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Fabric CI CD

tobiasny edited this page Oct 3, 2024 · 24 revisions
  • Using GitHub integration to employ source control for Fabric workspaces
  • Using a single repository for content in all workspaces
  • Each domains contains two environments (workspaces): dev and prod

Not supported

The following are not supported in deployment of workspace

  • Task flow
  • Schedules: creating schedules using rest api with service principal authentication is not yet supported (Create schedules with Fabric REST API)
  • Lakehouse content
  • Shortcuts
  • Deleted items in source will not be deleted in target on deployment


Workspace Item type Item name Repeat Time
reservations pipeline reservations-orchestrator daily 02:00
WBS pipeline wbs-ingestion daily 01:00
subscriptions pipeline subscriptions-ingestion daily 01:30
applications pipeline application-ingestion daily 01:00
pricesheet pipeline pricesheet-ingestion daily 01:00
forex pipeline forex-ingestion daily 02:00
cost pipeline hub-deployments daily 02:00
cost pipeline services-ingestion monthly 01:00, weekly on mondays
cost pipeline daily-actual-cost-ingestion daily 09:00
cost pipeline daily-amortized-cost-ingestion daily 09:00
cost pipeline monthly-actual-cost-ingestion monthly 09:00, 6th of every month
cost pipeline monthly-amortized-cost-ingestion monthly 09:00, 6th of every month
internal semantic model finops-internal-report-model daily 10:30
reports semantic model finops-reports-model daily 10:00
cost pipeline acdc-ingestion weekly 23:00, weekly on sundays


Workspace Lakehouse Shortcut Type Source Workspace/SA Lakehouse/Container Reference Shortcut Name
wbs wbs_silver table FinOps Test WBSLakehouse SAPEmployees ---
wbs wbs_silver table FinOps Test WBSLakehouse SAPTasks ---
subscriptions subscriptions_silver table eip-control-room-azure-dev Azure_Silver resourceGroups azure_resource_groups
subscriptions subscriptions_silver table eip-control-room-azure-dev Azure_Silver subscriptionsTags azure_subscription_tags
subscriptions subscriptions_silver table eip-control-room-azure-dev Azure_Silver subscriptions azure_subscriptions
subscriptions subscriptions_silver table eip-control-room-azure-dev Azure_Silver tags azure_tags
subscriptions subscriptions_silver table wbs wbs_gold wbs_earliest ---
subscriptions subscriptions_silver files wbs wbs_gold wbs ---
subscriptions subscriptions_silver files applications applications_silver applications ---
cost cost_silver table applications application_silver applications_earliest ---
cost cost_silver table wbs wbs_gold azure_resource_groups_earliest ---
cost cost_silver table pricesheet pricesheet_silver pricesheet_earliest ---
cost cost_silver table subscriptions subscriptions_gold subscriptions_earliest ---
cost cost_silver table wbs wbs_gold wbs_earliest ---
cost cost_silver files applications application_silver applications ---
cost cost_silver table pricesheet pricesheet_silver pricesheet ---
cost cost_silver table subscription subscriptions_gold subscriptions ---
cost cost_silver table wbs wbs_gold wbs ---
cost hub_shortcuts adlsv2 hub-automation sql-activity-v2 sql-activity-v2 ---
cost hub_shortcuts adlsv2 hub-automation sql-config sql-config ---
cost hub_shortcuts adlsv2 hub-automation sql-failed sql-failed ---
cost hub_shortcuts adlsv2 hub-automation sql-hub-logs-v2 sql-hub-logs-v2 ---
cost hub_shortcuts adlsv2 hub-automation win-activity-v2 win-activity-v2 ---
cost hub_shortcuts adlsv2 hub-automation win-config win-config ---
cost hub_shortcuts adlsv2 hub-automation win-failed win-failed ---
cost hub_shortcuts adlsv2 hub-automation win-hub-logs-v2 win-hub-logs-v2 ---
internal source table cost cost_platinum amortized_3y ---
internal source table cost cost_platinum benefit_purchases ---
internal source table cost cost_platinum hub_deployments ---
internal source table cost cost_platinum rouge_hub_deployments ---
internal source table cost reservations_gold vm_recommendations ---
reports source table cost cost_platinum amortized_1y ---
reports source table cost cost_platinum amortized_3y ---
reports source table applications applications_silver applications ---
reports source table cost cost_silver regions ---
reports source table subscriptions subscriptions_gold subscriptions ---
reports source table wbs wbs_gold wbs ---
reports source table cost cost_silver acdc_usage ---


  • Add deployment rules to notebook - change default to prod lakehouse
  • Run reservation-orchestrator pipeline to create delta tables
  • Setup schedule for reservation-orchestrator
  • Setup dedicated pipeline to backfill lakehouse with historic files?
  • Create task flow?
  • Create permissions manually / automate in pipeline?


  • Add deployment rules to notebook - change default to prod lakehouse
  • Manually add SAP table shortcuts in silver lakehouse
  • Run wbs-ingestion pipeline to create delta tables
  • Setup schedule for wbs-ingestion
  • Pull historic files from dev
  • Manually create wbs_earliest table
  • Grant SP read permission in gold lakehouse. Only users with either Admin, Member, or Contributor roles have access to read lakehouse data. OneLake data access can also be applied on top to provide more granular access on folder/table level (OneLake access docs)


  • Add deployment rules to notebook - change default to prod lakehouse
  • Setup schedule for subscriptions-ingestion
  • Manually add shortcuts
  • Create azure_resource_groups_earliest delta table manually in subscriptions_gold lakehouse
  • Create subscriptions_earliest delta table manually in subscriptions_gold lakehouse
  • Run subscription-ingestion pipeline to create delta tables
  • Copy historic files in bronze in dev to prod
  • Run batch-validate-subscriptions-yearly
  • Run batch-enrich-subscriptions-yearly


  • Add deployment rules to notebook - change default to prod lakehouse
  • Setup schedule for applications-ingestion
  • Run subscription-ingestion pipeline to create delta tables
  • Copy historic files in bronze from dev to prod
  • Run batch-validate-applications-yearly to create historic files


  • Add deployment rules to notebook - change default to prod lakehouse
  • Set schedule for pricesheet-ingestion
  • Run pricesheet-ingestion to create delta tables
  • Copy historic bronze files from dev to prod
  • Copy historic silver files from dev to prod
  • Manually create pricesheet_earliest in silver lakehouse


  • Add deployment rules to notebook - change default to prod lakehouse
  • Set schedule for forex-ingestion
  • Run forex-ingestion
  • Copy bronze/silver files from dev to prod


  • Add deployment rules to notebook - change default to prod lakehouse
  • Run service-ingestion once
  • Run region-ingestion once
  • Manually add shortcuts
  • Copy bronze/silver/gold data from dev to prod
  • Run daily-amortized-cost-ingestion once to initially create delta tables
  • Run daily-actual-cost-ingestion once to initially create delta tables
  • Run hub-deployments once to initially create delta tables
  • Setup schedules


  • Add deployment rules to semantic model - change warehouse connection string to prod
  • Add shortcuts to lakehouse
  • Refresh semantic model
  • Setup scheduled refresh for semantic model


  • Add deployment rules to semantic model - change warehouse connection string to prod
  • Add shortcuts to lakehouse
  • Refresh semantic model
  • Setup scheduled refresh for semantic model