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Composing Fields

Steve Pfisterer edited this page Jul 17, 2016 · 15 revisions

Composing Fields

A powerful ability that ACF Builder has is the ability to compose field groups from other field groups. This isn't something that is achievable using ACF's admin UI or even php or json exports. It is crucial for maintaining consistent admin UIs with the least amount of configuration as possible. Field groups can be built like blocks.

Write once use everywhere

A common use case for composing fields is to create a FieldsBuilder that never gets used by itself, but can be used in other FieldsBuilder. Background Settings is a good example of this. Pages can consist of banners, sliders, sections, columns, etc. Each of these potentially could have a configurable background.

The addFields method will take a FieldsBuilder as an argument, and add the fields from that FieldsBuilder to another FieldsBuilder.

use StoutLogic\AcfBuilder\FieldsBuilder;

$backgroundSettings = new FieldsBuilder('background_settings');

 * Columns fields have multiple columns with individual backgrounds, 
 * and then the entire columns section can have a background.
$columns = new FieldsBuilder('columns');
        ->addRepeater('columns', ['min' => 1, 'max' => 3, 'layout' => 'block'])


 * A Banner on top of every page 
$banner = new FieldsBuilder('banner');
    ->addRepeater('slides', ['min' => 1, 'layout' => 'block'])
    ->setLocation('post_type', '==', 'page');

 * Sections go below a banner, additional banners can be added as a section.
 * Columns can also be added as a section. These layouts can be used on the
 * default template.
$sections = new FieldsBuilder('sections')
    ->setLocation('page_template', '==', 'default');

 * About template has a special Team Members sections only for the about page. 
 * It will list all the team members. It has an intro section and has a
 * configurable background.
$aboutSections = new FieldsBuilder('about_sections')
    ->setLocation('page_template', '==', 'about');


One thing to keep in mind is that the FieldsBuilder is mutable. Meaning that when addField or setConfig is called, it changes the object in place. Calling build on a FieldsBuilder will not lock in the fields or config. build only outputs a config array for the FieldsBuilder at that particular moment in time. So the array is locked in but the FieldsBuilder is not.

When adding a FieldsBuilder to another FieldsBuilder with addFields or addLayout, that FieldsBuilder is cloned, which will lock in the fields and configs. So updating those fields at a later time on the original FieldsBuilder will not have an effect on the cloned versions. These cloned copies embedded in other FieldsBuilder can still be updated separately, so they are still mutable.

Generated Keys

When using addFields to add the fields of Field Group A to Field Group B, the newly added fields on Field Group B will not retain their name spacing based on Field Group A's name. Instead they will be namespace with Field Group B's name.

However, when adding a Field Group to a Flexible Content Field via addLayout, the Field Groups name (which becomes the Layout's name) will be used to namespace the fields.

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