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Testura.Android is a lightweight test automation framework for Android built in C#. It contains tools and help classes to test, validate and interact with your Android device or emulator.


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Testura.Android is a lightweight test automation framework for Android built in C#. It contains tools and help classes to test, validate and interact with your Android device or emulator.

Why should I use Testura?

  • Quick and easy to set up
  • Designed to be used with the page object pattern
  • Interact with multiple objects at the same time
  • Makes it easy to run tests with multiple devices
  • Add custom extensions to handle pop-ups, error dialogs, loading bars, etc without any overhead.
  • Help tools to create your page objects (seperate project)



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Testura.Android has been designed for the page object pattern. Here is a short example of a login view:

using Testura.Android.Device;
using Testura.Android.Device.Configurations;
using Testura.Android.Device.Ui.Objects;
using Testura.Android.Device.Ui.Search;

namespace Testura.Android.Tests.Device
    public class ExampleView : View
	// All UiObjects with the "MapUiObject" attribute will be automatically initialized as long as your class 
	// inherit from the "View" class or if you call on "ViewFactory.MapUiNodes(..)"
	[MapUiObject(ResourceId = "usernameTextbox")]
        private readonly UiObject _usernameTextbox;
	[MapUiObject(ContentDesc = "passwordTextbox")]
        private readonly UiObject _passwordTextbox;
        private readonly UiObject _logInButton;

        public ExampleView(IAndroidDevice device) : base(device)
	    // It is also possible to skip the attribute and initialize the object from the constructor (this is also required for the "lambda" mapping)
            _logInButton = device.MapUiObject(Where.Lambda(node => node.Text == "Login"));

        public void Login(string username, string password)

In the example we can see how we map different nodes on the screen to "UI objects".

Map UiObject with Where

If you have used Selenium, Appium or any other big test automation framework I'm sure you are familiar with the By keyword. Testura.Android has something similiar called Where.

When mapping up a new UI object, you first have to decide how to find it, using one or more Where:

  • Where.Text - Find nodes that match the exact text
  • Where.ContainsText - Find nodes that contain just a part of the text
  • Where.ResourceId - Find nodes that contains the exact resource ID
  • Where.ContentDesc - Find nodes that contains the exact content description
  • Where.Class - Find nodes that contains the exact class
  • Where.Index - Find nodes that have this index
  • Where.Package - Find nodes that contains the exact package
  • Where.Lamba - Find nodes with a lamba expression

Where.Lamba is a powerful method to find nodes and you can access both the node's parent and children:

Where.Lambda(n =>
    n.Text == "Some text"
    && n.Parent != null
    && n.Children.First().ContentDesc == "My child");

Advanced mapping with wildcards

In some cases we don't know the whole value when mapping so to get passed this Testura.Android provide "wildcards":

[MapUiObject(Class = "textbox", ResourceId = Where.Wildcard)]
private readonly UiObject _usernameTextbox;

and later on we provide the wildcard value:

// This will input text into textbox where class = "textbox" and resourceId = "user"


The Android device class consists of multiple "services" that handle different parts of the device:

  • ADB service - Send shell commands, push and pull files, install APKs etc.
  • Settings service - Enable/disable different settings, for example wifi and airplane mode
  • Activity service - Start activity or get the name of the current one
  • Interaction service - Handle interaction with the device, for example swipe and click

All services are accessible from the device class like this:

var device = new AndroidDevice();
device.Adb.Shell("my shell commando");


UiObject is one of the core components of Testura.Android. It wraps a node with all the necessary functions:

var device = new AndroidDevice();
var uiObject = device.MapUiObject(Where.ContentDesc(".."));
uiObject.WaitUntil(node => node.Enabled);
var node = uiObject.First();

Run tests in parallel with multiple devices

In many cases you want to run your tests on multiple devices in parallel to save time and Testura.Android can help you with that. Simply use the AndroidDeviceFactory class.

In your setup:

var deviceFactory = new AndroidDeviceFactory();
var device = deviceFactory.GetDevice(new DeviceConfiguration { Serial = ".." }, new DeviceConfiguration { Serial = ".." });

After your test:


Here we simply provide all possible devices to the GetDevice method and let Testura.Android keep track of the queue. When we finished our test we call on DisposeDevice so next test in the queue can run.

Other features

Logcat watcher

Testura.Android provides functionally to watch the logcat for different tags. To use it you simply have to extend the LogcatWatcher class or use the EventLogcatWatcher.


EventLogcatWatcher will fire an event every time it find something that matches the provided tag(s).

public void StartLogcatWatcher(IAndroidDevice device)
	var eventLogcatWatcher = new EventLogcatWatcher(device, new[] {"myTag "}, flushLogcat: true);
	eventLogcatWatcher.NewOutputEvent += EventLogcatWatcherOnNewOutputEvent;

private void EventLogcatWatcherOnNewOutputEvent(object sender, string line)
	// Found a new line with the tag, handle it.

UI Extensions

Ui extensions is a way to hijack the UIService so before we look for element x we do y. An example of this could be looking for dialogs, error message or loading bars.

Example when we wait for a loading bar to disappear

    public class UiLoadingExtension : IUiExtension
        // A flag to temporary disable this extension 
        private bool _isWaiting;
        private readonly UiObject _loadingBar;

        private UiLoadingExtension(IAndroidUiMapper device)
            _loadingBar = device.MapUiObject(With.ResourceId("loadingId"));

        public bool CheckNodes(IList<Node> nodes)
            if (nodes.Any(n => With.ResourceId("loadingId").NodeMatch(n, null)) && !_isWaiting)
                // Reset the wait timer for the actual object we're looking for. 
                return true;
            return false; 

        private void WaitForLoading()
            _isWaiting = true;
            _isWaiting = false;

And then you add this to your device ui service

var device = new AndroidDevice();
device.Ui.Extensions.Add(new UiLoadingExtension());

Record screen

var screenRecording = device.Adb.RecordScreen();
.. Perform actions ...

Page object helpers

For more information about page object helpers, visit the wiki:

We also have a help tool to generate page objects:



This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the file for details.


Visit, twitter at @GameSpeedCoding


Testura.Android is a lightweight test automation framework for Android built in C#. It contains tools and help classes to test, validate and interact with your Android device or emulator.








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