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Config Readme

user_name edited this page Aug 3, 2023 · 3 revisions

Genesis and Configuration Generator

The Genesis and Configuration generator creates V1 config and genesis files with coordinated key pairings for localnet and devnet usage.

The purpose of this utility is to enable efficient and accurate auto-generation of configuration/genesis files anytime the source structures change during V1 development.


Both the genesis and configuration contents and generation are living WIPs that are subject to rapid, breaking changes.

It is not recommended at this time to build infrastructure components that rely on the generator until it is stable

Origin Document

Currently, the Genesis and Configuration generator is necessary to create development localnet environments for iterating on V1. A current example (as of 09/2022) of this is the make lightweight_localnet debug utility that generates a localnet using docker-compose by injecting the appropriate config.json and genesis.json files.


The output files are written to ./build/config/.

Using Source

From the project's root:

go run ./build/config/main.go --numFishermen=1

Using Make Target

make numValidators=5 numServicers=1 gen_genesis_and_config


  • numValidators is an int flag that sets the number of validators that will be in the network; this affects the contents of the genesis file as well as the number of config files
  • numServicers is an int flag that set the number of servicers that will be in the network's genesis file
  • numApplications is an int flag that set the number of applications that will be in the network's genesis file
  • numFishermen is an int flag that set the number of fishermen that will be in the network's genesis file
  • genPrefix is a string flag that adds a prefix to the generated files; is an empty string by default


The config and genesis files located in the ./build/config/ directory are needed for following the local development instructions in docs/development/

These builds currently expect four (validator) config.json file and a single genesis.json file.

Until #186 is implemented, take caution when overwriting / deleting the files with different configurations.

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