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Page Object

Mille Boström edited this page Nov 5, 2018 · 6 revisions

Page object pattern with Testura.Android.PageObject

One of the most popular design patterns for test automation frameworks are the page object pattern. Page object pattern is used to:

  • Wrap functionallity of the page or view to simple functions
  • Hide complexity
  • Remove duplication of code

Testura provides an additional nuget package to help you design and set up your test automation framework for the page object pattern.

Install nuget package

PM> Install-Package Testura.Android.PageObject

The package contains two classes:

  • Applicaton - Your main class that will contain all views
  • View - All your views will inherit from this class

Facebook example

Here we will show a quick example on how you can build your application and views class for a facebook application.


Let's start with our own facebook view class:

public abstract class FacebookView : View
	protected FacebookView(IFacebookApplicationViews facebookApplicationViews, IAndroidDevice device) : base(device)
		FacebookApplicationViews = facebookApplicationViews;

	protected IFacebookApplicationViews FacebookApplicationViews { get; }

All our views will inherit from this base class and as you can see it take two arguments in the constructor:

  • facebookApplicationViews - A reference to all views in our application (will show the implementation later)
  • device - A reference to our device

We can then use this view class to create two example views(Note: all ids are made up and only used as examples):


public class LoginView : FacebookView
        [MapUiObject(ResourceId = "somethingUniqueOnView")]
	private readonly UiObject _id;

        [MapUiObject(ResourceId = "usernameId")]
	private readonly UiObject _usernameTextbox;

        [MapUiObject(ResourceId = "passwordId")]
	private readonly UiObject _passwordTexbox;

        [MapUiObject(ResourceId = "loginButtonId")]
	private readonly UiObject _loginButton;

        [MapUiObject(ResourceId = "errorLabelId")]
	private readonly UiObject _errorLabel;

	public LoginView(IFacebookApplicationViews facebookApplicationViews, IAndroidDevice device) : base(facebookApplicationViews, device)

	public LoginView Exist()
		if (!_id.IsVisible())
			throw new ViewException("Can't find the login view.");
		return this;

	public MainView Login(string username, string password)
		if (_errorLabel.IsVisible())
			throw new LoginException($"Failed to login, error: {_errorLabel.Values().Text}");
		return FacebookApplicationViews.MainView;


public class MainView : FacebookView
	public MainView(IFacebookApplicationViews facebookApplicationViews, IAndroidDevice device) : base(facebookApplicationViews, device)


With all views done we can move over to the application classes. We first need an interface that contains all views in our application.


public interface IFacebookApplicationViews
	MainView MainView { get; }
	LoginView LoginView { get; }

Main application class

Finally we can create the main application class where we set up the device and all views

public class FacebookApplication : Application, IFacebookApplicationViews
	private IAndroidDevice _device;

    /// <summary>
    /// Set up our device and register and solve all dependencies
    /// </summary>
	public void SetUp()
		_device = new AndroidDevice(new DeviceConfiguration { ShouldInstallDependencies = false });

    /// <summary>
    /// Start the ui server and go to the main activity
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
	public LoginView Start()
		_device.Activity.Start("facebookPackage", "facebookActivity", forceStopActivity: true, clearTasks: false);
		return LoginView;

	public LoginView LoginView { get; protected set; }
	public MainView MainView { get; protected set; }

The most important thing here is the SetUp method. When we call the SetUp method it will:

  • Create and set up a new device
  • Register the device to our unity container
  • Register ourself as the IFacebookApplicationViews interface (so views can access other views)
  • Go through all properties in our class that inherit from the View-class and register them in our unity container
  • And finally solve all dependencies

If you haven't use dependency injection before I would recommend to read this:

Crete a login test

When everything done, let's create our first tests (in this example we're using NUnit)

class LoginTest
	private FacebookApplication _facebookApplication;

	public void SetUp()
		_facebookApplication = new FacebookApplication();

	public void Login_WhenHavingCorrectLoginInformation_ShouldLogin()
			.Login("myUsername", "myPassword");

	public void Login_WhenHavingIncorrectLoginInformation_ShouldNotLogin()
		Assert.Throws<LoginException>(() =>
				.Login("myUsername", "wrongPassword"));


Addtional validation on view

Usually people validate the view by:

  • Creating new validation methods on the view
  • Adding properties or methods to grab values from the view

We recommend that you instead create separate validation classes that implement the IAndroidValidation<> interface. For example:

    public class LoginViewErrorValidation : IAndroidViewValidation<LoginView>
        private readonly string _expectedText;

        public LoginViewControlTypeValidation(string expectedText)
            _expectedText = expectedText;

        public void Validate(IAndroidDevice device, LoginView view)
            Assert.AreEqual(_expectedText, view.SomeControl.First().Text, "Wrong value");

And the create a new method on your view:

        public void ValidateView(IAndroidViewValidation<LoginView> validations) 

This helps you separate validation from the view.