rvls-check"
Which will output the value 02224666 in the shell and show traces in simWorkspace/VexiiRiscv/test :D

Note that --no-rvls-check is required as spike do not implement that custom simdAdd.


So overall this example didn't introduce how to specify some additional decoding, nor how to define multi-cycle ALU. (TODO).
But you can take a look in the IntAluPlugin, ShiftPlugin, DivPlugin, MulPlugin and BranchPlugin which are doing those things using the same ExecutionUnitElementSimple base class.

152 changes: 4 additions & 148 deletions source/VexiiRiscv/Execute/index.rst
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@@ -1,153 +1,9 @@

Many plugins operate in the fetch stage. Some provide infrastructures :

- ExecutePipelinePlugin
- ExecuteLanePlugin
- RegFilePlugin
- SrcPlugin
- RsUnsignedPlugin
- IntFormatPlugin
- WriteBackPlugin
- LearnPlugin
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2

Some implement regular instructions

- IntAluPlugin
- BarrelShifterPlugin
- BranchPlugin
- MulPlugin
- DivPlugin
- LsuCachelessPlugin

Some implement CSR, privileges and special instructions

- CsrAccessPlugin
- CsrRamPlugin
- PrivilegedPlugin
- PerformanceCounterPlugin
- EnvPlugin


Provide the pipeline framework for all the execute related hardware with the following specificities :

- It is based on the spinal.lib.misc.pipeline API and can host multiple "lanes" in it.
- For flow control, the lanes can only freeze the whole pipeline
- The pipeline do not collapse bubbles (empty stages)


Implement an execution lane in the ExecutePipelinePlugin


Implement one register file, with the possibility to create new read / write port on demande


Provide some early integer values which can mux between RS1/RS2 and multiple RISC-V instruction's literal values


Used by mul/div in order to get an unsigned RS1/RS2 value early in the pipeline


Alows plugins to write integer values back to the register file through a optional sign extender.
It uses WriteBackPlugin as value backend.


Used by plugins to provide the RD value to write back to the register file


Will collect all interface which provide jump/branch learning interfaces to aggregate them into a single one, which will then be used by branch prediction plugins to learn.


Implement the arithmetic, binary and literal instructions (ADD, SUB, AND, OR, LUI, ...)


Implement the shift instructions in a non-blocking way (no iterations). Fast but "heavy".


Will :

- Implement branch/jump instruction
- Correct the PC / History in the case the branch prediction was wrong
- Provide a learn interface to the LearnPlugin


- Implement multiplication operation using partial multiplications and then summing their result
- Done over multiple stage
- Can optionaly extends the last stage for one cycle in order to buffer the MULH bits


- Implement the division/remain
- 2 bits per cycle are solved.
- When it start, it scan for the numerator leading bits for 0, and can skip dividing them (can skip blocks of XLEN/4)


- Implement load / store through a cacheless memory bus
- Will fork the cmd as soon as fork stage is valid (with no flush)
- Handle backpresure by using a little fifo on the response data


- Implement the CSR instruction
- Provide an API for other plugins to specify its hardware mapping


- Implement a shared on chip ram
- Provide an API which allows to staticaly allocate space on it
- Provide an API to create read / write ports on it
- Used by various plugins to store the CSR contents in a FPGA efficient way


- Implement the RISCV privileged spec
- Implement the trap buffer / FSM
- Use the CsrRamPlugin to implement various CSR as MTVAL, MTVEC, MEPC, MSCRATCH, ...


- Implement the privileged performance counters in a very FPGA way
- Use the CsrRamPlugin to store most of the counter bits
- Use a dedicated 7 bits hardware register per counter
- Once that 7 bits register MSB is set, a FSM will flush it into the CsrRamPlugin


- Implement a few instructions as MRET, SRET, ECALL, EBREAK

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