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Steve Pfisterer edited this page Aug 9, 2022 · 6 revisions


ACF allows fields to be visible or hidden based on the values of other fields. These conditions work exactly like the field group locations work, being comprised by and / or logic, where or takes precedence to and.

use StoutLogic\AcfBuilder\FieldsBuilder;

$colors = new FieldsBuilder('colors');
        ->addChoices('red', 'blue', 'green', 'other')
        ->conditional('color', '==', 'other');

The above will show a text box if 'other' is selected from color, otherwise it will not be displayed in the admin.

Text values can also be used to hide and show fields:

use StoutLogic\AcfBuilder\FieldsBuilder;

$address = new FieldsBuilder('address');
        ->conditional('line1', '!=', '');

The above will only show the address line 2 field if line 1 is filled out.

Complex Logic

Fields can be made visible or hidden based on more complex logic. The same rules apply as for field group locations

use StoutLogic\AcfBuilder\FieldsBuilder;

$banner = new FieldsBuilder('banner');
        ->conditional('add_title', '==', '1')
        ->addChoices('black', 'white')
        ->conditional('add_title', '==', '1')
        ->addChoices(['transparent' => 'none'], 'black')
        ->conditional('add_title', '==', '1')
            ->and('title_color', '==', 'white');

This will display the Title Background Options only if a title is available and the title text color is white. The logic probably won't be as complex as field group locations logic, but it is there if needed.

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