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Releases: kurema/CitiesSkylinesModsRepoForEpicUsers

Binaries: 14 March 2024

14 Mar 12:21
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I think this is the last update of this repository.

Name Repo License Binary Binary version
81 Tiles 2 GitHub MIT v1.0.3 (139a1e0) on Nov 14, 2023
Loading Screen Mod Revisited GitHub Not specified v1.1.9 (95fbb5c) on Sep 14, 2023
RON, the network replacer GitHub MIT v1.1.1 (7d5c721) on Sep 21, 2023

Latest commit of 81 Tiles 2 failed to be built so this is one commit behind.

Binaries: 26 June 2023

25 Jun 20:48
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Name Repo License Binary Binary version
Loading Screen Mod Revisited GitHub Not specified v1.1.8 (7266436) on Jun 22, 2023
Empty It! GitHub MIT v1.6 (a2fbb71) on May 23, 2023

Binaries: 24 May 2023

24 May 04:33
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v1.17.0 released in May 23, 2023 is likely to be the last version of Cities: Skylines 1. So all mods working now is likely to be working for good.

Current version of 81 Tiles 2 is incompatible with Font Selector somehow. Delete Font Selector to turn on 81 Tiles 2.

Name Repo License Binary Binary version
81 Tiles 2 GitHub MIT v1.0.3 (5f00e19) on May 23, 2023
Loading Screen Mod Revisited GitHub Not specified v1.1.7.1 (f4f1f57) on May 23, 2023
RON, the network replacer GitHub MIT v1.1.0.1 (1dc9121) on Apr 25, 2023
Zoning Adjuster GitHub MIT v1.6.2 (923fc0f) on May 23, 2023

Binaries: 26 March 2023

26 Mar 01:07
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Name Repo License Binary Binary version
81 Tiles 2 GitHub MIT v1.0.2.2 (195607a) on 25 March 2023
RON, the network replacer GitHub MIT 85b459f on 24 Feb 2023

Binaries: 22 March 2023

22 Mar 12:37
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Name Repo License Binary Binary version
81 Tiles 2 GitHub MIT v1.0.2 (97d7f9b) on 22 March 2023
Loading Screen Mod Revisited GitHub Not specified v1.1.4 (5816469) on 22 March 2023
Move It GitHub MIT v2.10.1(0f4724f) on 18 March 2023
RON, the network replacer GitHub MIT 6eabdb1 on 22 Feb 2023
Font Selector? GitHub Apache License 2.0 4cd8c58 on 24 July 2017

v2.10.3 of Move It is available in the GitHub Release page as of 29 Feb 2023. v2.10.1 was not.

Binaries: 18 February 2023

18 Feb 03:53
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They are based on latest commits as of 18 Feb 2023.
Some mods show warnings but you can ignore.

Title Filename GitHub Version
Improved Transport Manager GitHub 4419774
81 Tiles 2 GitHub 6f26953
Zoning Adjuster GitHub 9927390
Loading Screen Mod Revisited GitHub 3bfc65a

Followings are not included even though there's newer commits.

Binaries: 16 September 2022

16 Sep 05:35
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1.15.0 is released on 14 Sep 2022 and 1.15.0-f7 is on 15. Today is 16. So following binaries may be unstable.
On my computer, I couldn't load the save with all mods enabled. I don't know which is the problem.

Name Repo License Binary version
Zoning Adjuster GitHub MIT v1.5.5 (7f35f55) on 15 Sep 2022
Picker GitHub Not specified 4014d11 on 16 Sep 2022
Move It GitHub MIT 1fe023f on 16 Sep 2022
Network Extensions 2 GitHub Not specified 71a11b2 on 16 Sep 2022
81 Tiles 2 TESTING GitHub MIT v0.7(a3a25fc) on 22 Sep 2022
Also attach 668a461 on 15 Sep 2022
Loading Screen Mod Revisited GitHub Not specified v0.61 (404a7c9) on 15 Sep 2022
Airport Roads GitHub GPL b2fca31 on 29 May 2018

Binaries: 10 June 2022

10 Jun 08:53
Choose a tag to compare
Name Repo License Binary version
Improved Public Transport 2 GitHub Not specified v6.0.0-preview5 (d3476d0) on 17 Feb 2022
Zoning Adjuster GitHub MIT v1.5.3 (26bea3e) on 2 Jun 2022
Extra Landscaping Tools GitHub GPL-3.0 91ad84a on 25 Jan 2022
Daylight Classic GitHub GPL-3.0 v1.12.2 (775042d) on 8 May 2021
81 Tiles GitHub GPL-3.0 cbc08e8 on 26 Jan 2022
City Vitals Watch GitHub BSD-3-Clause a059a13 on 1 Nov 2015
Picker GitHub Not specified 7f4a259 on 17 Feb 2022
Precision Engineering GitHub MIT? 7d75828 on 20 Oct 2021
Move It GitHub MIT 9f9e481 on 11 May 2022
Network Extensions 2 GitHub Not specified v1.1.2.2 (ed5453d) on 27 Feb

We assume that repository with no LICENSE file are OK to distribute the compiled binaries. It looks like that they just forgot to add.